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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1024654 added January 14, 2022 at 8:46am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5 - Explanations
Ember remained sitting in Sebastian's lap when her parents stormed into the room to see what remained of a mini celebration. She calmly smiled at them. Unlike the two boys, she wasn't afraid of having strips torn off of her. She had done a lot of un-ladylike things in her short time alive and learned very quickly that pointing out the obvious helped the situation more than denying it or beating around the bush.

"You can either yell or calmly sit and listen," she said watching her Dad get angrier and angrier by the second. "One will cause your ticker to fail faster. The other will help you understand the situation clearer."

Calm, Marcus. Luna Rebekah purred through their mate link. She had a suspicion on what happened and hoped the result was a positive one.

She smells like they've had sex, Becky! And a lot of it! Marcus growled. His eyes stared at the three teens before him.

Does she look like she regrets her decision? She's offering to explain. Yelling at them will only get you more frustrated and angry.

Alpha Marcus grit his teeth before sitting down in a chair. Luna Rebekah sat next to him and placed her hand on his as a reminder to keep calm. "Ember… explain."

Ember expressed her feelings and fears about the mate bond to them. She detailed how she had been thinking about this for a long time and finally made a decision. Sebastian added about his feelings for Ember and how long he had been having them.

"So that explains how you both ended up having sex with each other," Luna Rebekah prompted. "But that doesn't explain why your scent is so strong on her. Once wouldn't make it that strong."

"We felt sparks," Ember replied simply. She watched her parents' eyes widen at the revelation. "Since Sebastian can't mark me without my wolf present, he thought the next best way to make it clear I was taken was to make his scent strong on me."

Alpha Marcus leaned back thoughtfully, his earlier anger fading away completely. Everything made perfect sense. His daughter found her mate before her first shift, that's why she smelled so strongly of him. He agreed that making it clear Ember was taken was the best way to ensure no other males tried to touch her before she shifted. He looked over Sebastian critically for the first time. Future Alpha to the Shadow Runners pack. Strongest pack out of the Ten Ancient packs. Caius' best friend ever since they were born. Already overprotective of Ember before this revelation. Strong and powerful yet kind and caring. A wolf worthy of my daughter.

He smiled. "I don't feel so strongly about ripping your head off… son," he said warmly. "It's another three months before Ember's 16th birthday and her first shift. Your rut is going to be unbearable now that you know Ember is your mate. Have you worked out what you're going to do?"

Sebastian let out the breath he had been unconsciously holding in. "I actually haven't thought about it. My only thoughts so far were that I finally found my mate and to ensure she's safe from other males until I can officially mark her."

Alpha Marcus nodded understanding the position he was in. "I suggest you inform the Alphas of the four packs that share the school. I know Raven and Logan are also your friends and you would be telling them about Ember and you eventually but letting the Alpha's know is also a good idea."

"Then perhaps I'll do that now," Sebastian replied with a smile. "Better than putting it off." Alpha Marcus nodded in agreement. Sebastian wrapped his arms around Ember and rested his forehead on her shoulder. "Just for support, my love. This is going to be a bit challenging."

"You can do it," she replied patting his arm. "You managed to tell my Dad despite him wanting to castrate you. You'll be able to handle this no problem."

Sebastian sighed and prepared to tap into the Alpha link. With each name, he drew them into the mindlink conversation. Alpha Marcus, Caius, Alpha Lucas, Logan, Alpha Arazel, Raven, Dad. Can you hear me?

Son, why are you contacting all of us using the Alpha link? This better be important
. Alpha Alexius' voice sounded in his head.

It is Dad. Alpha Marcus and Caius already know… But I need to let all of you know due to the circumstances surrounding the situation. He replied carefully.

Stop dancing around the bush, boy. Alpha Arazel barked his irritation evident in his voice. What is so important that you needed to mindlink all of us?

I found my mate…

Congrats bro!
Logan and Raven replied.

There's more to it than that. Caius added with a sigh. It's complicated.

How did you make finding your mate complicated?
Alpha Lucas asked with mild amusement in his voice. Who is the lucky she-wolf?

It's Ember…
Silence spread through the mindlink. The reason why it was so complicated became very clear.

I'm not going to ask when, how, or why. Alpha Alexius said breaking the silence. You can't mark her yet. And your monthly rut is going to be hell without her. You couldn't wait three months? He asked exasperated. You're in a lot of trouble young man.

I've scent marked her.
Sebastian replied softly. Alpha Marcus suggested that you are all notified as your packs all attend the same school as Ember and me. Aside from my rut, I see Ember a lot already so not being with her all the time won't be a really big issue. The rest of the details I'll tell you in private Dad. Preferably with Mum present.

I have a suggestion if both Alpha Alexius and Alpha Marcus are agreeable.
Raven spoke up. He had been racking his brain on how to help his friend out.

Let's hear it. Alpha Marcus said. He knew Ember couldn't leave home until she was marked by her mate. He hoped the idea took that into account.

Considering that Sebastian and Ember have already mated, that would mean her wolf is on the surface. Just not ready to come out yet. He paused to gather his thoughts. What if Sebastian stayed at the Dark Moon packhouse from the night before his rut to the morning after? If Ember's wolf is on the surface it can grant her a pseudo heat to handle Sebastian while he's in his rut.

That could work well.
Alpha Marcus said in an agreeable tone. I'm happy for him to stay here for those days, Alexius if you're happy for him to be released from his training there.

Well, there's really no other way to manage this.
Alpha Alexius replied quietly. Sebastian won't be able to concentrate those three days anyway without Ember's presence. Sebastian felt his face flush at the comment and felt Ember chuckled lightly. I actually didn't notice it before but Sebastian would be very distracted during the school holidays. I didn't connect that it was because the she-wolf who held his affections wasn't nearby.

Caius, Logan, and Raven laughed loudly. Sebastian told me when he was fifteen that he had a crush on my sister. Caius wheezed looking at how red Sebastian's face was going. I had told him to focus on finding his mate. I didn't think he would take that so literally and find her before she even had her first shift.

Guys… Seriously?
Sebastian said thoroughly embarrassed by their teasing. What happened to keeping secrets like that between us?

Because they are exactly like their fathers.
Alpha Alexius teased causing the other three Alphas to give cries of indignation. I got teased like this as well when I met your Mother.

That's because you were exactly like Sebastian and had sex with Rias before her first shift.
Alpha Arazel commented dryly.

And if I recall, Rias' dad had to ask yours to restrain you because you couldn't keep your paws off her. Alpha Lucas added highly amused by the teasing. You wanted her with you constantly.

I couldn't help it! Sebastian could almost hear the blush in his father's voice. I was so worried some male would take her away from me. The laws were different back then.

Sebastian blinked in surprise. Different?

Not marking your mate before they had their first shift was tradition, not law, back then.
Alpha Lucas explained softly. It was highly frowned upon and many wolves found themselves outcasts even in their own packs for doing it. But there was a period of time where males started force marking fifteen-year-old she-wolves claiming they were mates but later proving it was a lie.

It happened directly after the Avatar of the Moon, Ebony, passed away
. Alpha Arazel continued on solemnly. Madness set in and so many male wolves wanted to find the next Avatar of the Moon so they could be the next Werewolf King.

So many she-wolves died back then at the hands of unsatisfied males who discovered their chosen mate wasn't the hidden Avatar of the Moon.
Alpha Marcus said with a heavy sigh. So the current Werewolf King decreed and cursed the mating bite. If any male bites a female before they turn sixteen, the female will die and the male will lose any potential to mate… essentially making them a eunuch. No exceptions.

Sebastian's blood ran cold. He glanced at Caius who was equally pale. How could anyone do that? He felt Ember shift uncomfortably on his legs. He briefly wondered if she could hear the conversation in the Alpha link. Why would they want the position of the Werewolf King so badly?

Alpha Alexius replied quietly. The Werewolf King isn't bound by any familial ties and so is only found when they become mated to the Avatar of the Moon. It is through her that his power is unleashed and the strength of their bond determines his strength in battle.

But some wolves only see the title as the ultimate power.
Sebastian watched Alpha Marcus shake his head. Few back then understood the true meaning of having a true mate. The strength it unleashes in the pair when bonded, regardless of whether they have a fancy title or the weakest omega, is greater than what a chosen pair can achieve.

Silence spread between the eight before Alpha Arazel interrupted their thoughts. There's a lot more to this story that you boys should already know from your studies as future Alphas. But I think we need to end this discussion here.

I agree.
Alpha Lucas concurred. It is getting very late… And Flora is nagging me that it's time to get some sleep. That produced a round of chuckles from everyone.

Thankyou all for giving me your time and hearing me out. Sebastian said as a relaxed smile spread across his face.

No problem, my boy. Alpha Lucas replied heartily. It's nice to know you've kept up your father's tradition. Sebastian went red at that comment. Goodnight.

See you at school on Monday.
Logan added before he and his father left the linked conversation.

Your family really knows how to complicate things. Alpha Arazel growled lightly. But it does make life rather interesting. He laughed outright.

Raven laughed lightly along with his father. Maybe I should try and steal Ember from you. He joked.

Don't you dare!
Both Caius and Sebastian growled. Raven continued to laugh until his father and he left the conversation.

I take it you are staying there tonight? Alpha Alexius asked. Your mother is asking.

Sebastian glanced up at Alpha Marcus who nodded his head. I am. Tell Mum I'll be back in the morning and will bring a special visitor with me. He tightened his hold around Ember's waist, giving her a hug. We'll explain to both of you the details of what happened.

Ok son. Sebastian could sense his Dad was smiling broadly. Goodnight.

Goodnight Dad.
Sebastian took a deep breath and released It. "That…"

"You did really well," Alpha Marcus said softly. "It could have gone really badly had you been blasé about the whole situation."

"I don't think I would have been able to even fake being blasé about it," he replied. "I was so nervous to let them know… You could probably hear it in my voice." He glanced at Alpha Marcus. "So what now?"

"Now?" Alpha Marcus laughed. "We go to bed." He raised a finger at the two. "I don't want to hear anything. Ember is still my little girl and she will remain so until she is sixteen."

"Dad!" Ember cried covering her face with her hands and going bright red. The Alpha and Luna laughed before heading upstairs to bed. "How embarrassing!" she murmured still hidden behind her hands. Sebastian kissed the side of her neck and purred softly at how warm she felt against his lips.

"I'd rather not hear anything either, sis." Caius got up and headed up the stairs. "Maybe wait until everyone is deeply asleep before getting down and dirty with my best friend again."

"Asshole!" Ember threw a cushion at him and watched as he darted away upstairs laughing. "My family are so…"

"All families are, my love." he purred softly, pleased he was alone with her again. "I'm sure my parents will give me heaps as well tomorrow." He nuzzled his head against her neck before kissing her marking spot. "I'm sure Mum will want to know why I'm not coming home tonight and why I held Dad up in a mindlink for so long." He lifted his head up and guided hers so he could draw her into a deep and lengthy kiss before adding "And I'd like you to come with me."

"Of course," Ember replied before allowing herself to be swept away into another steamy kiss.
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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