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by Sui
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2265174
A new generation of the Werewolf King and his mate, The Avatar of the Moon begins to rise
#1024652 added January 14, 2022 at 8:36am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4 - Breaking Through Fear
Sebastian watched Ember curiously. Her behaviour around him confused him greatly. First, she was cordial and only spoke to him when spoken to. But now she had been acting strange, almost nervous, around him. She normally was very shy around anyone else. But today she was very shy around him too. She was currently sitting close to Caius playing with a ribbon on her dress while they watched a movie.

"I'll be right back," Caius said suddenly getting up. "My bladder won't wait until the end of the movie."

Sebastian waited until he could no longer hear Caius' footsteps before moving closer to Ember. "You've been avoiding me."

"Not really," she replied quietly. "Just thinking. And you were avoiding me first... Remember." He was relieved that she said more than just two words to him. She had been short with her responses to him up until now.

"About?" he prompted deciding to ignore the other little comment. "Caius seems oblivious to what seems to be troubling you."

"I suppose you know about the growing trend among fifteen-year-old she-wolves," She didn't look at him to know he was nodding at her. She had heard the discussion he and Violet had in the hospital room about the same topic. "It's a normal fear you know… The mate bond is so powerful that sometimes we wonder if what we truly feel is what we would feel if it didn't exist."

"You also have this fear?" he asked quietly. He could sense she was building up to what was troubling her.

"Yes…" Ember turned to look at him. "What if my mate isn't the one who has held my heart all these years? Can I truly love someone who I probably have never met and be expected to mate with that wolf because my bond with them tells me they are my one and only?"

Sebastian felt his heart grow heavy, pain lanced through it as if he had been stabbed. Ember has someone already in her heart. Maybe Caius is right… That I should search for my mate instead of pining for his sister. "Not much you can do… The Moon Goddess gave us mates and the mate bond to ensure we all have our one and only."

Ember sat silently for a while as she thought over her next words. "If a she-wolf asked you to take her first time… would you?"

"No," he replied without hesitation. Unless that she-wolf is you. "I wouldn't want to disrespect my mate by having sex with another."

"I see…" Sebastian blinked in surprise. She sounded discouraged and disappointed.

Kiss her. Griffin urged in his head suddenly.


Kiss her. Why is that so hard for you to hear?

You're not going to stop me? You were adamantly against me responding to other she-wolves who asked me to take their first. What's different about Ember?

Aside from you already having claimed her first time... Before I woke up I might add! For someone who claims to love her so much, why are you fighting against me?

That gave Sebastian pause. He sighed and gently reached over to grab Ember's shoulders. "There is only one she-wolf I would do that for. She's someone who holds my heart in the palm of her hand. Regardless of whether she is my mate or not, if she was to ask then I would."

"Oh…" Was all Ember could get out before Sebastian captured her lips with his own. Me? ME!!! She had no time to think as he deepened the kiss. I can ask… She felt his tongue explore her mouth before seeking deeper inside. Only their need for air ended their kiss.

"You know," Caius' voice made them jump. "When I went to the toilet, that was not an invitation to make a move on my sister."

Ember's face went bright red as Sebastian pulled her close into a very protective hug. "You know how I feel Caius. If she wants to, then I will." The statement left no uncertainty about what he meant.

"I rather you didn't," he replied sitting down in Sebastian's abandoned spot. "This is my sister we're talking about not a random she-wolf."

"So her choice doesn't matter?" Sebastian challenged. Ember wriggled in his arms trying to shift her position so she could face Caius as well but Sebastian's grip on her kept her in place.

"It does…" Caius hesitated and glanced at her. "I'm just… It's hard for me to think of her that way."

"Well think of it this way," Sebastian released his hold on her and smiled as she shifted her position and she sat in his lap making certain to nestle back against his chest as emphasis to her brother. "Would you rather it be me or a wolf you don't know that she makes that sort of decision?"

Caius' eyes flashed before responding. "You obviously."

"So then I want to with Sebastian before I get sucked into any mate bond," Ember said firmly crossing her arms in front of her. "I don't know why you two are discussing this. It's my body." She hopped up off Sebastian's lap before grabbing his hand and giving it a tug. "My body, Caius."

"I know, but…" He watched as Ember guided Sebastian to the stairs. "Ember…"

"We aren't discussing this," she replied continuing up the stairs with Sebastian still in tow. "My body. Not yours. Not Sebastian's. Mine."

Caius sighed and dropped it. Once Ember became stubborn about what she wanted there was no way to shift her. He knew he dug his own hole by questioning her decision. Getting up, he wandered into the kitchen. Alcohol will make sure I don't hear any of their activities… Pausing, he tapped into the alpha mindlink. Be gentle with my sister, ok?

You know I will. Sebastian paused before he added. I know you and I have been speculating but I think it might be real... That she's my mate.

What makes you say that? Caius rolled his eyes. It's wishful thinking because you love her so much.

Griffin encouraged me to kiss her.

He what!
Caius' wolf, Gabriel, huffed in surprise as well. Normally wolves stopped their human hosts from doing stuff like this. Do you know why?

No. He won't tell me.
Sebastian paused. Ember told me that if you are trying to convince me not to, to tell you to go away. He mentally chuckled. You've made her determined to go through with it.

I know…
Caius popped the lid off of a cold beer. I'm going to drown myself in alcohol. I don't want to hear you two going at it. He heard Sebastian's internal laughter before he cut off their link.


Sebastian refocused his attention back to Ember. "Sorry… Caius was just asking me to be gentle with you."

Ember sighed and rolled her eyes. "No more discussions!" She leaned forward and kissed him. "He didn't need to tell you to be gentle with me the last time we did it...." She paused with a slight smile. "I still feel you, you know."

He growled and took control of the kiss, once again deepening it to explore the beautiful cavern that was her mouth. Easing her onto her back, he started to explore the rest of her body with his hands. Piece by piece, he removed her clothes to caress the skin that became exposed underneath. He had been wanting to relive this moment since he was fifteen.

Sitting up, he looked down at her naked body. "You look so delicious right now," he growled. "You better be ready because I'm going to thoroughly devour you." He could smell her arousal at his words. He growled again before removing his own clothes.

She gasped at the sight of his shaft. He looks so much bigger than she remembered him being. "How are you going to fit inside me?" Sebastian just smiled and lowered his head to take his first taste of her nipples, sucking and teasing them incessantly with his tongue. Her moans spurring him on further. He wasn't going to back down now. He was going to recreate that day from so long ago.

Ember couldn't believe how such a small spot on her body could feel so good. She gripped the bed as Sebastian kissed his way down her belly to her private area. Anticipation prickled her skin. His tongue flicked and teased at her folds drawing her to the verge of passing out.

"Don't fade on me, my love," he purred crawling back up her body and kissing her. "We haven't gotten to the main event yet." He lowered himself down onto her, pressing her into the bed. She could feel his shaft pressing against her lady parts. "This may hurt."

"I'm ready," she whispered. She watched in fascination as he reached down between them and guided his shaft to press against her entrance to her core. She winced slightly feeling him start to enter her.

"Shh my love," he whispered moving his hand away from his shaft to place it on her breast and tease her nipple with his fingers. His lips captured hers aiming to distract her from him entering her.

She could feel him slowly make his way in. Pain and pleasure mixed deliciously. She widened her legs letting him finally settle himself down onto her hips with himself fully encased in her warmth. She was amused with herself. He was right. She squeezed her walls causing a groan of pleasure to ripple from him.

"Don't do that," he scolded lightly. "I'll release before you have had a chance to taste what my body has to offer."

"Then show… Ahhh!!!" Ember cried out. Sebastian had begun to thrust into her. The sensation was different again, she felt full yet craved more at the same time. Between his deep, hard thrusts and his hand on her breast, she found herself unable to do anything but moan loudly.

Sebastian groaned with each thrust aiming to push deeper into her. He felt proud of how his feisty little crush turned into a puddle of pleasure and lust with his shaft inside her. Her naked body writhing with pleasure under his was just like he remembered. He was ready to release into her tight core but he wanted her to orgasm first.

"I feel like I'm floating," she whispered holding onto him. She remembered from her first time to hold on through it. She could feel pressure building up in her body until it overflowed. Sparks rippled across her body where Sebastian's touched hers. She cried out, digging her nails into his back, holding him tightly to her.

Sebastian's eyes widened feeling the sparks seconds before he released his load into her core. She's…

She's our mate.
Griffin chuckled lightly. I wouldn't encourage you to take anyone else like this unless it was for that reason.

You knew… Why didn't we feel this before?
Sebastian rested his head on the bed and panted heavily. Will she know?

Only if you tell her.
He heard Griffin chuckled lightly. But knowing our mate, she will already have guessed. And you know the answer to that other question already, you idiot! I wasn't awake yet so of course, you wouldn't feel any sparks.

"Sparks…" Ember said quietly. "I was told that when I have sex that it would be intensely pleasurable. Sparks intensify that pleasure if sex is between mates…" She turned her head slightly towards him causing him to lift his head up again to look at her.

"Griffin just confirmed it with me," he replied leaning back down to give her a kiss before continuing. "You are our mate."

"I'm glad," Tears began to roll down her cheeks. "I was afraid I'd have someone I didn't know and would be taken away from everything I hold dear." She wrapped her arms around him. "I love you so much and I don't need the mate bond to tell me that. I love you even without it."

"I love you so much too," he whispered. Slowly, he began to move inside her. "I'm going to leave my scent on you so strongly that no other wolf will dare come near you." He purred with pleasure at the sound of her moans. "I can't officially mark you without your wolf present but my scent on you will work perfectly."

Are you going for round two? Caius' drunken voice sounded in his head. I thought fucking my sister once would be enough.

Get used to it brother. Sebastian's reply knocked Caius out of his drunken stupor. We felt the sparks on her orgasm. She's my mate! I'm going to scent mark her so strong no other males will dare come near her.

Caius put down the beer bottle in his hand and smiled widely. Ember got the best mate he could wish for. He too had been afraid her mate would be some asshole who would treat her badly. He knew Sebastian would worship her and treat her tenderly.

I'm already used to it, brother. He replied unable to hide the smile that permeated his face from his voice. You are the best wolf I could have hoped for to be my sister's mate. He walked to the lounge and picked up his keys. I'm going to get some snacks for us to celebrate when you both finally come out of her room.

Sebastian laughed loudly in his head. Already comfortable leaving me alone with her I see. Make sure to get her favourites. I love how her nose twitches like a rabbit when she eats sometimes.

Caius replied and headed out the door.

Sebastian focused back onto Ember with a goal in mind to fill her up with his seed before letting her up off her bed. Growling, he got to work.


It was late in the evening when Caius, Ember, and Sebastian celebrated. Caius could smell Sebastian's scent on Ember from the other side of the packhouse. Suddenly, Caius realized something.

"Mum and Dad are going to have a fit when they find out," he said quietly. Sebastian and Ember froze as well. "They're due home soon…"

"Shit…" Was all Ember could get out before they heard the front door open. The three fell silent afraid any movement would alert the adults to their presence.

"Seems Sebastian is visiting," Luna Rebekah commented to her mate. "Something smells different though…"

The three heard a loud growl. "They better have a damn good explanation for why Ember and Sebastian's scents are mixed so thoroughly." Alpha Marcus rumbled angrily. The three looked at each other and gulped. They were in a lot of trouble.
© Copyright 2022 Sui (UN: chibiblackrose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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