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Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2249293
The Banana Blog
#1024557 added January 12, 2022 at 7:02pm
Restrictions: None
January Twelve - Mini Challenge - Day Three

The Curious and Mysterious Disappearance of Lord Lucan

Lord Lucan, who vanished in 1974 following the murder of his children's nanny. Will we ever know what happened to him?

Soon before 10 pm on 7 November 1974, Lady Lucan, hysterical and blood-covered, burst into The Plumbers Arms in Belgravia, London. She was screaming about the murder of her children’s nanny and that she had barely escaped with her life. What’s more, she named her estranged husband, Richard John Bingham, Earl of Lucan, as the attacker.

Andre knew of Lord Lucan when they traveled together in a carnival show back in the 60’s.

Andre was just a young chimp then while Lucan had been sent away by his family to ‘sow his wild oats’ and not come back until he settled down.

So Larry Lewis, as he was known then, settled into his life as a ‘carnie’ when along came this little chimpanzee. He took pity on the flea-bitten, lice-ridden simian and gave it a bed in his trailer. He named it ‘Andre' after the cook at his family estate.

Andre and Larry got along famously. Larry smuggled in food for the chimp, Andre learned all the tricks of poker by watching Larry and his buddies every night. Andre got so skilled the carnies decided to put him in a sideshow exhibit.

“Andre the Amazing Monkey” was a best-selling show. Andre could deal poker, smoke cigars, mix drinks, play the piano, shoot the bullseye with a gun, play pool, and then jump around and be a most excellent pick-pocket. The crowds loved him.

Until that one fateful night.

Seems one of the pockets Andre had fingered was the pocket of the local law enforcement officer. He shut down the carnival and hauled Andre off to jail.

Larry and the carnies were devastated, since they were fond of the chimp, so they bailed Andre out of jail, vowed to leave the area and never return.

Lord Lucan returned to his life as Richard John Bingham, Earl of Lucan. He again was known as the leader of his estate, the family deciding Richard was now older and wiser. They weren’t too sure about the monkey, but were willing to let Andre live in the stables with the animals.

Andre screeched and yelled.

“I know, Andre, I know. But it’ll just be for a short bit. I’ll find a way to get your place by me back again,” assured Lord Lucan. He set Andre down in the stables, next to the horses.

Again, Andre let his anger be known. He threw horse manure, hay, oats, then rakes and scythes about.

“But now I have to go and marry that simple little Nancy Whittle. We’ll be together again. Eventually. Enjoy your time here in the barn.”

So Lord Lucan married the Whittle girl, they had some children. They got a nanny, because that is what you do when you are a Lord and Lady.

But one day Andre decided that the time had come for Lord Lucan and him to be reunited. There was only one way to do this. Get rid of the family. Unfortunate that someone had to go away.

Lord Lucan and Andre rushed away to America once the nanny took the money, the wife staged the murder, and then the wife took some more money.

Lord Richard John Bingham, Earl of Lucan, is now known as just Dick. He works at Andre’s Banana Bar as the janitor. He lives in the basement of the bar with Andre. You’ll rarely see him. If you do, don’t mention Nancy or the nanny. He’s still a bit touchy about losing his fortune and his title.

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