A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life. |
December... the 1st is a sad day for me... QP "Christmas Traditions" : In Costa Rica 'servants' expect an 'aguinaldo', what you call 'Christmas money'. It does boost the economy. But... crazy time to shop. I remember cherry chocolates and pies (mince meat, pumpkin, apple) and... old music like 'Silver Bells'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHefeA-hyMA Sox "November 30, 2021" : Yep. Holidays can be rough. For me these days it's mostly absence. Congratulations for getting through the month. Hope you come back sometime in the future. Perhaps Raen and Beaoul will spur you on. Cappucine "about Christmas" : Do your feasts include macademia nuts? I've been puzzled about Australians and their imported foods. For those who eat meat, what's wrong with rabbit or kangaroo Anyhoo... enjoy being with family. As for here... you got through another month... and that's always an accomplishment. Petra: "Plans for the holidays" : Thank you for making it through a very rough month; but, dare I say... you sound a bit better today. I hope the three of you have a great time together. *HeartO* Sumojo "Same old" : Back in my day, my friends were puzzled when I said I didn't enjoy parties. I gave quite a few... but I usually had a goal of bringing people together. "Having fun" was never a personal aspiration. Just like 30dbc... I am glad it's over, and will now take the time to assess what went right and what could've been better. I have no obligations whatsoever but after commenting on 99% of the entries I'll share my observations... after a coffee, tea or three (of each). Robert "Try to November Me" : I believe you last missed a blog day in December 2019... but I could be wrong. It's one thing to have a blue month... another to have a blue year. It becomes a bad habit. I do really like this entry. Facts and personal humor. Good mix. Sonali "Merry Christmas! - #30DBC" : Different country and culture. *Smile* Here, many go south and the students go home so it's a quiet time of year. Many people do decorate their homes. We have a local bar that tends to provide meals on holidays. Most places are closed. Congratulations on getting through 30 days of prompts. *Bigsmile* It's a bit of a marathon. Jenn "Invalid Entry" : I know a place that needs cleaning... just saying... Any idea yet what the theme of this year's ornament will be? I hope you enjoyed blogging this month. The 30dbc will be back January 1st. *Smile* NormaJean "30 DBC - September 30 = Oops - Make that November 30th" : I could do without the uber-commercialization. I'm surprised they don't offer a complete "Xmas" package on Amazon Prime. I'm sure local services exist in wealthier areas, an Xmas planner akin to wedding planner. Viv "Tradition Has Changed" : When I moved I made new friends in Oklahoma, but I was living with a family, and that made it easier. Actually did quite well in Oklahoma. Montana? Did okay at first but I've barely been outside the last two years; the 42 steps are daunting and there are fewer places to hang out than before. I have no plans so far for December. ?Sandy "Christmas" : Hmm... y'know... some people accept delivery! Of course, these days sending anything anywhere is iffy and a pain. Thanks for a peek into generations of seasonal glow. As for the snow... enjoy. Mike "Goodbye, 2021 [30 DBC entry]" : Doing the can can? Enjoy your dinner if we don't chat before then. Congratulations on making it through the month... it's a marathon. |