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November Writing Challenge Novel |
If you wish Master Bruno. When shall we do that? Bruno looked about. They had chosen to rest in the gardens surrounding the Mithraeum. We are safe here, why not now? As you wish Master Bruno. Iliaster closed his eyes and composed himself. He had found that each time he travelled, the process of entering the astral became easier. In a short while he stepped from his body and found Bruno waiting for him. I shall follow your lead. Bruno told him. Iliaster remembered that it was Hélène that had taken them all to the pyramids, but was confident that he could go there again. He willed himself to return, and was pleased to see that he'd accomplished this. Bruno was next to him. As before the pyramids carried with them a sensation of great age and power, but this time Iliaster was prepared for it, and didn't feel that he was about to buckle. The Heliodromus looked around. It certainly looks real, but as we both know looks can be deceptive. Can you see the Sphinx? Iliaster looked around, but did not see the Sphinx immediately, then he spotted it part buried in the sands next to the pyramids. It is over here, but it does not look alive as it did. A pity. Bruno was looking all around the pyramids for signs of housing, but he saw none. I do not think this is real. He sounded disappointed. "Your opinion depends too much upon your idea of reality." Bruno was startled to see a strangely dressed man approaching him. He wore a long dark coat over a white shirt and dark trousers, his neck was tied with a red silk bow. "Do you have any idea how narrow your definition of reality truly is?" The man asked, but didn't wait for an answer. "Even on the physical plane your senses severely limit the information that your mind receives to play with. It's how you make sense of the world. On top of that are a thousand small prejudices acquired due to location, time period, social standing, occupation etcetera." Iliaster was listening. He could tell that the words were directed at Bruno, but also applied to him. "To be able to converse with you, many of us have to adopt some form that you can understand and interact with." He half-turned to Iliaster. "I was a Sphinx for our previous encounter." I am not sure that I understand a Sphinx. Said Iliaster. "It's a straightforward combination of two creatures that you might be expected to be familiar with. Even if you haven't seen a lion, you have seen a cat." Finding his voice Bernardo Bruno asked, Who or what are you, and why are you here? "You ask a lot of questions." And you rarely seem to answer any of them. Iliaster replied. "Are you any one thing? Do you have but one name? Do you have but one purpose?" Iliaster thought about the questions. Bruno was also considering what to do next. He had never had an encounter as strange as this. Iliaster then asked, Are you something to do with the Celtic Mindwalk Pavilion? "Ah, now we might be getting somewhere, however, it isn't Celtic, they just use it, and Mindwalk Pavilion is their name for it." So others use it too? "More than you can possibly imagine, and they almost all have their own names for it. Sometimes it is guarded, and sometimes there's a guide, which is which you have to decide. We are here now, but it would be better if we were now here. However we shall have to continue this at another time. because you are about to be woken up again." "Heliodromus Bruno?" The ships captain shook him very gently, "I am sorry to disturb you Master Bruno, but we need to catch the tide." Word Count 644. |