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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2261226
November Writing Challenge Novel
#1021695 added November 15, 2021 at 4:59pm
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Bernardo Bruno regarded the man sat across from him. Iliaster looked less bedraggled than their first meeting, but still thin and wiry. Bruno surmised that this was normal for him. His skin was dark and wrinkled, hair thinning, though still showing defiant signs of it's earlier your, black and curled. The same coal black eyes though, still watchful, careful and wary.

"I have been discussing your fate with Pater Archinto. Can you believe that Iliaster? The Pater Patrum knows your name. Of all the thousands of souls in the Roman Empire, he is aware of yours."

Iliaster said nothing, he was not sure if the Heliodromus had expected an answer, but could think of none that was appropriate. Perhaps Bruno thought that he ought to flattered, but he was indifferent. Unless the fact had some direct bearing on his well-being, he simply didn't care. However Bruno had the power of life or death over him, so he listened carefully.

After a brief pause, suggesting some response had been expected if not solicited, Bruno continued.

"There is to be a new order within the church. It will be called 'The Mithraides'. Its creation has been sanctioned by Pater Archinto himself, and I am to be its head, but you... you Iliaster are going to be responsible for its development and its running."

"What will be the purpose of this new order Master?"

"It has been decided that we need to fight the Celts on their own ground so to speak. They have psychic powers, and they can call upon them to aid their cause in conflicts."

"I did not know that we are at war with the Celts Master."

Bruno paused, he selected his words carefully. Iliaster would have to know some of the plans for the Mithraides in order to understand what was required of them. He elected for truth.

"We are not. Our forces are tied to defending the faith from the heretics based in Silesia, so the Celts remain a thorn in our side that we tolerate because we cannot spare the resources it would take to reduce them, and that's not taking into account their psychic capabilities."

"I don't understand, why would you open up a war on another front when you do not have the manpower to win it?"

In answer, Bruno got up from his seat, and moved over to the window. He picked up a sheathed sword, and drew it. Moving back, he swung the blade, and stopped it with its edge resting against Iliaster's neck.

"If I cut off your head, do you think that your body could run to the door?"

A flicker of fear crossed the man's face.

"No Master."

"If we strike quickly and remove the head of the Celts, we shall be able to take the country under Roman control. The Celts are fearless fighters, were we to deploy them on our side, we could destroy Silesia, and bring the heretic lands back under Roman control."

Iliaster did not move.

"It is a bold plan Master."

To Iliaster's relief, Bruno re-sheathed the sword and set it aside.

"The Mithraides are key to its success, and you will make the order into the weapon we need against the Celts, then against the heretics. Your efforts will not go unrewarded Iliaster, succeed and you will assuredly rise in standing. Lands and titles are not out of the question, but for now. For now I require you to study what is feasible. For this you will be given access to the forbidden library, you have heard of it?"

"Rumours Master. It is said that the forbidden library contains copies of many books that are on the Index."

"That is true. Information is power, and the library contains much that is not fit for general consumption, but... it will be available to you, once we have raised you to the grade of Leo. It has been decided to promote you. Pater Archinto will conduct the rites which will raise you next week. You see, already you are reaping the benefits of working for me."

"Yes Master Bruno." Iliaster's expression gave nothing away, but his thoughts were racing. He does not say what will happen if I fail.

"I have found some few others who seem to possess some psychic strengths. Part of your role will be to train them. Help them to develop their powers, as you develop yours. Find me ways to use those powers against the Celts."

"I shall do my best Master."

Bruno made not comment on this.

"We have decided to house you all in a hermitage on the island of Ponza. That is being made ready for you. In the meantime you and the others will be my guests here. It is convenient for the library."

"Thank you Master Bruno. When will I meet these others?"

"Are you clear on what I wish you to achieve?"

"To develop our psychic powers so that they can be used against the Celt and later the heretics."

"That is the broad-brush of it yes. Like you they have had to hide their powers, they have had good reason to fear the church. Make them into a functioning Order. You will be their superior, and they will have to obey you. Make them fear you or love you, I care not which, but have them obey, and have them work. I will want results."

Iliaster indicated that he understood.

"You shall meet them now. Join me on this side of the desk, bring your seat around."

Bruno then stepped over and opened the door. He spoke to his secretary Niccolo Corsini, who left, only to return a few minutes later followed by four women and two men. To Iliaster they looked like children, impossibly young, they also looked terrified.

When all of them were assembled in front of the desk Bruno addressed them.

"I am Bernado Filippo Bruno, Heliodromus and Head of the Order of Mithraides. This is Iliaster da Ragusa, and you will address him as Master. You will be instructed and guided by him in your roles and duties. For now you will be considered deacons."

As Bruno spoke, Iliaster examined the individuals.

Bruno pointed to a thin woman with short blond hair and blue, fearful eyes.

"What is your name?"

" Saakje Master, but I am usually called Saskia." Her answer was clear, but the slight waver in her voice told Iliaster that she was very close to panic. She shuffled from foot to foot, like a rabbit looking where to run.

"Where do you come from Saskia?" He asked gently. As he did so, Iliaster looked straight at her, when he caught her gaze, he held it for far longer than politeness dictated, but he was projecting a calm stillness to the woman.

"I am from Haarlem Master, in the Netherlands."

"How old are you?" Iliaster continued to look into her eyes, and he felt that she had relaxed a little, though perhaps this was simply because her ordeal would soon be over, and it would be someone else's turn.

"Seventeen Master."

Bruno was pleased that Iliaster had so quickly taken a lead role in the questioning.

"And you? What is your name?" Iliaster continued, pointing to the woman next to Saskia.

"Gianetta Master, I am twenty two. I come from Firenze." Her answer was more confident, and her body language less afraid than her companion.

Iliaster looked at the young man next to her.

"You?" he pointed.

"I am Iacopo from Padua Master. I'm also twenty two."

Ilaister moved his finger to the woman next to him, who took her cue and responded,

"My name is Catalina Brabo. I come from Zaragoza."

"And how old are you?"

"I am twenty five."

Iliaster nodded, taking in the woman's stance and confident look. He noted that she did not address him as Master, and hoped that Bruno would not pick up on that. He pointed to the second of the two men.

"Rafael González. I'm twenty Master. I come from Alicante."

Iliaster had not heard of some of these places, but from looks and accents he made guesses as to where they might be.

The last of the six was a very thin girl, Iliaster was sure she was not an adult. She looked at him myopically, and obviously very afraid.

"And who are you little one?"

The girl spoke so quietly he could hardly hear her.

"Hélène Master."

Iliaster smiled encouragingly.

"Where are you from?"

"Sommières Master." she whispered.

"And your age Hélène?"

"I am twenty Master."

Iliaster was surprised, but merely nodded.

Bruno now took the lead again, and address the small group.

"We have set aside rooms for you here in the palace. Niccolo will show you where. Iliaster will explain to you what we expect from you."

Having taken leave of Bruno, they followed Niccolo through the palace to a group of rooms on an upper floor.

"There are four bedrooms," Niccolo said, "so Iacopo and Rafael will share one, Gianetta and Saakje in another and Catalina will share with Hélène. Master Iliaster will have this room to himself."

Iliaster walked in to look at the room Niccolo had allocated him, it was better appointed than any room he had ever stayed in before.

Niccolo waited for Iliaster, then continued.

"This room will be used for meals. Servants will bring you food whilst you are here. Through here,"
He opened a door, "is a room that you will work in. If you require any materials, make me aware of it. I have been instructed to visit you here each day.

For your own safety, I would caution you not to leave these rooms without either myself or Heliodromus Bruno. You are not prisoners, but your presence is required here."

Having delivered his not very veiled threat, Niccolo departed.

"This is as new to me as it is you." Iliaster said, "So let us look around, get a feel for the place. If anyone needs to freshen up they should take the opportunity to do so. In an hour we shall get together and I will attempt to tell you what they want from us."

They were pleased to discover that there was fruit and wine available in the room allocated for meals. As Iliaster expected, each of them was keen to see what their rooms looked like, he hoped that the women Niccolo had pair up would get along. He watched as the others looked about, talking in quiet voices.

He wondered if he would be able to give Bruno anything that he wanted. He had never used his powers consciously, being more concerned with staying concealed than drawing attention to himself. Iliaster reasoned that if the Celts could use their powers to fight, then it was at least conceivable that he could do something similar. He had not questioned the others about their powers, he would have to do that.

As luck would have it, food was brought to them at about the time Iliaster wanted them to meet. It would make it easier to talk with food to distract them.

They were sat around a dining table that was long enough to seat twice as many. Ilaister had taken the head of the table, and let the others seat themselves as they wanted. On his right hand sat Catalina, and down from her Rafael. On his left the others sat, with Hélène as far down from everyone else as possible. Iliaster hoped that he'd be able to hear her.

"What have you been told about why you are here?" Iliaster made no assumptions, but it was clear that Bruno had told each of them roughly the same thing. He had also used a mixture of threats and promises, as he had done with Iliaster.

"You each must have done something that could be called witchcraft The Celts call it something else, they term it using 'psychic powers'. Let me tell you how the Heliodromus found me."

Line Count: 2,003
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