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Our heroes venture into the abyss to save their world, while trouble brews back home. |
Dorothy stormed into the board room, furious and disgruntled by the reports she'd received. The demons sitting in their reclining chairs jumped as the doors burst open and they saw their boss march in, "Would one of you care to explain just why one of my top operatives has defected, the doorways to Earth are being sealed, and why I am still missing my three high priority souls?!" "I advised you from trusting that little girl from the start, madam," one of the demons grumbled. Dorothy glared over at him. She snapped her fingers and his seat burst into flames along with him. He cried out in pain as she slowly walked over to him, "Did I ask you who objected to me?" she asked, coldly, "No, I asked why you are failing at a simple task!" The others watched in grim silence as their compatriot was burned alive before them. Dorothy took hold of his throat through the fire and opened her mouth. A green glow poured out as she breathed her foul odor into his nostrils. He gagged as the stench of decay wafted around him, and after a moment she began inhaling and draining his life-force. His screams disappeared and all that was left was the crackling sound of the fire. "Does anyone else have any idiotic comments or excuses?!" she roared. "Madam, we have placed a bounty on Alexis and the others," Ferelda, an older demoness said, "A group of lesser demons led by a Pride Demon encountered them, but he foolishly accepted a challenge by the young Blackridge boy. He was bested and the horde of lessers fled out of fear. Perhaps we should consider employing one of the fallen Lords?" "Suggestions, this is something that I can get behind," Dorothy said, "Ferelda, dear, you've just earned yourself a promotion. Whatever this fool's position was has become available, so you may have his title along with your own. Now, which one of you has an answer to what is happening on Earth?" "The Goth Goddess, my lady," Darius, a young new hire replied, "That false God is trying to seal off the portals she opened. Doorways are being closed, but there are still some that are open. I've been interrogating our kin who have returned, and they are reporting that Goth is amassing an army of sorts. The people who follow her are no longer afraid of us. It seems that they believe that their faith will shield them as it did in days of old. They've taken to fighting against us, and there are rumors that some of them have even managed to seal portals without the aid of that mystical miscreant. In an attempt to preserve the integrity of our operation, maintain an increased flow of souls, and prevent us from losing our link I've instructed all who enter their world to engage only when a safe distance from the portals. It is far from an ideal solution, but it is all that I could think of without deliberating with you, my lady." "Why did you not come to me sooner then, Darius?" she asked. "Elias mentioned that you had been busy with more important matters, mam," he admitted, "My place is not to disturb you or speak out of turn, but rather to deal with the situations that arise. If you would allow it, I have a plan that may or may not reinstate the fear that these humans need." "Very well, you and Ferelda will accompany me to the Well once this meeting is over," she replied, "I'm interested to hear your suggestions and ideas on these matters. Now, what of Ms. Lavely and her little pet Beth? Who has an update on their whereabouts, and while we're on the subject, do any of you have an inkling of an idea as to where Jake and Alexis have fled to?" Elias cleared his throat before answering, "The lesser demons reported that it was only Mr. Blackridge and Ms. Hamilton together, but they were close to where Lady Bilefoot was last spotted. Ms. Lavely and her pet have not been spotted, but I received word that the altar of Alioth of the Northwind was disturbed. Given Ms. Lavely's affinity for magic, I believe it is a safe bet that these two were involved." "The Alioth's Altar, you say?" Dorothy said, her tone shifting to pensive and concerned, "That's beyond the Molten Plains. I want you all to pull Alexis' reports on sightings and findings in that region. I want to know exactly what is out there, where they might be headed, and why they're journeying that far east. I want full reports on my desk before the end of business day today, and I expect results quickly. Anyone who fails me will be lucky to be fired as your little compatriot was. I've been considering upgrading my office furniture, and if I hear anymore mumbling from any of you then you will be joining my decor for my amusement. Unless anyone wants to experience how I gained my earthly title, I suggest you get to work." "Consider it done, mam," the group said as they suppressed a shudder. "Do not disappoint me," she warned, "Darius, Ferelda, if you would follow me. I'm interested to hear what you have in mind to deal with our current dilemmas." The two demons stood from their seats and followed their commander and chief out of the boardroom. Ferelda was the first to speak while taking long strides to catch up to her queen, "My lady, I've reviewed the profiles of the Lords you overthrew and locked away, and I believe Abadon may be the perfect candidate for retrieving our strays. She is a Greed class Lord, and if we promise her a region of Hell for herself she should be willing to accommodate us." "Abadon was a Glutton, Ferelda," Dorothy corrected, "It was first believed that she was Greed class, but those reports are older than you or Darius. Her girth should have been a giveaway from the start, but she did show signs of being a hybrid." "My apologies, madam, I should have paid closer attention to the reports," Ferelda said, "Still, a chance to stretch her legs, devour those who were foolish enough to let your prizes get away, and a promise of supervised freedom should be enough to entice her." Dorothy pressed the button to the elevator and waited for the doors to open, "It's a dangerous game letting those creations loose again, but these are desperate times and I can personally deal with them if necessary. How much do you know of the Glutton Lords, Ferelda?" The doors opened and the three of them stepped onto the elevator. Dorothy pressed the button to take them to the lowest level of the Spire. Ferelda answered as the doors shut, "They are called the Devourers for a reason. They consume souls of humans and demons alike, along with anything that gets in their way. Abadon in particular enjoyed playing with her food. I realize that there is a great risk in invoking her assistance, but the other classes would be of little use to us. Pride would be swayed by challenges, Lust and Envy would keep them for themselves, Wrath would destroy them, and Greed or Vanity would steal them away to use as bartering chips." "Very estute, Ferelda," Dorothy praised, "The Glutton class holds the souls of their victims in a chamber within their bowels. It is a Hell in its own right, but one that can be exploited for our benefit. If Abadon is able to succeed, she will not be able to resist her base urges to eat their flesh. This won't be a problem, though, as I can extract their remains and souls to place within the Well." "Mam, if I might ask, what is it that you're planning exactly?" Ferelda asked. "The Well is the conduit through which all energy is distributed for our cities, but if it is overloaded then there will be a surge in power," Dorothy explained, "I intend to use this influx of power to tear a hole between dimensions for good, and once that is done I intend to exert my influence over this world and the next. Never again will any of our citizens want for food, fun, and power. The human world is ripe for the taking, but Arch Lords like myself cannot step through the baser portals as they are now." "Are these three truly necessary to the success of your plan, madam?" Ferelda asked before quickly adding, "We will find and apprehend them regardless of the answer, of course, but I only ask for my own curiosity and because we are away from those who might doubt your excellence." "They will help to streamline the process, yes, but moreover I need then out of the way," Dorothy replied, "Jake Blackridge and Beth Thompson have proven annoyingly resourceful in the past at undoing my hard work. The addition of Ms. Lavely is troubling after witnessing what she did to our...incremental arrival not long ago. If Alexis has joined their cause then they will prove to be more irksome than I had previously thought possible. We will have enough trouble dealing with the pretend Goddess of their world without them being involved." "I see," Ferelda said, "Then we must stop them here and now before they truly become an issue." "Precisicly," Dorothy said, "Now, if Jake and Alexis were near Ashley, this presents another problem. Lady Bilefoot had an affinity for that little worm, and while she's bound here, she could still provide him with aid. Darius, you spoke with Elias, correct?" "Yes mam," he said as the elevator began to slow. "Did he mention any unusual surges or disruptions in the weave?" Dorothy asked. "As a matter of fact, yes," Darius said with a sigh, "The Crater of Anu showed a significant and strange spike in power before disappearing. It has flatlined since the spike, though, mam." "Damn that vampiric hussy!" Dorothy cursed as the doors opened and she stormed out, "That simpleton probably led Jake right to her without realizing it. Ugh, Ferelda I want you to follow through with your plan to release Abadon." "Of course, my lady, but what do you believe happened to cause that spike?" Ferelda asked. "Ashley Bilefoot was more than just a warrior, she was also versed in a multitude of magics," Dorothy explained, "Knowing her and her ridiculous affinity for that human weakling, she probably gave him what little power and life she had left. If I'm right, and I hope that I'm not, then that little cur will have received a significant boost in power. Darius, let's hear your plan for culling the humans." "Y-yes mam," Darius stuttered, feeling a bit nervous by his boss' sudden spike in rage, "As you've already mentioned, we cannot send Lord class demons through the portals, but we could send Greater Demons to amass and lead a charge against the humans. If we select the right ones, trickle them through under the humans' radar, and send some of our mystics with them then we could perhaps use them to both instill the proper hierarchy and open more portals. I've taken the liberty of drafting a list of candidates I feel would be beneficial to this little operation." "Put them on my desk, and I'll review them be sure they are suitable," she replied, "I'm impressed with the initiative you both have shown. There is a bright future for the likes of those willing to go above and beyond as you both have. Have you two ever seen The Well?" "No mam," they said in unison. "Come with me," she said motioning for them to follow, "It's quite a sight, and one that many of your colleagues have never seen before." She led them to the massive double doors that kept the energies in place. She punched in a combination on the keypad and the doors creaked open. The vibrant green glow of the swirling mass of souls began creeping through the crack. The sounds of wailing and moaning were quick to follow the light. She stepped into the chamber, a massive empty room say for the gigantic hole in the center of the room. It was filled with a torrent of souls swirling around and being funneled into different tubes hanging from the ceiling. The faces of the departed could be seen amongst the tornado of souls as they cried out for release from their torment. She held out her hands and some of the energy flocked to her. It swirled around her body before entering into it. Her face began to change to the beauty she had once been before. The change was only temporary for now, but it overwhelmed her with joy to know what lie ahead should her plans succeed. "This is incredible!" Ferelda exclaimed. "My lady, you look ravishing in this light," Darius swooned. "This is the key to our success," Dorothy said, "With this, this world and the humans' will be ours. Savor this feeling, you two, for if your missions succeed I will personally see that you both receive the gifts that our power source offers!" Jake heard the familiar giggles of the sadistic sisters before he opened his eyes. They cut through the illusion of his rather pleasant dream. He'd been back in Metropolis, sitting on the rooftop of Ashley's old club with her by his side. They'd been staring up at the stars and holding one another. It felt so real that he'd nearly forgotten about the fact that he was in another realm until Ashley spoke to him, "It's time to awake, my love. You are in no danger if you speak the truth, but beware the sisters and their selfish desires. I will see you again soon." He'd wanted to stay, but immediately after she spoke his surroundings began to distort and fade away. He was left in darkness as his senses began to come back to him. He was tied up. He could feel the ropes even before he opened his eyes, and he could also tell his was suspended in the air. He opened his eyes see just where the sisters had taken him. The first thing he noticed was that he was dangling above a pool of bubbling violet liquid. The red dirt covering the land was nowhere in sight, and instead he was on what looked like a marble structure that sprawled out farther than he could see. Massive columns lined the platform, including the one he was suspended from. He looked around for Alexis, but his vision was suddenly blocked by the gleeful face of Cherrie as she leaned in and gave his face an unwelcome lick. "Mm, so pretty and so tasty," she said with a giggle, "I simply can't wait to feel you struggle inside of me!" "Get away from me," he snapped, "What have you done with Alexis?" "The little girl who brought us our toys?" Cherrie asked, "We have her locked in one of mother's special chambers, but it does nothing to silence her filthy mouth." "Your little friend talks nothing but nonsense," Analise said as she approached, "Cherrie, come down from there until mother has her way with our prey." "But I want to play with him," Cherrie whined. "Now, Cherrie, unless you want to anger mother dearest," Analise warned, "There will be time to play with our little one soon enough. Go check on the crazed chatterbox." "Fine," Cherrie pouted, "Can we play with her yet?" "No," the voice of Victoria replied, "Mother has forbidden us from toying with either of them until she's personally dealt with this one. Go, Cherrie, we will call you when the time comes to eat." Jake watched as the blonde sister drifted off with a sad expression. She turned back and winked at him before flying off towards wherever they were keeping Alexis. "You three are really a charming bunch of nuts, you know that?" he asked, "That one especially. If you three are this crazy, I can't wait to meet your mother." "You Insolent little morsel!" Analise snapped as she launched herself at him, "I will not sit here and listen to you disrespect our mother! You who foolishly follow thieves and usurpers!" "Calm yourself, Analise," Victoria said, "If he wants to meet mother, then he will meet her. Let him speak with his barbed tongue as much as he likes. We will cut it out of him first when our time comes." Analise glared down at her sister before smirking at Jake. He met her gaze, but he winced when she took a fistful of his hair, "I'm going to enjoy silencing you, boy, and I'll make you watch as we drain the life from your little friend." "That's enough, daughters," a new voice called out, "There's no sense in scaring the boy before I speak with him. Run along now, and make sure your sister hasn't disturbed Alexis." "Mother!" Analise said as she dropped to the ground. "As you wish, mother dearest," Victoria said, "Come along, Analise, let us give mother the privacy she desires." Jake watched as the two sisters left him alone, and he looked around for the source of the mysterious voice. The ground beyond the pool of liquid began to smoke. Streams of wispy dark energy fizzled up out a puddle of inky darkness started to form. He watched with morbid fascination as a pair of horns started to rise from the darkness. They were attached to a stunning face that was an enchanting shade of purple. Long and thick black hair cascaded down the demon's back as she continued to rise from the ground. She was scantily clad with only a steel brazier covering her well-endowed breasts, and he could see that she was incredibly well toned. Symbols that he'd seen in Rebecca's tomes littered her body, but they were a dull shade of black along her arms, stomach, and legs. It looked as though she wore some sort of beaded loincloth to cover her nether region, but somehow there was an air of class about her as she stepped out of the puddle and it receded into nothingness. She was tall, easily as large as Rebecca if not a bit taller. The look on her face was one of triumph and contempt as she sauntered over towards him. "I'm going to guess you're mother dearest I've been hearing so much about," Jake said, "I'll make this simple, let Alexis go or else you'll be in for a world of trouble." "You're as egotistical as that traitor you serve," the demoness said in a cold and calm tone, "You're in no position to be making demands at me, little boy." "I've been in worse situations and pulled off miracles before," he said. She laughed at his bravado before levitating into the air to get closer to him, "So you're you're one that little slave girl betrayed me for. I admit, I was expecting someone...taller or at least smarter." She cupped his chin and turned his head from side to side. Her fingernails were sharp and he could feel them digging into his skin. "Who are you and what do you want?" he asked as he tried to shake her hand off. "I am the rightful queen of this land, and what I want is to see the woman who stabbed me in the back suffer," the demoness replied, "Taking her lover for myself will be a start, and should send a sufficient message that I am not to be trifled with." His eyes widened as he realized who the demon was, "Lilith?" "The one and only," she replied, "Your Goddess may claim to be both the alpha and omega, but I am the one who gifted her the powers she wields. I gave her freedom, power, and in return she betrayed me! She stole from me what was rightfully mine, and do you know why, boy?! All in the name of some trivial mortal notion of love! Love for a pathetic human like you. She sought immortality and the power to transcend lifetimes to find your miserable little soul. She reduced me to a pathetic husk of my former glory, robbed me of my right to rule this plane, and then had the audacity to utterly abolish my name from her disgusting legacy!" "I've delighted in her suffering and failures throughout history. When my powers were taken from her, I felt a sense of victory even in this dreadful wasteland, but then you and your little friends restored her to her former self. Before I show you your new place in life, tell me why you chose to help that whore?!" "H-hold on a minute," Jake said, the true gravity of his situation beginning to sink in, "You have no idea what Rebecca has done to me, alright? She twisted me into this...this broken mess that's stuck swinging from a damn rope!" "A liar just like the one you serve," Lilith said, "Here is what's going to happen, boy. I am going to lower you into that pool, your soul will then be tethered to me, my daughters will feast on your flesh, and then I will bring you back to serve as a toy for my amusement until the end of time." "Goddamnit, what is with you women wanting to use me like an object?!" he yelled. "Don't worry, after a few centuries you'll have forgotten your old life entirely," Lilith said with a wave of her hand, "I will be all you know and eventually you'll be begging for me to use you." "Wait, wait, wait, hold on a minute!" he begged, "I'm telling you the truth! You said you'd watched as she lost me again and again, right? So, you know what that's done to her, how it's warped her mind! I gave myself to her to save my home, my friends, and she betrayed me too! Please, just give me the chance to tell you my side of the story, that's all I'm asking!" She halted his descent for a moment and pursed her lips, "Why should I believe a word you say, boy?" she asked. "Because we want the same thing," he replied, "I want my life back, I want everything she stole from me as well. My sanity, my city, my friends, and most importantly the person I used to be." Lilith waved her hand to the side, and he was flung away from the pool of bubbling liquid. She gently lowered him down to the ground before coming to stand over him. He stared up at her and swallowed nervously. She was definitely taller than Rebecca. He went to sit up, but she slammed her foot into his shoulder to keep him down before moving it to cover his mouth, "I'll indulge you, little boy," she said, "You have one hour to convince me that you're telling the truth. If you fail...well, you'd better get used to the scent and taste of my feet." He nodded his understanding, and to his shock she pried his mouth open to slide her foot into his waiting mouth. God above, and he thought Rebecca's feet were strong! The bitter taste of sweat mingled with the foul odor emanating from her soles, and he felt some of the gunk between her toes touch his tongue. His mind hit a schism between a euphoric and horrific haze at the sensation of having the demoness' foot lodged in his mouth. She gave him a knowing grin and wiggled her toes in his mouth, like she was inviting his tongue to do what she knew it wanted. He resisted the urge as best he could, but he could feel his pants getting tighter and his embarrassment grow alongside the bulge. "Mm, it seems eternity at my feet may not be such an awful fate after all, eh boy?" she teased before removing her foot, "Now I see why she desired you so. Speak, worm, and do not lie to me." He shivered for a second as the haze over his mind slowly started to clear. "Y-yes mam," he stuttered out. Beth walked behind Pam with her new sword tucked into one of her belt loops. The Northwind spirit hadn't said a word since it insulted her back at the altar, and truth be told she was grateful for it. Pam's new cloak was pretty neat, though. It suited her in many ways, and it gave her an air of confidence that was an excellent accompaniment to her mistress. It felt good to know that the two were once again on the same side. It was as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, one that she hadn't realized she'd been toting around. Now they just had to find Jake and Alexis. A task that was proving more difficult than she would have liked. "Are you sure we're not lost?" Beth asked. "For the third time, yes I am certain," Pam replied. "How can you tell?" Beth asked, "Everything down here looks exactly the same. Dirt, rocks, fire, and lava every ten feet!" "Kitten, do you doubt my abilities?" Pam asked. "No," Beth replied. "Then trust me, we are going the right way," Pam said with exasperation, "Just because there isn't a fight doesn't mean we're going the wrong way." "I mean, that's fair and all, but I'm getting bored back here," Beth whined. "Then talk to your sword," Pam said. "This thing hasn't said a word since we left the altar," Beth said, "Plus, it's a condescending ass. It's like someone took Goth and stuck her in a sword!" Pam laughed at the image of her old mentor being confined to such a prison, "Come now, I'm sure that it isn't that bad." "You try having someone talk shit in your head!" Beth argued. "Crass as ever, love," Pam remarked, "You forget, I trained under Rebecca for years. You've met her, do you really think that she was encouraging to me and the other initiates?" "I didn't think about that…'' Beth said, "Up until we came here, you never told me much about that time in your life." Pam sighed before speaking, "I know, and I intend to rectify that going forward. The time before I gained a position in her court was less than favorable." "Mind if I change the subject?" Beth asked. "By all means, I welcome it," Pam replied. "I never got to ask you, on account of us fighting and all," Beth started, "Back in Ravenfalls when you kicked Abigail's ass, I swear I saw multiple...yous. Like, you were there, and maybe I was seeing things, but then there were others before you turned into that big purple thingy." "You know, your grasp of the English language is one of the many things I both admire and love about you," Pam said with a grin. "Don't be an ass, it's bad enough the stupid sword is a dick," Beth said, "It makes me feel like you think I'm stupid when you say stuff like that." Pam stopped and let Beth catch up to her before putting her arm around her girlfriend and pulling her close, "Beth, I've never thought of you like that. Rash, headstrong, and stubborn, yes, but never have I thought of you as stupid." "Are you complimenting me or insulting me?" Beth asked, and jumped when she felt the Shroud of Alioth start to wrap around her, "Gah! Are you doing that, or is it moving on its own?" "A bit of both, Kitten, it feels my desire to be closer to you," Pam replied, "I've said before, those are qualities that I love about you. They make you who you are, even if sometimes they can put you in danger. Are you still my good girl?" Beth blushed as she let the cloak pull her closer to Pam, "Yeah, now and forever. You didn't answer my question, though." "Right, my apologies," Pam said as the two of them continued through the wasteland, "So, this isn't easy to explain, and as you would say, it's weird in a few different ways. My powers differ from Rebecca's in the sense that they are linked to my empathic abilities. What you saw were projections of my emotions that manifested themselves into the physical world. They are a part of me, but they are also unique in their own ways." "Wait, you can bring your emotions into the real world?" Beth asked and Pam nodded, "That is pretty neat, weird, but neat. How come I haven't seen you do it since then, and how come I haven't seen that transformation where you turned into a big glowing purple version of yourself?" "This is where it gets confusing and a little strange," Pam answered, "Do you remember when we returned home and I was meditating more than usual? Well, I drew on an old technique that involves creating a mindscape to communicate with one's self. The other sides of myself were either unhappy, worried, or furious that I had not only helped Rebecca, but had lied to you and broken your trust. Once we began fighting with each other, they withdrew their power from me and left me to my own devices." "Okay, this is a whole new level of talking to yourself," Beth said, "So you're not on speaking terms with yourself? This sounds stupid." "Strange, not stupid," Pam corrected, "And it isn't that the other facets of myself won't speak, it's that they are withholding their aid. As a result, I still have my base abilities, but the boost in power I had back in Ravenfalls has all but disappeared." "All because of me?" Beth asked. "Because I lied to you, hid the truth, and jeopardized our relationship," Pam explained. Beth stopped and pulled Pam over to her. It surprised the blonde sorceress, but she didn't fight the pinkette. Beth hugged her and stood up on her tiptoes to whisper, "I'm not going anywhere, and if the rest of you are listening I'm not giving up on us. You don't have to worry about me leaving you alone. I might get mad, but I love you and I can get past a stupid judgement call as long as you choose me over that Amazonian thundercunt. You're stuck with me." Pam stared down at her before smiling and giving her a quick peck on the lips. "You really are something special, Beth Thompsan," Pam said. "You said it yourself, I'm hard headed," Beth laughed, "Come on, let's go find those freaky sisters and kick their asses." Beth's words stirred Pam's emotions, and for the first time since their fight had begun she felt a sense of true relief. While she couldn't verify with the other sides of herself, she could feel their approval in the deeper recesses of her mind. They would fight together if it meant that Beth would stay with her. She would have to wait to try to call upon them when the time was right. She hoped that when push came to shove that they would lend her their aid once again. She knew that before this was all said and done that she would need all of her strength if they were to succeed, both here in Hell and back in their world. She shuddered to think of what Rebecca was doing to their home, but that was a problem to face at a later date. They had to finish their business here before anything else. Jake's hour was nearly up and he hadn't stopped talking since Lilith gave him the chance. She'd summoned a large throne to sit herself in while she listened to him talk. She reminded him of a demonic version of Rebecca; it was easy to see where the influence that the demoness had in Rebecca's life. "So that's how we ended up here," he finished, "After everything she did, everything she promised, she went back on her word. She planned on using my own suffering to open a doorway to Hell and siphon the energy into herself. After everything I did, all the chances I gave her to prove everyone wrong, she still wanted more." "And Ashley?" Lilith asked, "I sensed when she arrived here some time ago, but she's all but disappeared from this plane. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you boy?" "My name is Jake," he clarified, feeling a bit emboldened, "Ashley...she said she was waiting for me. I stumbled onto her, literally thanks to Alexis, and she said she bound her soul with mine." "Interesting," Lilith said as she crossed her legs and brought a hand to her lips, "You know, long before I came to Rebecca, I approached Ashley. She declined my offer for power through service to me, stating that she was more than capable of razing the empires of man on her own. A foolish notion, and look where it got her. Death by the hand of the boy she loved. All because she fell victim to her humanity, and caved to the ideals of love." "Don't you dare badmouth her in front of me," Jake warned. "Or what, boy?" Lilith asked. "You're weakened," he said, "You might be able to beat me, but I guarantee you'd remember a fight against me." Lilith glared at him for a moment and he returned it. She threw her head back and laughed, "I like you, Jake, you've got the quintessential indomitable human spirit I've heard so much about. I can see why both Rebecca and Ashley fancied you like they did. So tell me, what is it you plan to do about Rebecca, assuming I let you go and you can break out of Hell?" "If she's broken her word again, I will put a stop to her once and for all," he said, fire burning behind his tired eyes. "Funny, I almost believe you when you say that," she said, "As much as I would love to see that traitor undone by the one she loves, I'm afraid it benefits me little beyond a minute of satisfaction. My daughters have been clamoring away about having a new toy to play with, and I myself could use a bit of entertainment as well. You will remain here with me and my daughters, and given your subservient nature I believe in time you will come to relish our time together." "Nice as spending eternity with you sounds, I can't," he said, "I have to see this through. If I fail, then I'll end up right back here and you can do what you will with me." "In your current state, you will surely do just that," she said, "Why should I wait for your death when I can have you for myself now? Come now, little boy, I saw the little bulge in your pants when my toes were in your mouth. I can give you that and oh so much more, or maybe you prefer to struggle. Either way, I will have what I want." "What if we can give you back all of this?" he asked, growing fearful that he would become trapped by the imposing demoness. "That would mean you would have to overthrow Dorothy and her insistently dull regime," she said as she stood up and approached him, "As boring as her operation is, she commands the forces of Hell, and she can and will unleash every resource at her disposal to keep her place. You are one man, Jake Blackridge, and you are little more than an insect in this world. Be a good boy, now, and show your new queen how much you adore her mercy." "I'm not alone!" he snapped, "Pamela Lavely, Beth Thompsan, and Alexis Hamilton are with me in this! The four of us can do this, we can take down Stinkromancer for good!" Lilith stopped and frowned, "The luny girl my dear daughters brought with you that is a spy for Dorothy? You expect me to believe she would betray her master?" "Alexis doesn't have a master," he said, "She's Footgirl, and Footgirl only serves herself. She wants me for herself, same as you, Rebecca, and for some fucking reason every other crazy girl I manage to come into contact with. She'll help us, trust me." "I know little of this Beth Thompsan, but I know the name Pamela Lavely," Lilith said, "She's the one who delivered a soul to our little slice of paradise piece by piece, a feat that is rarely seen by my kin. Let's say I believe you, how do you plan on overthrowing the ruler of Hell as well as Rebecca?" "We've overcome more than you know," he replied, "We've gotten stronger, and when we band together I know we can succeed. Ashley gave her life so that I might have a chance, Pam has unlocked higher levels of magic, Beth has been studying and is more tenacious than anyone I know, and Alexis is...well she's batshit crazy, but she's also a genius and an unstoppable force! Please, just let me try. I am begging you, give us a chance to restore the rightful order to this plane of existence. You should be the one in charge, and I have to make sure Rebecca hasn't caused any more trouble in our world." "It's too late for that, dear boy," she said and waved her hand to produce a small window into his old mansion, "She's begun taking your precious city for herself. Her followers grow with each passing day." "No," he breathed, "That's not possible, we've only been here a day at most!" "Time moves differently here than in your world, Jake," she explained, "It's been over a week now since you left her. Knowing this, seeing the army she's creating, what do you plan on doing about that? You'll have to fight the hordes of Hell, defeat Dorothy, and then battle an army of your lover's creation when you return to your world. What hope do you have in the face of such adversity?" She waved her other hand and his binds loosened before falling away. He got to his feet and walked to the window. He knew some of the people in his home. Friends, investors in his company, people he'd saved even, they were worshipping Rebecca like she was some kind of God. He trusted her, like a fool he'd trusted her to keep her word. His fists clenched and shook as anger swelled within him. He yelled in frustration as he swung at the portal and dispelled it. He turned back to face Lilith with new determination in his eyes, "What hope do I have? I'll stake my life, my soul, on seeing her brought down. Whatever it takes, whatever the cost, I will make sure she never hurts anyone again!" Lilith smirked at him, "Keep talking like that and you just might succeed, boy," she said as she walked over to her throne, "Such fire in a mortal is truly a rare sight to behold, and I confess I find myself curious to see how far it will take you. Confidence alone, however, will not be enough to win your war. You'll need help beyond that which your friends can offer you. Are you truly willing to pay any price for victory, Jake Blackridge?" "I am," he said, standing confident and sure of himself for the first time in what felt like forever. "Then I offer you a deal, boy, come here," she commanded and he did as he was told, "I will give you my blessing, a boost to the abilities that Ashley has already granted you, but in exchange you will bear my mark for all eternity. If you can deliver me my rightful place as ruler of this plane, then you may keep the powers I give to you, but if you fail you will end up right back here to serve as my plaything until the end of time. Do you accept my proposal?" "What happens if I succeed with this and dealing with Rebecca?" he asked. "Ah, such an astute little mortal," Lilith praised, "You may continue on with your life, but I may call upon you should I ever feel so inclined or bored. Choose, boy, now." He didn't hesitate, "I accept your deal, Lilith." "Excellent!" she cheered, "Now, on your knees before me, little one, and remove your armor." He once again did as he was commanded, and fell to his knees in front of her. He looked up into her gleaming and sadistic eyes before bowing his head. She clapped her hands together, and they sparked with crimson streaks of energy. She moved them apart, and it looked like bolts of electricity were crackling between her palms. There was a surge of magical energy that caused the wind to rush by. "Mother, what are you doing?!" the voice of Analise cried. "Silence, daughter, this boy has chosen to accept my gracious gift," Lilith replied, "I dub thee, Jake Blackridge, a servant in my honor, destined to prolong, enforce, and enact my will until such time that you may fall! With this mark, you belong to me. Wear it proudly, and know that you serve the one true ruler of Hell!" "He is not worthy of such a title, mother!" Analise argued as Lilith pressed her hands onto Jake's head. He felt a surge of pain run through his body as Lilith's magic flooded his senses. He gritted his teeth for a moment before crying out in anguish. He could feel his back burning like he was being branded. "You who followed the usurper, you who are bound to the Vampire Queen, will now serve me, Lilith, until such a time as I see fit to cast you away!" her voice boomed across the plane as his pain began to subside, "Rise, Jake Blackridge, and thank your new Master for what she has given you!" His back stung as he got to his feet, and he wasn't crazy about the idea of having a demon as his master. Maybe Pam could figure out a way to undo the mark once everything was done, but then again if he succeeded then maybe it would be a non-issue. "Thank you for your blessing, Lilith," he said. "Ah, ah," she chided, "Before you go off on your little adventure, why don't you show me why it is that Rebecca favors you so much? Back on your knees, open your mouth, and lick the soles of your new master." "Lilith, I need to find my friends and you need to release Alexis," he argued. "In time, Jake, in time," she countered, "It's the least you can do for granting you freedom and second chance, but you have my word that I'll release your crazed friend. Now, lick." He sighed as he resigned himself to the order of the demoness. There were worse things he could be doing, he supposed, "Yes, mistress," he said as he got back on his knees and took her foot in his hands. "Mm, that's a good boy," she moaned as he began worshipping her foot. Beth and Pam had continued their trek through barren wasteland. It was almost eerie how silent the place was. The growls and howls that had previously filled the air were gone, and in their place was an unsettling silence. They'd come across another molten river that Pam swore was the key to their objective. There was no end in sight, however, and beyond the river of flames there was nothing except for flat lands sprawling out into nothingness. They'd talked while they journeyed through the wastes, but they stopped when the skies grew dark. The ground around them shook, and bolts of amber lightning sliced through the skyline. Pam's cloak wrapped around them as geysers of fire began erupting from the molten river close to them. The winds kicked up dust, and they swore that the temperature rose by at least ten degrees. Then, just as quickly as it had come, it disappeared and they were left in the silence once again. "What in the actual fuck was that?!" Beth asked. "A power surge," Pam answered, "We must be getting close. Come on, I don't want to wait around to see what might happen if we tary." Beth nodded and the two of them took off in a sprint, "Who the hell says stuff like tary?" she asked. "A woman in a hurry that has the heart of an adorable little fireball," Pam replied. "You're cheesy, you know that?" Beth said before turning serious, "Do you think it was those freaky sisters?" "I'm almost afraid to find out," Pam answered, "Power of that magnitude is frightening to put it mildly. I fear that if it was then we may be outclassed." "Well, whether it was or wasn't, I'm not backing down," Beth said, "Tell your other selves to get their shit together and get ready for a fight." "That's not-" Pam started, "It's all me, Kitten, they were just projections of my emotions." "Whatever, just get ready for a fight," Beth said as they charged up a hill. "Impressive, let us see if this is courage or bravado," the voice of the Northwind spoke in Beth's head. "Oh shut up," Beth snapped, "I didn't come this far just to die in this shithole." "What?" Pam asked. "Nothing, stupid sword chooses now to talk," Beth explained. "Show me your strength, young one," the voice said. She didn't respond this time, and instead she chose to remain silent and continue her charge with Pam. They raced up the hill without stopping. A sense of dread and impending doom clawed at the backs of their minds as they reached the top of the hill. Looking down, they saw a sight that was out of place with the rest of the hellscape they'd seen thus far. A massive white structure complete with odd columns stretched out over the horizon. "They're down there," Pam said, pointing to the platform, "And...I think Jake may be down there as well." "What?" Beth asked, "Is he okay?" "I'm-" Pam started, but Beth was already running down the hill. "No time!" she yelled back, "Come on, I don't want those bitches hurting my friend!" Pam sighed as she caught up with Beth and grabbed her hand, "Perhaps I can offer us an easier way down, love." "What do you-woah!" Beth exclaimed as she suddenly found herself in a tight and borderline intimate embrace with her girlfriend, "P-Pam, I missed you too, but now is not the time for this!" "Oh be quiet and get your mind out of the gutter," Pam said, "Hang on, this might be a little daunting at first." Beth was about to ask what she was talking about when the ends of her cloak pushed the two of them upward. Before she could register what was happening, the two of them were gliding through the air and down the hill. "Holy shit, this thing let's you fly?!" Beth asked. "Glide, but it comes in handy," Pam replied, "Hold onto me, Kitten, and keep your sword-arm at the ready." Jake wasn't sure how long he'd been paying tribute to Lilith. The taste of her feet had created a strange, euphoric haze that settled in over his mind. His only awareness was that of Lilith's pleased moans above him. The low resonance of her pur was incredible, and this was satisfying his base need to serve. It had been too long since he'd been able to indulge in his foot fetish, and with every lap of his tongue he felt himself becoming increasingly aroused. The almost cheesy and acrid taste of her footsweat made the dirt that littered his tongue well worth it. A part of him was torn between simply giving in to the demon queen here and now, but he knew that he had a mission to accomplish and wrongs to right. At least he had something to look forward to if he lost, though. "Oh. My. God!" he heard Beth's voice cry out, "You have got to be fucking kidding me! We travel the goddamn wastes looking for those culty bitches, and you're sitting here licking a damn demon's foot?! What is the matter with you?!" "It appears your little friends have arrived, Jake," Lilith said as she took her foot away from him and stood up, "Care to introduce your new master to your friends, boy?" "Master?" Pam repeated, "Jake, you didn't…" "He did," Lilith said with a triumphant grin, "You, my dear, must be the infamous Pamela Lavely, and that must make the little one Beth. My, she's a cute one." Pam stepped in front of Beth and growled at the demoness, "She is mine, and I don't give a damn how powerful you are, you won't take her from me!" Lilith laughed, "You must be a student of Rebecca's," she said, "Only one of hers would be so bold and rude to the rightful heir to Hell." "I am not hers anymore," Pam snapped, "She may have introduced me to the craft, but I've moved beyond her abusive control. Wait, heir to Hell? That would mean you're-" "Lilith, the patron who gave your former teacher her first taste of power," Lilith finished for her, "That traitorous witch robbed me of a good portion of my strength, and forced me to hide in exile while the likes of Dorothy seized control of my realm." "Can we just back up a minute," Beth interjected before turning back to Jake, "How the fuck do you keep falling for damn monstergirls?! The BDSM and foot fetish I get, but she is a fucking demon!" "It was either he submit and take my deal, or I would take him for myself," Lilith answered as Jake hung his head in embarrassment, "You should be thanking your little friend, girl. Were it not for his pledge to me, my daughters would be feasting on you all as we speak." "Daughters?" Beth repeated, "Those things are yours?! Jake, how could you cut a deal with this woman?!" "Watch your tongue, girl, before I cut it out," Lilith threatened, "If you think Rebecca is a force to be reckoned with, just wait until you test my patience." "You won't lay a hand on her," Pam said with a glare. Jake had heard enough. He lifted his head and stepped between Lilith and his friends, "That's enough. Beth, I did what I had to do so that we could have a fighting chance against Dorothy and Rebecca. Lilith, I might have your mark, but I won't let you threaten the people I care about. You want your realm back? Then you'll back off, release Alexis, and let us work!" The three of them stared at him for a moment before Lilith laughed again, "That spirit of yours is going going get you in trouble, Jake, but you are right. Your little friends are of little consequence to me in the end. Victoria!" The redhead emerged from the ground and bowed before Lilith, "Yes, mother, is it time to do away with this filith?" "No, dear, these three are going to restore me to my rightful place," Lilith said, "Fetch the loony girl. Your sisters and you will have to wait to feast." "Mother, I implore you to reconsider this," Victoria pleaded, "These mortals will only serve to further Dorothy's masinations. Let us have them. We have waited for so long for fresh meat." "Do not argue with me Victoria," Lilith commanded, "I have made my decree. If they succeed then you and your sisters will have more toys than you know what to do with." Victoria looked like she wanted to protest, but she bowed her head and said, "By your command, mother, I will go tell my sisters." "Seems like your dear daughters don't like your plan," Beth remarked as she watched the redhead glide off, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with her or anything, but seems like you may have a bit of a family dispute in the works." "They will follow me, as they always have since their birth," Lilith assured, "They may not always be happy with me, but they know that my word is law. I only want the best for them, and for myself of course." "Yeah, one big happy demon family," Beth said with a roll of her eyes, "Can we get out of here before those things she calls kids decide to go against mother dearest?" "Your little friend should learn to watch her mouth," Lilith said, looking at Jake. "Yeah, I've been trying to get that through to her for years," he said. "Hold on," Pam said, "Exactly what was the nature of your arrangement, Jake?" "The boy is to be returned to me should he fail in his quest to overthrow Dorothy as well as dear Rebecca," Lilith explained, "In exchange for the promise of his soul, I've granted him my blessing. Combined with what he received from Ashley, he should be quite formidable. If he dies, either by the hand of his lover or Dorothy, his soul will be given over to me for all eternity." "Jake, did you know this when you agreed?" Pam asked. "We're running out of options, Pam," he prefaced, "We need every advantage we can get for what's to come, so yes I knew what I was signing up for." "Told you he's he's idiot," Beth said before giving him a hard look, "We better not lose and you better not die. I already went to great lengths to save your ass once, and you know I'll do it again." "Don't be foolish, child," Lilith said, "If you all fail, you won't be going after anyone anymore. Even if by some miracle you survive where he falls, I'm more than capable of eviserating you." "That a challenge?" Beth said, clutching at the hilt of her sword. "Interesting," the Northwind whispered in her head, "You would stand against the former Queen of Hell?" "Oh knock it off," Beth said earning curious looks from everyone, "I've faced off against people and creatures stronger than me time and again, and if you think that I'll back down because of someone's idiotic title, then you don't know me well at all!" "Beth, who are you talking to?" Jake asked. "I'm guessing her new sword is speaking again," Pam answered. Lilith eyed the artifacts that the two women carried and raised an eyebrow, "You two possess the remnants of the Northwind Warrior...interesting that you managed to wrestle control of them. Perhaps I was wrong, Jake, with their aid and mine, you may succeed after all." Before anyone could say another word, the ground began to quake around them. The four of them looked around to see what was causing the tremors. The columns trembled before breaking apart and falling to the ground. Beth leapt and tackled Pam out of the way, while Lilith brought up a barrier around her and Jake. "Lilith, are you doing this?" Jake asked. "It's not me," she said, "I believe we have an uninvited guest in our midst beyond your little friends." "Shit, shit, shit!" they heard Alexis yell, "God-fucking-damnit, son of a motherless bitch!" They turned to see the petite young woman round a corner before rushing at them. "Alexis?" Beth asked, "What's going on?" "Hit the deck Kitty-Cat, you to Pammy!" Alexis yelled, "We've got company, and it's not those witchy bitches!" They watched as behind her a massive female demon charged awkwardly after her. Their jaws dropped at the sight of her. Overweight with flab sloshing with every massive step, but larger than even Lilith at ten feet in height. Brick colored skin with matted purple hair that fell past her shoulders, and a belly that spilled out well over the loincloth that barely covered her nether region. Her breasts were bare and flopped with each jogging step, and the ground quakes as she charged after Alexis with a hunger in her eyes. There was a sheen of sweat that could be seen along her flabby body, but what really caught everyone's attention were the teeth protruding from her mouth. Razor sharp and jagged fangs that glistened a sickening shade of yellow. The closer she got, the heavier and fouler the air became. "Great, now what?!" Beth yelled. Lilith glared at the beast with a look of familiar hatred as it approached, "Ready yourselves for your first test," she commanded, "That is Abadon the Devourer. A former Glutton Lord of the Fifth Circle of Hell, and by the looks of it she's come for you four." "Let me guess, we're on our own?" Beth seethed. "She'll definitely want me as well, but I'm curious to see how you four work together," Lilith replied, "Show me that you actually stand a chance against Dorothy and her regime. If you cannot best Abadon, then you have no hope of getting out of here alive." Beth rolled her eyes, but took a wide stance. She readied herself with her sword held tight at her side, Jake cracked his neck in preparation to test his new abilities, and Pam's eyes began to glow along with her palms as they stood together. Alexis skidded to a stop in front of them. She looked at each of them before sighing and dropping into a crouch, "You three are crazier than me, you know that?" "We stand together, and we make this thing regret messing with us," Jake said. "Move as one, and it won't stand a chance," Pam added. "I'm pissed and I've been itching for a fight," Beth said, "Let's bring the pain!" Abadon let out a guttural laugh as she continued charging and knocking over columns. Lilith stepped out of the way and back over to her throne to sit down, "Let's see just what you all are made of, hmm?" she said, "Fight!" |