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Our heroes venture into the abyss to save their world, while trouble brews back home. |
Elsewhere in the depths of Hell, Beth and Pam wandered the wastes. Pam led the two of them along a river of lava that bubbled every so often. The sounds of growls and screams could be heard in the distance as they walked. "Are we lost?" Beth asked. "No," Pam replied, "The trail of energy flows in this river. Last I checked, neither of us were flame retardant." "Don't you have a spell for that?" Beth asked before adding, "If it's in the lava, then how do we know we're going the right way? "Not one I care to test," Pam admitted, "I have no idea how well my protection spells would work in this heat, and I'm not keen on the idea of watching you burn. I can see the wisps of energy trickling up and out of the lava, Kitten, so long as I see that then we must be on the right track." "But wouldn't the hellscape have its own magical properties?" Beth asked, surprising her girlfriend, "Technically, we're on another plane of existence, right? Isn't it possible that it could create interference?" "When did my little pet start studying magic?" Pam asked with a pleased grin, "You have a valid point, but the tracking spell was cast on this plane. Had I cast it while we were still on Earth, then you would be correct. Color me impressed, regardless." Beth looked away as she admitted, "I...might have taken one of your books while I was staying away from home. I missed you and your magic stuff." "I thought I was missing one of my books," Pam said, "For what it's worth, I missed you too, Kitten." "Yeah, don't get all mushy on me," Beth said, slipping back into a defensive state, "Think Jake and Alexis are alright?" "Who can say," Pam replied, "Between the two of them, I like to think that they can handle whatever terrors this plane can throw at them." "Your confidence is inspiring," Beth deadpanned. Pam glanced over at Beth as they continued to walk. All of this felt familiar, outside of their surroundings that is. The emotions rolling off of Beth were reminiscent of their first weeks together. The girl was standoffish, reserved, hostile, and confused. The only saving grace for her was that she would occasionally catch her pet fiddling with the stone on her collar. The fact that she'd never taken it off despite the animosity was a comforting testament to their relationship. Maybe with time, they could move past her mistake and get back to how they once were. "I got a question," Beth said, breaking Pam out of her thoughts, "You used to serve Goth faithfully, yeah? What made you continue to stay after everything she put you through? If what you've said is true, then why stick around and put up with it? Did she threaten you or something?" It was a fair question, but one Pam wasn't quite comfortable answering truthfully. She had to remind herself that she'd promised to be honest with Beth, though. If they were to move forward in their relationship, she would have to be willing to share. "The threat of being enslaved was always hanging over my and the other girls heads," Pam said with a sigh, "I stayed because of this, yes, but I also wanted more out of my life. You have to understand, I came from literally nothing. When she found me, I was alone and past due on my rent. My father was an abusive alcoholic who thankfully died when I was young, and my mother passed away when I was fourteen. Believe it or not, when I first met Rebecca I had no idea who or what she was. I was doing tarot readings trying to make ends meet, and when I saw her I just saw a mark who looked wealthy." "I read the cards without thinking much about it, and I was trying to steal her purse. The next thing I knew, she'd flipped my table, scattered my cards, and had her hand wrapped around my throat with me hanging in the air. She thought I was some sort of spy or something, and I could see it in her eyes that she had every intention of killing me right there. I begged her to let me go, swore that I had never seen her before in my life, and I could feel how angry she was. After a moment of scrutiny, she dropped me on my ass and offered me a place in service to her. She promised me that if I could prove my worth, I would be well rewarded." "You tried to steal from Goth?" Beth asked, "You're pretty, but I thought you were smarter than that." "I'm not sure if I should be insulted or complimented by that," Pam said with a smile, "As I said, I didn't know who or what she was. I learned later just what type of person she was, but I found myself enticed by her promises and her power. I've always been attracted to women, you see, but I had little knowledge of anything dealing with BDSM. Rebecca introduced me to the world of submission, and I found myself intrigued and engrossed in it. It was one of the other girls who introduced me to life as a domme, though. She came to me with a knowledge of the lifestyle that Rebecca chose to withhold. She is the one who taught me about checking your submissive, caring for them, pushing their limits, and even establishing a safeword. Of course when Rebecca learned of this, she was none too happy. She swore that the girl, Tamara I believe her name was, was preaching heresy and weakness. She made an example of her, but I still recall the teachings she shared with me." "I adopted a hybrid of the two philosophies. I had to keep up appearances for Rebecca, so I treated many women as toys for my own amusement. It wasn't until I came to know you that I saw the validity and importance of what Tamara spoke of. I wish you could have met her, Beth, she would have liked you and I believe you would have liked her. Passionate, caring, powerful, and the embodiment of what it means to be an alpha in charge. I still remember some of our one on one sessions with each other. She was the one who introduced me to rope-play and endurance training with knives." "I saw what happened to women who went against Rebecca, and I knew after Tamara that I was in too deep. I had to continue on, continue to improve, and rise above the others in my group. Unfortunately, that meant I had to step on the necks of others to climb higher and higher. It was difficult at first, but over time I grew accustomed to the feeling of breaking others for my own personal gain. It changed me, as you recall when we first met before you changed your moniker. That night at the cabin reminded me of the importance of my role as a dominant. I knew that you needed someone to guide you, strengthen you, and help to heal the pain you'd been carrying around. Survival was what originally kept me working for Rebecca, but maybe some part of me hoped that I would find someone who needed me. Someone that I could impart the knowledge Tamara gifted me so long ago." Beth was quiet as Pam spoke. She'd never heard any of this before, and she couldn't recall a time where her girlfriend had been so open. "So when Goth calls you an urchin, she's talking about your past?" Beth asked and Pam nodded, "That's harsh, even for her. Was this Tamara girl a mage too?" "Everyone Rebecca inducted had some degree of magical prowess," Pam replied, "Tamara had more potential than me, but because of her mercy she was stripped of her sanity and given to Aurora. Seeing what that maniac did to her broke my heart, and it caused me to suppress my submissive side for fear of what might happen to me if word got out. Rebecca knew, though, her empathic abilities clued her into my secrets, but she always kept that a secret between her and I. I suppose, beyond her being my mentor, that was part of why I considered her and I to be friends." "I always wondered why you chose to keep some kind of relationship with her," Beth said before asking, "Wait a minute, you said you suppressed your submissive side. I thought you were a domme?" "I wanted to believe that she could change, that maybe there was still some shred of humanity within her, but she made a fool of me just as soon as she regained her powers," Pam sad, coldly before adding, "If you want to into specifics, Kitten, I am what you would call a switch. Domination and being worshipped are things I enjoy, but occasionally I want someone else to take the reigns." "Sooo, in theory, I could dominate you for a change?" Beth asked sheepishly. "I trust you, so yes if that's something you're interested in we could certainly do that," Pam replied, "I've already seen that dominant fire in you, but we would need to discuss checks and balances. Perhaps this is something we can look into once we deal with the problems at hand." Beth snickered as she said, "I'm gonna sit on your face then." For once, Pam blushed at the mention and lost a bit of her composure, "T-that doesn't sound like a bad idea. " "Holy shit, did you just blush?!" Beth exclaimed. "No," Pam replied, walking further ahead. "You did!" Beth exclaimed, "I just made my girlfriend, the all-mighty Pamela Lavely, blush!" Pam smiled as she glanced over her shoulder, "You still consider me your girlfriend after everything that's happened?" "Well yeah," Beth said, "I'm still not happy about any of what happened, but...I mean, I wouldn't have survived the Castle if it weren't for you." Pam waited for Beth to catch up and wove her fingers through Beth's, "We make it through this, I promise to be honest with you from now on." "We make it through this, and we have a lot to talk about," Beth said, "We've got to deal with Goth once we finish up here, though. You don't honestly think she's doing anything good up top, do you?" "I believe that in her eyes, she's doing what she believes is right," Pam replied, "I honestly don't think she knows right and wrong at this point. I can hope, but hope is a luxury that we cannot afford at this time. Whatever happens, we face it together. Just...don't leave me alone." "I'm not going anywhere," Beth said, giving Pam's hand a reassuring squeeze, "We stick together, and I'll show you what it means to be a good girl." "Cute," Pam said with a small smile, "Don't forget who's really in charge, Kitten." It was the first time in a long time that either felt something akin to peace between them. The chaos of their surroundings aside, they continued along the molten river with a sense of calm confidence. They bantered back and forth as they walked, and Beth slowly felt her aggressive edge begin to dull. In the back of her mind, and Pam could feel it, there was still the nagging worry and doubt of what was to come. It wasn't fear of the beasts of Hell, no, it was the fear of the monsters lurking in their own world. Whatever was happening topside, it couldn't be good. Leaving Goth alone and unchecked felt like a recipe for disaster in its entirety. The flow of lava eventually gave way to a large lake of fire. It had taken them almost two hours to make the trek, but there was a structure in the distance they could see. A stone altar of some kind sat on the edge of the vast lake. "There is something there," Pam said, pointing at the altar, "It's not the same energy signature as the sisters, but whatever it is it's overshadowing their trail." "I thought you said that wasn't possible," Beth said. "I can see trace pieces of their trails, but there is something in there that is calling out to me," Pam said, "Up for a little investigation, Kitten?" "Do you think there's anything worthwhile in that old thing?" Beth asked. "Something is giving off strong magical energies, and I admit that I'm curious to see what it is," Pam replied. "Couldn't it be a demon or something?" Beth asked. Pam closed her eyes and held out a hand towards the structure. She blocked out the distractions around to concentrate on the stones in the distance. After a moment, she opened her eyes, "There are creatures lurking about, but they aren't what's giving off the signature. I can feel hunger, rage, lust, and greed, but they pale in comparison to what's in the altar. Nothing that we can't handle if we work together." "You're just wanting to experience one of your fantasy treasure hunts, aren't you?" Beth asked with a smirk. "An added bonus, I won't lie," Pam replied, "But I think that whatever is in there could potentially give us an edge in the battles to come." "You're such a nerd," Beth laughed before nodding, "Alright, I'll move up and see if I can't do some recon. I've still got the rifle you gave me, and it's been great for these types of situations." "Beth, wait," Pam said just as she started walking forward. "What's u-mph?" Beth started before she was silenced by Pam's lips. It was a short and surprising kiss, but one with an ulterior motive behind it. It wasn't until Pam broke it, however, that she explained, "A kiss for good luck, and a slight bit of camouflage for you as well. It won't hold for long, but it should help to keep you undetected if you move slowly." Beth smiled and turned back around. She'd take every advantage she could get. Going into any situation blind was less than ideal, but she'd been scoping out dangerous places for years. She spotted an outcropping of rocks not far off that would provide a decent vantage point for her. She headed towards them and began her climb. It was simple enough with the experience she had patrolling the city. Using her grappling gun would have made the trio easier, but she didn't want to draw attention to herself or Pam. The only sounds were that of distant growls, wind whipping through the dust, and the lava in the lake bubbling up every so often. She reached the top of the rocks and knelt down to assemble her rifle. It really was a lovely piece of equipment and a thoughtful gift. She unfolded the stock, screwed the barrel in, and attached and focused her scope. Once that was done, she laid down on her stomach to better mask her presence before peering through the scope. To her surprise, the place was empty. The structure was large with stairs leading up to a single opening, but she couldn't see any movement. This didn't feel right. Tilting her scope up, she could see winged creatures circling the structure. If they were there to protect it, she couldn't say. A quick count told her there were maybe six overhead each with large black wings, sharp talons, and yellow slits for eyes. She turned her attention back to the opening at the top of the stairs. It was dark, but she could see what looked like a scarlet cloth fluttering in the wind. She left her rifle sitting atop the rocks and climbed back down to Pam. She found the blonde leaning against the base of the rocks, "Place looks deserted except for some flying things circling the building." "Hmm, did you see anything inside?" Pam asked. "Looked like a piece of cloth or something," Beth replied, "Are you sure there's anything useful in that place?" "Positive," Pam said, "If the altar is empty, then I'm willing to bet that whatever is in there is acting as a seal." "Then shouldn't we just, you know, leave it alone?" Beth asked. "Don't tell me my ferocious Feral Kitten is getting cold feet," Pam teased. "Don't be ridiculous," Beth said, "All I'm saying is that we might be wasting resources by doing this. Unlike you, I have a finite amount of bullets." "Then I suggest you choose your shots carefully and stay behind me," Pam said before taking Beth's hand, "I appreciate you being conscious about yourself for a change, but if you stick close to me we will be fine. Of course, if you prefer you can stay here where it's nice and safe whilst I go on ahead." "Yeah, I am not letting you get yourself killed," Beth said, "Let's do this together." Pam gave her a reassuring smile before they headed towards the altar. She could understand Beth's concerns, but she'd felt this calling once before. On the fringes of her mind, the aura coming from the altar sounded and felt familiar. She had to see this through, with or without Beth. She was glad to have her pet beside her once again, though. Strength in numbers aside, it felt good to be working with her for a change. They held hands as they walked along the molten shoreline. When they neared their destination, they each let go and prepared for whatever may be waiting for them. At the steps of the altar, they heard a strange disembodied voice, "Who are you, and why do you disturb our slumber?" "Did you hear that?" Beth asked, a bit of unease trickling into the back of her mind. "I did," Pam said, "Relax, dear, I suspect it's merely the voice of whatever is sealed here." "Oh yeah, that really puts me at ease," Beth scoffed, "You know I don't exactly do well with ghostly shit, right?" "I will protect you, Kitten, you have my word," Pam assured her, "Do you trust me?" "I do," Beth said after a moment of silence. "Then stay behind me and let me talk," Pam said before addressing the spirit, "We seek to claim whatever powers are sealed within this place. Two travelers not of this plane, but two who seek to change the course of events set in motion both here and in our world!" "You are so dramatic," Beth mumbled. Pam elbowed her and shot her a look, "Would you prefer to address the spirit?" "I'm good," Beth replied, "Just try not to piss it off." "Do you believe yourselves worthy of our strength?" the voice asked. Beth shivered behind Pam, "This is seriously creepy." Pam gave her another reassuring look before turning back to respond, "We do. We have traveled far in our world, overcome many powerful opponents, and are more worthy than any lost soul on this plane!" "Then enter, and we will see if what you say is true," the voice said. They ascended the final stair and approached the entryway to the altar. Obsidian stones lined the door frame as they passed through with various runes etched into them. "Don't suppose you know what these symbols mean, do you?" Beth asked as she ran her finger along one of the engravings. Pam looked over Beth's shoulder to inspect the markings, "As I suspected, these are seals to keep something in place. They're usually tied to an object or an artifact or two. Now the only question is, what are they keeping here?" As they crossed the threshold, torches sprung to life with green fire casting dancing shadows around the chamber. It wasn't large by any means, but it was the perfect size for a ritual. In the center of the chamber was another small staircase that led up to a pedestal. An old katana still in its scabbard was wedged into the pedestal, and fluttering around it was a scarlet cloak that moved despite the lack of wind in the chamber. The roof of the structure was opened allowing the light of Hell to funnel down around it. They walked further in and up to the final stairs. Pam examined the runes surrounding the pedestal. Unfamiliar runes were etched into it, and closer examination revealed that the scabbard of the katana had its own set of runes running up it. She held out her hands and they ignited with purple flames. Her eyes began to glow as she concentrated on the runes. She nearly lost her focus when Beth remarked, "You know, no matter how many times I see you do that it's still unsettling." "Hush," she said, "I need to unlock the seals in place, Kitten, and that requires my absolute focus." Beth rolled her eyes, but kept silent while Pam worked. She chose to keep her focus on their surroundings. She didn't like this. Something about this place felt off, and it wasn't just the fact that they were in Hell. It didn't help that Pam began speaking in a foreign tongue as she tried to break the seals. There was no movement, but she felt like they were being watched. She looked around before glancing at Pam to see how she was doing. The runes around the pedestal began glowing green as Pam continued to chant. The feeling of being watched was growing stronger the longer they stood here. Pam finished her spell, and the flames around her hands surged before pouring into the air. They flowed into the runes, and there was a moment of tension as they waited for something to show itself. The cloak continued to flutter about, and to both their surprise it launched itself at Pam. It wrapped itself around her and startled her. She gasped as it enveloped her in a strange embrace, "What the hell?!" Beth chuckled as she watched Pam, forgetting about their eerie surroundings for a second, "I think it likes you." "Oh shut up," Pam snapped as she fought with the fabric, "What the hell is this thing?" She could feel a presence woven into the fabric. Whatever it was, it was clearly heavily enchanted. It was unruly, though, and she fought to get it to yield to her will. While she fought and Beth watched, something crept out from the stone floor. A spectral figure with ethereal and tattered robes climbed out of the floor. It's face was a rotting skull along with its skeletal hands, and atop its head rested a golden crown encrusted with various gems. "You who wear the Shroud of Alioth, pickup the Blade of Northwind and face us," the figure rasped. "What the actual fuck is that?!" Beth cried out as she jumped behind Pam, "I told you, I don't do ghostly things!" "And I don't do swords," Pam said, "I can barely wield anything with this temperamental thing! Kitten, take the sword." "Are you out of your mind?!" Beth asked, "I'm not trying to fight a ghost!" "Beth, we have to work together here," Pam said, "I'll protect you, I swear!" "Son of a bitch!" Beth groaned as she reached over to grab the katana, "Alright, spooky, let's get this shit over with!" An unusual sensation overtook her as she held the katana in her hands. Fleeting memories of someone else walking the hellscape and wielding the blade rushed through her mind. It was disorienting, and it left her both vulnerable and unprepared for the spectral figure's first attack. It leaned back before lurching forward with an open mouth and unleashing a torrent of green flames at the pair of them. Beth braced for the burn that was about to come, but to both her and Pam's shock the cloak expanded and wrapped around the two of them. They could feel the heat from the flames, but the cloth absorbed the fire. It opened itself back up just as the cascade of flames finished, and they watched as the specter pulled a long broadsword from the ground. "Did you make that thing do that?" Beth asked as she took a shaky step forward and held the sheathed katana in her left hand and at her side. "I...don't know to be honest," Pam replied, "This cloak seems to have a mind of its own. I can feel it trying to link with me." "Well when you figure it out, tell it I said thanks," Beth said, "Let's see what this sword can do." "We need to work together," Pam said, "These items were sealed together, so odds are that they need to be used in unison to beat the wraith." "Sounds like as good a plan as any," Beth said. Beth dashed forward with Pam close behind her. The wraith, as Pam had called it, swung its sword horizontally in the attempt to cleave Beth in two. Beth blocked the strike with the scabbard of her own sword before drawing it from its sheathed and attempting to cut through the spirit. The blade emitted a faint blue glow as she swung it, and it sliced through the wraith sending it floating backward with a shriek. She quickly brought it back to rest in its scabbard and readied herself the wraith's next attack. It rushed forward with the blade in both hands, and it swung with incredible speed and surprising precision. Beth was barely able to deflect its angled swings, and with every deflection it adapted and redirected its attacks. Beth would block one swing and parry the following on the other side. Sparks flew as their blades collided again and again. The wraith managed to lock blades with her for a moment, and it removed one of its hands from the blade to reach for her. She felt an icy chill as its hand drew nearer, but she found herself wrapped in the fabric of Pam's cloak and pulled backwards. The sudden tug jarred her as Pam stepped forward to stand beside her. The red fabric billowed around them as Pam summoned her chains to try to entrap the wraith from behind. The spirit soared forward as it tried to deliver a blow to one of them, but Pam's cloak furled around them once again and repelled its blade. Her chains were dispelled with a single swipe of its blade, but her cloak moved out and coiled around its arms to hold it in place. It shrieked as Pam yelled to Beth, "Quickly, while it's restrained, strike it!" Beth nodded her understanding and rushed forward with a surge of energy and knowledge from an unknown source. She kept the scabbard at her hip and her right hand hovering over the hilt of the blade. When she got close enough, she drew the blade in an angular slash before spinning it around and delivering lightning fast slashes along its body. With a final flourish, she spun the blade before gently sliding it back to its home. The slight clink of the guard hitting the sheathe caused a faint glow to form where she'd cut the wraith. Its body began to dissipate as the wounds set in, and after a second it disappeared. "Two who fight as one, you have proven your worth," the disembodied voice echoed throughout the chamber, "Go now to the east. There you will find who you seek." "Where did you learn to fight like that?" Pam asked as she turned to Beth. "I...don't know," Beth answered, "It's like once I picked this thing up, it just sort of...came to me. Ugh, now my head hurts." "Why don't you sit down while I retrieve your rifle?" Pam offered, "It's the least I can do after that impressive display of yours." Beth considered arguing, but her head was beginning to pound. She nodded and sat herself down against the wall of the chamber, "Yeah, alright, hurry back," she said. She watched Pam leave the chamber and looked around. The fires were still burning and the runes were all emitting a slight glow. She looked at the katana she'd claimed, and ran her hand along the etchings on the scabbard. She had no idea what they meant or why her head was hurting, but she suspected that it might have something to do with using the sword. "Your spirit is strong, child," a voice whispered in her head, "But your body leaves much to be desired. You may have claimed me, but I dub thee unworthy of my power." "Did...did this thing just talk?" she asked aloud. "You know very little, child," the voice spoke again, "I am the Northwind and while you may wield me, my secrets will remain my own until you prove yourself worthy of them. I have no use for weakness, and until you show me that you are strong in body, mind, and heart, I will keep my power to myself." "This is so fucking weird," she mumbled, "I beat that thing, so how is it that I'm not worthy of your powers or whatever?" "Your hands were merely an instrument for my will," the voice replied, "Let us see how you fare when left to your own devices. Show me your strength, and perhaps I will lend you my own. I will lie dormant here until then. The Northwind has spoken!" "Didn't realize a sword could be a jackass," she grumbled, "Fine, I'll make sure we get out of this with or without your help!" Pam found that the Shroud of Alioth had a strange sentience that came with it. It fluttered without the wind, and it gave her a sense of both comfort and protection being wrapped around her. When she reached the rocks where Beth had climbed earlier, she was surprised to find that the Shroud began her ascent for her. It lifted her up into the air, wrapped out rocky outcroppings, and pulled her up with ease. She disassembled the rifle and prepared to head back down. Something told her to jump, and without a second thought she did just that. The cloak opened up around her, and she began gliding gracefully down the rock face. She smirked as she landed on her feet and resumed her steady walk back towards the altar. "I must say, this Shroud of Alioth is fairly handy to have," she said to herself as she walked up the stairs, "A worthy find indeed." Beth's headache was beginning to subside, and she was certain it was because of the sword. She heard Pam's boots along the stone floor and she stood up. "How's your thingy?" she asked. Pam rolled her eyes but smiled, "It's an artifact, Kitten," she corrected, "And it will make a nice addition to my abilities." "Yeah, well mine's an ass," Beth said, "How come I got the one that talks shit?" "What are you talking about?" Pam asked. Beth held out the sword as she approached, "Stupid thing is in my head, and it's talking about how I'm not worthy of its power and stuff." "If ever there was anyone worthy of such a gift, it's you, dear," Pam said, "The spirit inside the blade may not see it yet, but I assure you that it will in time." "Yeah, well can you tell it to stop being an ass?" Beth asked, earning a laugh from Pam. "I'm pretty sure it can hear you, Kitten," Pam replied, "Be patient with it and I'm certain it will come around." "Yeah, well I hope you're right," Beth said, "So we're supposed to trust the word of that spooky ghost thing and go east?" "Wraith," Pam corrected, "And yes, we are and shall. That was a guardian of sorts, and now that we've broken its seals I can sense those creatures' energy off to the east. We find them, and maybe we can find Jake and Alexis. Just try not to kiss her when we get to her." "Is that jealousy I hear?" Beth asked. "You're mine, and I've already told you I don't do well sharing what belongs to me," Pam said, neither admitting nor denying her feelings. "I'm not a thing, Pam," Beth said, "I'm a person, remember?" "Yes, and you're the most important person in this world to me," Pam replied, "I just...I don't want you leaving me for another woman." "Okay first, you're the only woman I'm attracted to," Beth said walking up and hugging her girlfriend, "Second, you're about all the crazy I can handle in a relationship. Third, Alexis isn't interested in me like that, and as a matter of fact, she's pushed for me to forgive you. Weird coming from her, but hey even a broken clock is right twice a day." "So I'm the only woman you're interested in?" Pam asked, her insecurity and vulnerability showing for a moment. Beth pushed herself up on her toes and kissed her girlfriend gently on the lips, "One and only, hon. It's strange seeing you self conscious, but it reminds me that you're not like Goth or the other crazies of dealt with. I love you, now let's go kick some demon ass." Pam smiled at her. Times like this reminded her of why she fell for the little woman in the first place. Strong, capable, caring, and honest to a fault. She was crass, rough, and headstrong, but to her she was perfect all the same. "I love you too," she said after a moment, "Let's take your new toy for a spin and show it how wrong it is about you, shall we?" For the heroes trapped in Hell, it had only been a short while. Back in their world, however, it had been nearly a week by this point. Rebecca, admittedly, knew little when it came to the differences in the flow of time for the two worlds. She'd managed to make it back to Metropolis with the help of her new followers Chelsea and Michael. The situation in Metropolis wasn't any better than Citiville, it was worse in fact. Several people had taken to looting and defacing properties in the face of the demonic invasion. She needed a base of operations if she was going to reestablish order in the now lawless city. There were whisperings of cult activity in the city on top of the demons as well. She owed it to her beloved to establish a strong foundation, protect the city, and bring order to the growing chaos for his return. With this in mind, she set her sights on Blackridge Manor. Retaking the Manor had been simple enough. The place was overrun with mortals and demons alike each fighting for control over the building. It allowed her to demonstrate her powers by ridding the place of the demons, and showing the mortals just who they should pledge their allegiance to. Many of the women supported her, but there were those who disagreed with her philosophies. Her first instinct had been to detain and discipline them, but she was stopped when Chelsea preached on her behalf. It was stunning to listen to the girl witness to the nonbelievers, and to her surprise Michael joined in alongside her. Together, they managed to sway the hundred some odd people that had gathered in the main hall of the mansion. With the help of these two, her believers and followers had grown yet again. That had been two days ago. With no signs of the invasion stopping, and no way to contact Jake or the others, she'd thrown herself into her own work. She tasked a few of some of her new followers with redesigning and updating her new base of operations, others with monitoring the CCTV screens Jake had installed, and the others she took with her to the streets. With the surveillance access Jake had, tracking and finishing demons proved a simple task. With every portal closed, her power and influence grew. People began flocking to her for offerings of praise and promises of protection. She preached time and again to whomever would listen, but she selected thirteen individuals that she considered worthy to act as messengers on her behalf. Among the thirteen were nine women and four men who she gifted with enchanted items to demonstrate her will. Staves and robes bearing her marking were given to the women and collars to the men. With those simple items they were given the power to both preach and enforce her will. Among the men was Michael, the faithful submissive to Chelsea, who continued to convert others of his sex. He was the only one to decline her gifts, swearing that he was unworthy to wield such power and pleading to remain by Chelsea's side. She granted him this request, and by her side he remained and demonstrated time and again the beauty and freedom that came through submission. The boy had a gift of persuasion and charisma that gave credit to the otherwise inadequate men of the city. There were those that opposed her will, however. It was to be expected, and she ordered the thirteen to silence the blasphemers by any means necessary. Some buildings had been converted to sanctuaries for the weary, but she told them to choose others to act as prisons. If those who refused her chose to maintain their position after meeting with her, then she would deal with them personally. She would make an example of them for those who chose to decline her mercy. Time marched on and the number of her flock continued to grow. It was on the third day of her arrival that one of the thirteen was struck down. A woman claiming to be a Child of Darkness had murdered one of the men. The tide turned that day, and Rebecca was faced with a difficult choice. Her word to Jake had been to protect the people, but this woman had murdered in cold blood someone for simply believing in her. She knew the day would come, and she reminded herself that she was the Sword of Truth and Righteousness as she made her decision. The woman had been subdued and brought to her the same night. There were many who wanted justice for their fallen comrade, especially since he had been one of the chosen. She would satisfy their demands and show the world what awaited those who chose to stand against her. She had the woman bound in chains and brought to her. She hauled her by her hair to the balcony that overlooked the city streets. A mob of her followers, the remaining twelve among them, had gathered in anticipation of her verdict. She stepped out and held the woman, now whimpering in both fear and pain, out before them, "Many of you have been clamoring for justice for our disciple! I hold in my hand the woman responsible for this hateful and heinous act. I ask you, my children, what should be done with this little wretch?" "Burn her, Goddess!" a woman cried out. "Flay her!" another shouted. "Make her suffer for what she's done to our brother!" a man yelled. "Enough!" the voice of Michael cried out, surprising everyone including Rebecca, "It is not our place to decide her fate, dearest Goddess and most benevolent Matron of the Night. We are merely tools to be used, many more fitting than myself, but are we not all to surrender to your will? Brothers and sisters, let us keep silent and witness the judgement of the one who brings our salvation! By your will, your hand, and your decree, Goddess, do with this infidel as you please." The crowd fell silent, say for the murmurs of agreement at Michael's words. The boy reminded her so much of Jake before he was polluted by heresy. She dropped the woman on the ground and asked, "What do you have to say in your defense, girl?" "Fuck you, you godless pretender!" the woman snapped, "You are a liar and a manipulator, a Herald of death and destruction, and we will see you brought to your knees before a slow and painful death! Kill me and another will take my place! We are the Children of Darkness, and we will never bow before the likes of you!" Rebecca smirked as she addressed the crowd, "It seems to me that this little worm has made her choice. Let this be a lesson to all who oppose what I stand for! I bring unity and peace for all, but to those who would seek to destroy my order I bring a sword! Witness, children, the fate that awaits those who would do any of you harm!" She raised her hand to lift the woman into the air. She remained suspended by an ethereal force for a moment. She screamed curses and promises of death and pain for all who chose to follow her, but her defiant cries were short lived. Rebecca lifted both of her arms into the air and found the ties that held the girl's body together. Slowly, painfully, she began unraveling the threads that held her very being together. Her bones began to snap. First her hands, then her arms, and then her legs each released a thundering crack. It was followed by pained screams, but she was only beginning. Closing her eyes, she peered inside of the girl to locate her less vital organs. She clenched her hands on them one by one causing each of them to rupture. She brought her back down to stare into her eyes, and watched as the fires of rebellion continued to burn behind them. She reered back before bringing her fist into the girl's chest. She felt her ribs crack from the force of the blow, but she followed with another agonizing punch. Again and again she pummeled the heretic until she was battered and bruised until she was nearly beyond recognition. She coiled her fist in her hair and glared down at her, "You chose this for yourself, you miserable little wench. I gave you the chance to beg for forgiveness for harming one of my flock, but you chose pain and suffering for yourself." "Kill...me...if you're...going to...you vile bitch," the girl wheezed. "Death is a luxury that the likes of you don't deserve," Rebecca said, "You'll beg for death, plead for mercy, but you will only receive the hatred you have sowed. My flock will use you for whatever they want, and you'll live until you've found your new purpose in life." She launched her into her chambers before turning back to her followers, "This is the reward for all of your faithfulness! This little wench belongs to you all, and once I've restored her body you may break her again and again in any way you see fit!" The crowd cheered in appreciation, but the girl mustered the will to scream, "No! You can't do this!" "I am this world's Goddess, and I may do whatever I see fit," Rebecca replied. She laughed as she walked back into her chambers. This girl had brought this on herself, but damn she had missed this feeling! Feeling the girl's terror and hopelessness was delicious. It was impossible to deny how good and right it felt to be back in this position. However, she did this because she had to. The pleasure was merely an added bonus to doing what needed to be done. This world needed order, it needed peace, it needed her. |