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Our heroes venture into the abyss to save their world, while trouble brews back home. |
Beth rested her head against the wall of her shower. The hot water that cascaded onto and off of her was relaxing. Honestly, she couldn't remember the last time she'd taken a shower. There was something soothing about the heat and steam, and the notion of being washed clean was always one that gave her some comfort. It was a ludicrous one, but a comforting one all the same. After everything she'd done, there was no way she could ever be fully clean. No amount of soap or water could ever fully wash the blood and hatred from her body, but it was nice to dream. Her mind wandered to Jake and Pam. They'd betrayed her trust, and yet she had to wonder just how much was really of their own accord. Hearing Pam speak about her time serving Goth had been the first time she'd ever heard her girlfriend open up about it. She had always had an idea for the horrors that she'd probably endured, but maybe she wasn't giving enough cadence to just what she had endured. Looking at the time Jake had spent under her thumb it was obvious that the woman had sadistic and cruel methods, so she could only imagine what it must have been like to spend years beneath her. Was she being too harsh? Possibly, but she couldn't just forgive them for helping to restore her powers. The three of them had barely managed to escape with their lives last time, and all of Metropolis had suffered her wrath. She'd heard Goth and Pam remark that it was the price of rebellion, but in reality it was the price paid for failure. The idea that those same horrors might come to pass a second time was harrowing and quite frankly terrifying. She shut the water off, and stepped out of the stall to dry off. A quick glance in the mirror told her just how exhausted she was. She wouldn't admit it any time soon, but for days now all she'd wanted was to sleep tucked under Pam's embrace again. Her anger made it impossible to give into those urges, however. She towled herself off while thinking of her next move. If the three of them could truly work together and stop Goth, then maybe, maybe she could finally move past her rage. It was a tall order, but she knew in her heart that it was the only way she'd be able to move on. In reality, it wasn't just anger that had a grip on her. She was scared. She wasn't worried for herself, no, she was worried for her friends, family, and the whole of Metropolis. If she just would have killed her when she had the chance none of this would be happening. Now mostly dry, she opened the bathroom door and walked into her shared bedroom. Pam was sitting on their bed looking down, but she looked up at her as soon as she heard the door open. "You're supposed to be keeping an eye on Jake," Beth said without looking at her, "That little fucker might try to run off without us, and I'm not missing my chance to off that bitch." "He's not going anywhere," Pam replied as she stood up, "He wants to help us see this through, both of us want to help you. If by some chance he decides to do something stupid, we know where she is and I'll get us there." "Not letting him go to her alone," Beth grumbled, "You two might be assholes, but I'm not about to let either of you run off and get yourselves killed or worse." "We are in this together, Kitten," Pam said and reached out to take hold of Beth's forearm, "Stop for a moment, please." Beth looked down at the hand gripping at her, and she debated on how to respond. Her mind was torn. Part of her wanted to close what little distance there was, but another part wanted to pull away. "Let go of me," she finally said lowly, "We don't have time for this right now." "Make time," Pam said before adding quietly, "Please, just a few short moments is all I'm asking for." Beth locked eyes with Pam, but she didn't pull away. Pam pulled her in front of her and she said, "If you're going to give me another apology, you can save it. Talk is cheap, and I'm past the point of talking." Pam's eyes held a look of regret and concern that touched Beth on an emotional level, but she tried her best to hide it. She flinched when she felt Pam's hand gently run through her hair, and for a moment she was tempted to give into whatever the blonde wanted. Pam tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear as she spoke, "You're afraid, Kitten. Don't try to deny it, I can sense it. You're worried about facing Rebecca now that she has her powers back." "I'm worried about what's going to happen if we lose," Beth corrected, "Whatever happens to me doesn't matter, but you, Jake, and the rest of my city are a different story." "It matters to me," Pam whispered. "If that's the case, then you should never have helped her," Beth said and pulled away to go to her closet. Pam followed after her, "I know I made a mistake, Beth," she began, "One mistake doesn't mean that I don't care about you." "You're right," Beth said as she fished out a pair of pants and a shirt, "It just means you care more about her than me." "Is that what you really think?" Pam asked. "Doesn't matter what I think," Beth replied, "All that matters is stopping her before she hurts someone." "Beth," Pam said, "What you said to Jake at the warehouse, you know that isn't true. You'll always be first with me." "Bullshit," Beth snapped, "As long as she is around, I'll always be a second fiddle to you and to Jake." "I need you to listen to me, Beth," Pam argued, "Stop for a minute, and just-" "Just what, Pam?!" Beth cut her off, "I'm sick and tired of excuses and honeyed words! You chose her over me!" "I chose you first!" Pam snapped, earning a curious look from Beth, "I chose to side with you and Jake all those months ago, despite my position as a member of her court. I didn't have to demean myself to her anymore, and I was a respected magistrate in her eyes. I threw that all away for you, and do you know why? Because your safety and well being are what matters to me! She was breaking you, the same way she broke Jake and I, and I couldn't stand by and let that happen! I even went along with saving Jake, knowing full well the wrath that would befall us both! You have no idea the things that I went through to earn my place in Rebecca's eyes, and yet I cast it all aside to save you two and be with you." "And yet you still turned a blind eye to her," Beth said coldly, "You knew Jake would give her what she wanted, you know how much she hates me, and you know that she'll be back to her old bullshit again, but you did it anyways." "Beth," Pam began, "If I didn't care, then I wouldn't be trying to help you. I wouldn't be standing here arguing with you about this. I know how stubborn you are, and yet here I am talking until I'm blue in the face. Just...please believe me when I say that I want to make this right. No matter the cost and no matter how much you hate me, I won't let you go through this alone." Beth looked away as she grabbed a pair of cargo pants and a white t-shirt. She set them on the bed before sighing and saying, "I don't hate you, Pam. I just...fuck I hate talking about this. I'm hurt, okay? You say one thing, then do another. I want to believe you, I really do, but every single time I think about the bullshit she's going to pull I just get so heated. It doesn't help that this is literally the first time you've opened up to me about anything." "It isn't easy for me, Kitten," Pam admitted, "Discussing everything I went through, talking about my past, and admitting my own shortcomings is not something that comes easy to me. If it'll help you to trust me, however, I'll tell you everything once we have this ordeal settled. No more secrets, no more lies, just honesty between you and I." "Promise?" Beth asked, her voice losing its edge for the first time. "On my honor and life, Kitten," Pam replied, "Now, why don't we get you geared up properly?" For the first time since she'd found out about everything, Beth gave a small smile. Maybe there was hope for the two of them yet, maybe. She nodded and began throwing her clothes on, "I've still got the modified clips you made me," she said, "Is this whole thing with Goth the reason why you started teaching me alchemy?" "On some level, I suppose I knew it would come to this," Pam admitted, "I wanted you to be prepared for whatever might happen with Rebecca. Jake swore that she was going to try to reform, but I never really believed it. He sees the good in everyone, but I've known her too long to think she could just suddenly change. It's admirable, however, that he can continue to have that sort of hopeful mentality." "It makes him an idiot," Betn corrected, "Someone like her doesn't just change." She could feel Pam's eyes on her backside as she shimmied into her pants. It was flattering in a way. "I noticed that you kept the toys I got for you," Pam remarked, "I hope they've served you well in our time apart." "Tools, not toys," Beth said as she hooked her bra and began putting her shirt on, "The Colt is a great handgun, and the Remington works great for recon and range. Salley had a Colt 1911 when I was a kid, but I think she pawned it a while back. You can stop staring at my ass anytime, by the way." "Am I not allowed to admire my pet?" Pam asked with a grin. "Don't push it, Pam," Beth said, "We might be getting better, but we're not out of the woods yet." "Forgive me for being awestruck by your curves, Kitten," Pam said, "You're far too pretty not to steal a glance." "Nice flattery, but I'm still not happy with you," Beth remarked as she walked towards the door, but she was stopped when Pam grabbed her arm, "Pam, we don't-mmph?!" She was silenced as Pam's lips sealed her own with a kiss. She tensed, more so when she felt Pam's teeth take across her bottom lip, but she didn't pull away. For a second, she found herself melting in Pam's arms like old times. She snapped out of it and was about to push her away when Pam broke the kiss. She glared at her, and Pam laughed at the look on her face. "I've been wanting to do that for a while," she said with a grin and quickly added, "You said I couldn't ravish you, you never said I couldn't kiss you." "You should have been a fucking lawyer," Beth grumbled, "That's a cheap loophole, and you know it." "But one I was happy to exploit," Pam replied, "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it. You know I could feel that you did." "Shut up," Beth said, "Let's go, we need to make sure dipshit is still where you left him." "Don't be so hard on him, Kitten," Pam said as she followed her out the door, "It's not like he hasn't been paying for his mistakes. He only surrendered himself the first time to save you." "Doesn't excuse him helping that psycho," Beth countered, "It's because of him that we have to go through this fucking hell!" "I can hear you," Jake called out. "Good!" Beth said, "You're a real asshole for this, you know that?" "Kitten," Pam tried to come to his defense. "Don't 'Kitten' me," Beth argued, "If he hadn't of gotten involved with her in the first place then-" "Then you and I would never have found one another," Pam interrupted, "And I, for one, am glad that we did." "Ugh, that is a low play, Pam!" Beth yelled. "Do you wish we hadn't ended up together?" Pam asked. "Alright that's enough," Jake interjected, "I know what she means, Pam. While I appreciate your defense, the fact is she's right. Some good might have come out of it, but a lot of people have gotten hurt because of me." "Goddamn right, you fucktard!" Beth jeered. "Beth, he's trying to do the right thing," Pam said, "He isn't the enemy here." "He's still a jackass," she huffed and crossed her arms. "That's fair," he said, "Let's go see what Rebecca wants." "We're going to stop her," Beth corrected. "That's enough you two," Pam said, finally putting her foot down, "Can we put this aside until after we've dealt with situation at hand?" "Sounds good to me," Jake agreed. They both looked at Beth who finally sighed, "Fine, but I'm still mad at the two of you." "We know," they said in unison. "Asshats," Beth grumbled. "Just get over here so we can get going, Kitten," Pam said, growing exasperated. Beth walked over to stand beside Pam who stood between the two of them. Pam took hold of Beth's hand, weaving her fingers between her girlfriend's, and smiling when she didn't pull away. She pulled the shadows around the three of them, and they slowly began to sink down into the darkness. They disappeared from their apartment, and were traveling through the void towards Rebecca's lair. All of then were anxious about what was awaiting at the hotel, but deep down they were glad to have each other watching the others backs. Rebecca took a deep breath as she finished a kata Jake had taught her. She needed to thank her Raven properly for showing her this little exercise. She would be sure to repay his kindness in full this rendezvous. She raised her hand, clenched her fist, and savored the feeling of power that coursed through her body. She felt incredible. She was finally beginning to feel like her old self after months of feeling inadequate and weak. It was like she had finally been made whole again, but she still needed more. Elizabeth, Pamela, and Jake had all grown in their own ways, and if Elizabeth was left unchecked then she would prove troublesome to her new empire. On some level, she admired the girl's fiery tenacity, but her rebellious nature was cancerous to her own ambitions. Pamela and Jake would fall back in line as long that troublesome harlot was out of the way. She had hoped that the gang members she'd enlisted would be enough to deal with Elizabeth. Thanks to Jake and his fondness for tinkering, she'd managed to combine her magic with some of his old tech. She'd carefully chosen individuals of ill repute to lead her faux operation. It had been a rather meticulous plan, and one that she was quite proud of actually. She'd used her access to Jake's funds to arrange for two ships to come in at the same time. Paying off the coast guard, comptrollers, and police had been simple enough, and she made sure to have her controllers leak the information about a decoy shipment. Word had spread fast that Elizabeth was on the warpath, and the girl had played right into her hands. Even if she somehow managed to survive the ambush, which she was sure that she did, she would still have her materials. Jake had informed her, after some coercing, that her former disciple and Elizabeth were on shaky ground, so odds were that she would come to Elizabeth's aid. The question was, did they catch wind of it in time? She would know soon enough. She walked over to the bed to examine her ritual setup. She'd placed a table near the bed with a myriad of toys resting on them. Whips, chains, gags, knives, and other instruments of pain were laid out neatly on its surface. If one looked closely, they might see the shimmer of an aura above the bed. She'd learned of a small rift in the Heartbreak Hotel a while ago. The place was presumed to be haunted, but not many people knew the inner workings of how such a thing happened. Spectral activity such as what occurred here was often the result of a portal being created. Trauma of some sort usually cracked the veil, and from there the spirits of Hell often crawled through. She'd learned of a way of siphoning the powers of hell long ago, but the spell was incredibly risky. She'd need to open the door little by little to draw in the power of the other side, but doing so required inflicting pain and suffering on someone unsuspecting. Too much and the door could burst, too little and it would be meaningless. With her power she could simply open the gateway, but doing so would make it nearly impossible to close. She knew the Lord of Hell too well to give her a means into the world of the living. She wasn't about to compete with such a force and risk losing everything she'd fought so hard for. This meant that she needed Jake to endure one more trial for her to gain true absolution. A small price to pay for the power to snuff out any who were foolish enough to oppose her. She would make it up to him in the end. It had been a few hours since she'd sent her messenger for him, however, and she was beginning to grow impatient. She knew he was in another city, but he'd always dropped everything when she summoned him! Be it for pleasure, punishment, or testing out her abilities, he was faithful to her whims. Despite his protests, he always came when beckoned without fail. She cursed Dilatrix for removing her runes. If that time wielding bitch had just kept out of her affairs then none of this would have ever happened! She didn't dare make a move against the sorceress, though. Competing against someone who could manipulate the flow of time was too much even for her. A shift in the weave caught her attention, and she turned to see three figures rising from the shadows. She quirked an eyebrow as her lover, her disciple, and the heretic herself stepped into the light. "You've brought company," she remarked, "You know how I hate to be disturbed, Jake. This little transgression is going to earn you a severe punishment, my love." "Cram it, you sociopathic bitch," Beth snapped and walked in front of her friends, "I made your pet dumbass tell us where you were." Rebecca frowned at Beth's words, "Still as foul mouthed and disrespectful as ever I see," she said, "Bringing her here was a mistake, Jake. A disruption is one thing, but this insolent little whore is, by all accounts, nothing short of an infuriating nussence." "Fuck you," Beth spat, "Don't sit there and make vague threats at him in front of me." "My apologies, Elizabeth," Rebecca said, "Let me be clear, once I'm rid of you I'm going to make sure that both of them suffer for your insolence. Pamela will learn first hand just how to install loyalty and obedience. By the time I'm through with her, she'll be groveling at my feet begging to let her worship me." "You heartless, sadistic bitch!" Beth yelled and drew her pistols, "You won't lay a hand on either of them!" "Beth, stop!" Jake yelled, "Please, don't do anything rash." "She's threatening both of you, and you want me to stay my hand?!" Beth asked. "For all that fire and bluster, you are still so pathetic and weak, Elizabeth," Rebecca laughed before barking at the other two, "Both of you, on your knees before your Goddess!" Beth watched with gritted teeth as Pam and Jake both fell to their knees at her command. "Get up," she ordered, "She doesn't deserve your respect. Both of you are better than her!" Rebecca threw her head back and laughed, "No they're not and they know it," she said, "They're fortunate to share the same air as myself. They belong to me, as does everything else in this world." "Pam, please," Beth pleaded with her girlfriend. "That's right, Elizabeth, beg like the dog that you are," Rebecca mocked. Hearing Beth's voice crack, Pam shook off the instinctual control Rebecca had on her and got to her feet. "That's enough, Rebecca," she said, "I don't belong to anyone other than Beth, just as she belongs to me." "Is that why you kept my gift then, Pamela?" Rebecca asked with a knowing grin, "You never forgot where you belong, did you? You went through hell to get me what I needed, and you did it because you are and always will be mine. I'll make you a deal, put this little whore in her place, and I'll reinstate you in my court." Jake snapped out of his own stupor upon hearing this, "You said you weren't going back to your old ways!" "I did and I'm not," Rebecca replied, "What I did before didn't work, so now I'm going to bring peace to this world by bringing it to its knees. Once everyone learns the value of serving me, the world will be better off. I come to bring unity under my name. Those who fall in line will know peace and happiness, but those who choose to stand against me will know my wrath. Before there can be unity, there will be division. Families will turn on one another, friends will forsake each other, and in the end all that will remain will be those who submit to my will!" "I told you that she wouldn't change!" Beth exclaimed, "You thought that her having a second chance would reform her, but all it did was make her worse!" "The weak in the face of power, how truly pathetic," Rebecca said, "I should have gobbled you up when I had the chance, Elizabeth. At least then you would have served some useful purpose." "That's enough!" Pam roared, "I'll not stand by while you speak to her like this. The last woman who threatened her is still screaming in the void, Rebecca, would you care to join her?" "Are you threatening me, Pamela?" Rebecca asked coldly before waving her hand and sending Pam across the room, "Do you think I'm the same as that inbred pretender? You are nothing compared to me. A weak and pale shadow of what true strength is. Maybe before I kill Elizabeth, I'll make her watch as I break you. Would you like that, Pamela?" Beth charged her and screamed, "Leave her alone!" Beth leapt into the air with her fist reared back. Rebecca held up her hand to halt her approach, but to her shock it did nothing. The pendant on her collar flashed as her magic was repelled, and she received a strong punch to her jaw. The blow knocked her face to the side, but she quickly snatched Beth's arm and spun around to deliver a painful kick with the heel of her boot. She then tossed Beth into the wall and growled at her, "You miserable little shit!" Beth groaned as she pushed herself to her feet. She chuckled and looked over at Pam, "Guess this new collar has some new tricks, huh?" "You warded her collar?!" Rebecca demanded, "No matter, there is no magic that I can't bypass. I'll just have to use more force next time!" Pam heard the two of them arguing and exchanging threats, but her attention was elsewhere. She'd landed near the heart-shaped bed and the table beside it, but the rippling in the air drew her focus. Restraints were placed around the bed, and she felt sick as she realized what this was. "You monster," she breathed before yelling at Rebecca, "You were going to use him for that?!" Rebecca was growing more agitated by the second, and she glared over at Pamela, "What I do with my beloved is none of your concern!" she snapped. Jake looked over to Pam, and he couldn't remember seeing her so pale. There was a look of rage on her face that he'd only seen in Ravenfalls. "It is when you're going to kill him!" she snapped. "What?" he and Beth asked at the same time. "She was going to torture you," Pam explained, "That's why she called you here tonight! This place houses a portal to Hell, and she intended to use you to open it!" Jake was dumbstruck by Pam's shocking reveal, and all he could manage was a simple, "Why?" "Oh please," Rebecca replied, "I wouldn't kill you, Jake, I love you too much for that. Was I going to hurt you? Yes, but I would have healed you and cared for you immediately after. The power of the other world is all I need to complete my new world order!" "You fucking psycho!" Beth roared as she began firing her pistols at Rebecca. Rebecca rolled her eyes, and quickly sunk down into the shadows to dodge the incoming bullets. She scoffed from the abyss and her voice filled the room, "Do you really think those insignificant little toys can hurt me, Elizabeth? Maybe when I was reduced to being a mere mortal, but I have been restored to my former God hood now." "After everything he's done for you, you were going to abuse him again?!" Beth screamed, ignoring Rebecca's taunts and watching for any movement, "He has saved you again and again, and yet you would just cast him away so easily?!" Rebecca began rising from the shadows behind Beth to strike her down, "You know nothing of me and what my-argh!" She stumbled back as Beth managed to fire what few bullets remained in her clips into her without turning around. She held her stomach as warm blood seeped out of it, and she winced as she felt painful fire spread throughout her body. She glared at Beth who turned to face her with a smug grin, "What do you know?" Beth taunted, "Looks like Gods do bleed. You're going to have to step your game up, Pam uses that trick when we spar." "You...you lucky little slut!" Rebecca breathed, "You would dare to wound me?!" "How do you like my new bullets?" Beth asked as she ejected her clips and reloaded, "Pam taught me a few tricks that I could combine with my reloading bench. Call that one, Dragon's Teeth. The powder in the tips spreads through the bullethole upon impact, and burns a regular person from the inside out. You're still standing, but I can tell from the look on your face that you can feel it." "You wretched little bitch!" Rebecca roared, "I'll make you pay for hurting me!" "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Jake yelled, drawing everyone's attention as he stomped over to her. He pushed Beth out of the way, surprising her and Rebecca. "Jake, what are you-" Rebecca began. "Beth is right," he snapped and got in her face, "I've done every fucking thing you've asked of me! You broke your word to me when I surrendered to you, brought Ashley back just to have me murder her, convinced me to drag Beth and Pam to Ravenfalls where we nearly fucking died, and now I find out you were planning on using my pain to open a doorway to hell!" "Don't you dare speak to me like that," she warned. "Fuck you!" he yelled, shocking everyone in the room, "All of this time I thought there was some shred of decency in you, but you're nothing but a goddamn liar! I stood by you, defended you, I fucking loved you even after everything you did! You told me that once you had your powers back that it would be enough, that everything would change! I hate you, I fucking hate you!" Beth and Pam were in awe at their friend's emotional outburst; neither of them dared to interrupt him. Rebecca, for her part, was taken aback by his words. She was hurt, and what was worse she could sense that he meant what he said. She clenched her fists as her hurt began turning to anger, "This was not how this night was supposed to go!" she screamed and a surge of power shot out of her, "I was going to finally ascend and take my rightful place, and then I was going to give you everything! Instead, you brought two heretics into my sanctuary, one of which had the audacity to shoot me, and they've poisoned your mind! Apologize, now!" "You've got to be kidding me!" Jake yelled, "You have the nerve to demand an apology from me?! You threatened my friends, and put me through more shit than anyone. You should be begging me for forgiveness, but you want me to apologize to you?! Go to Hell!" That was all she could stand. She screamed and her power flooded the room, "You don't get to speak to me like that! I am the only person who has ever truly loved you! I've spent millenia pursuing you, and I am your soulmate! I will not stand for this!" The shockwave that shot out of her caused everyone's knees to buckle. Raw power filled the room, and Pam was the only to notice as the weave began bending around them. Her eyes widened as she looked over to the rift. It began to fracture and grow. "Rebecca, stop!" she screamed, "I know you're upset, but you need to stay in control!" She didn't listen. She raised her arms, and lifted Pam and Beth into the air. "I am always in control, Pamela!" she screamed, "I am through tolerating such disrespect! It's because of the two of you that I lost everything! You've turned the love of my life against me, and I will see both of you dead before this night is through!" "Let them go, Rebecca!" Jake barked, "They aren't responsible for how I feel, you are! You drove me away, and once again you can't accept responsibility for your own actions!" She began choking both Beth and Pam, "You want responsibility?!" she screamed, "I take full responsibility for their deaths and your punish-" In her fury, Rebecca had failed to notice the spectral schism continuing to widen until it was too late. A foul and hot blast of sulfuric wind blew through the room, and the glass of the windows shattered from the force. Everyone was knocked to the ground by the sudden shockwave. Pam and Beth hit the ground gasping for air, and Pam crawled over to Beth. She wrapped her girlfriend in an embrace to shield her from what she knew was about to happen. Howls of pain and sadistic cackling filled the halls of the hotel, and figures began emerging out of the portal. They looked human, but their skin was either miscolored or deformed. Horns adorned the tops of their head, and their eyes were all solid shades of red or yellow. Rebecca was the first to recover, and she immediately seized the group of creatures in her power. She snapped their necks, but more continued coming through. She was joined in her fight by Pam who summoned spectral blades that began slicing through those that emerged, and Beth had gotten to her feet and drawn her knives. Jake joined in last with his escrima sticks, and the four of them began fighting off the small horde that poured out. Rebecca began ripping them apart piece by piece, spraying their blood around the room. Pam sent her blades hurtling through multiple foes, while Beth weaved her way through the stragglers slicing their throats. Jake stayed back to keep them away from the magic users. The battle didn't last long, and after a few moments they were the only ones in the room. Beth turned to Rebecca and demanded, "What the fuck did you do?!" "She lost control," Pam answered, "I was trying to warn her. The influx of her power caused the doorway to open completely. Something tells me this isn't the only one either." "Goddamnit!" Beth yelled before marching over to Rebecca, "You stupid, arrogant idiot! How the hell am I the only one with a grip on themselves?!" "If you hadn't pushed me to this point, none of this would have happened!" Rebecca argued, "You shot me and polluted Jake's perception of me!" "Are you that fucking delusional?!" Beth demanded, "He just told you that you did that yourself! I should have killed you when I had the fucking chance!" "Enough!" Jake yelled, "We've got bigger problems right now. If that really is a gateway to hell and if there's more, then you know what that means Beth." Beth was confused for a moment before cursing, "Son of a bitch, Stinkromancer. Fucking shit! It's not enough that we've got a sociopath with a God complex, now we've got the actual overlord of Hell?!" "Pam, do you really think other portals are opening?" Jake asked. "I'm sure there are," she replied. "How do we close it?" Beth asked, "Can super-bitch over here fix it if she works with you?" "No," Rebecca answered, "Ignoring your comment, the doorways cannot be closed from this side. Once Dorothy learns that they're open, she will do everything she can to keep them that way. The only way to close them is from that side." "Oh I am going to fucking end you," Beth seethed. "Enough, Beth," Jake snapped, "We can worry about Rebecca once we've dealt with this." "You mean we're-" Beth started. "Yes, we're going to Hell," Jake replied. "Can we just have one fucking month without some supernatural bullshit?!" Beth groaned. "You're dating a sorceress," Jake replied, "Pretty sure that went out the window a long time ago." "Fuck off," Beth said, "Fine, we go into Hell and shut down the portals, but what about everyone on this side?" "I'll take care of things here," Rebecca said, earning wary looks from everyone, "It's the least I can do since I caused this mess. You said you wanted me to start taking responsibility, Jake, so why not start now?" "No way," Beth said, "You're not staying here while we run off into the storm!" "What choice do you have?" Rebecca asked, "I can handle any demons that come through easier than any of you, and I know that Pamela isn't going to let you run off alone." Beth looked at Pam who sighed, "She's right, Kitten, I'm not losing you a second time." Beth was about to argue when Jake stepped up and spoke first, "Rebecca, we're trusting you with things on this side. This is the last chance I'm giving you to show me that there is any good in you. Try anything while we're gone, and I swear we will make you regret it." "You almost sound like you believe that," she said before holding her hands up, "I will only do what must be done, my love, you have my word." "This a bad fucking idea," Beth said. "Maybe, but it's the only option we've got," Jake said, "Come on, we're going in." "We stick together, no matter what," Pam said as she walked over to the portal. "Let's just get this over with," Beth grumbled. Rebecca watched as the three of them walked over to the doorway and stood in front of it. Jake looked over his shoulder at her before stepping through first with Pam and Elizabeth in tow. Once they were gone she said to herself, "Come back to me, my Raven. I'll do whatever it takes to ensure you have a home to return to, this I swear." |