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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2261226
November Writing Challenge Novel
#1021482 added November 12, 2021 at 5:50pm
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"Where is he?"

"He is in an audience with their Queen. I was unable to get close." Murad reported.

Selim scratched his stomach.

"I do not like this country." Selim had said this often since they landed, and Murad sensibly ignored it as discontented grumbling.

"Do you think he has asked her if we can stay a while?"

"They were too far away to hear anything, but I did see how he looked at her, he is clearly smitten."

Bayezid was horrified, and found he dare not look at Boudica to see her reaction to this.

"That is interesting." Selim commented. "We must see if we can't use that. Does she feel the same way?"

Bayezid heard a small, but very intriguing gasp from Boudica.

"It is possible, but I saw no sign, though they were positioned in such a way that it was impossible to get close enough to see both of them clearly."

Prince Selim looked disappointed.

"If they set up some assignation we could waylay him on his way to see her, and strangle him then."

"If." was Murad's only reply. Selim reflected, and not for the first time, that if he did not love Murad, then he would have him whipped for his insolence."

"What do you suggest we do my sweety?"

Murad yawned.

"I think we should strangle him quickly and go home my life."

Hearing this Bayezid felt curiously satisfied. His suspicions were correct. He hoped fervently that the two would tell him where and when they planned to make their attempt to kill him.

Selim took another long drink, and then poured himself another, filling a second cup for Murad. He had been drinking steadily all day though he seemed little effected by it. He was nevertheless drunk, and felt a rising impatience with the situation.

"Do you have a sedative?"

Murad said that he did. Bayezid wondered why he was not surprised by this.

"If we can administer it to Bayezid before he retires, I can strangle him in his sleep, then we can indeed go home my sweety."

Bayezid was slightly horrified to hear Selim planning his death quite so calmly.

"I could mix it with some wine and have it placed by a servant for him to drink. He would have no suspicion that way."

"You as sure that you know his rooms?"

"I have taken good note of them, they are not far from us."

"Then do it. Make sure that he is given the sedative with his meal, but not too early, and not too much. I want him to make it to his bed before he sleeps."

Murad laughed easily.

"You are teasing me my life, you know that I am well practised in the use of this draught."

Selim leaned forwards to kiss Murad.

"I trust you my sweety. Tonight I shall rid myself of my brother, and soon you will be the lover of a Sultan."

Murad's eyes glistened, coal black and chilling. Bayezid could tell why Edward Carrick thought the man had an forbidding aura.

Boudica, who had been listening just as closely, said

"I think we have learned exactly what you needed to know here, let us return to our bodies."


Bayezid and Boudica were able to return to their physical bodies by willing their astral bodies to return, which saved them retracing their steps. Moments later they were opening their eyes.

"That was uncommonly helpful." said Bayezid, then he remembered what Murad had said. "For the most part anyway."

Boudica stood quickly.

"You must make sure that you do not drink Murad's draught."

"Thank you Queen Boudica, I have no intention of doing so."
But you must appear to." She said. "Now please excuse me, I must go."

Without giving him time to reply she moved quickly away.

Bayezid sat a while longer. He was trying to work out if she had been embarrassed, or if she was distancing herself from the killing she must be sure was to follow. Perhaps a bit of both.

Boudica headed straight for her private chambers. There she sought out Bridget, and told her every detail she could remember about her meeting with Bayezid. Bridget was curious about the astral travelling, but as Boudica had guessed she would, fixated on the fact that Bayezid was smitten.

"A randy lot these Ottomans."

Boudica looked shocked.

"What makes you say that?" she asked, slightly fearing the answer.

"Oh, I've had one of them trying to sleep with me all morning."

Boudica's face registered her surprise.

"And did you?" She could help asking.

"Only after he'd sworn undying love." Bridget was laughing at Boudica's look of mingled curiosity and apprehension.

"Which one was it?"

"The Interpreter. His name's Berat." Watching Boudica's expression closely Bridget was enjoying seeing her friend's reactions.

"He isn't particularly big, but very enthusiastic."

Boudica's eyes were out on stalks at this far too intimate revelation.

"Thing is," continued Bridget, "he wanted to pump me in more ways than one. He was trying to find out about recent events, specifically any that might make you cautious of men."


Boudica digested this, then asked,

"What did you tell him?"

"Before I told him anything, I found out who wanted to know. Men are so easy to manipulate, show them a little pussy and they'll do as they're told."

"It was Bayezid?"

"Of course it was Bayezid, and now you know why, because he's smitten."

"Did you answer his question then?"

"Yes." said Bridget simply. "I knew that he would eventually hear something about it if he was asking around, so I told him the basic truths of the matter."

Boudica looked at her hands as she contemplated this.

"You did right to." she declared. Then she thought about what Bridget had said.

"Did you just say 'a little pussy'?"

Bridget grinned.

"I knew you'd get it." She said, then after a suitable pause added, "Eventually."

Boudica shrieked with laughter, and playfully threw a cushion at Bridget.


Bayezid returned to his rooms. He examined them carefully. He had the idea of pretending fatigue and retiring, then creating a 'body' in the bed, and waiting for Selim to make his move. This he felt would work, but the problem he had was not knowing where Murad would be. If Murad came in with Selim, then Bayezid felt that he could probably rush them and kill both before they realised that the bed was occupied by a decoy.

If. He thought, consciously echoing Murad's laconic response.

Murad was a careful, thoughtful, and ruthless adversary. He was far more likely to enter the rooms before Bayezid returned, and conceal himself, ready to strike if Selim suffered any setback. Which meant, Bayezid thought glumly, that Murad would either discover the decoy if Bayezid prepared it before the meal, or see Bayezid making it on his return.

He then realised that Murad would have to supervise the sleeping draught being given to Bayezid before he was able to come to the rooms, he might not have much time to conceal himself, but he would notice if there was already a decoy. With a smile, Bayezid realised what he would do.

There was a meal served in the Great Hall, of which all of the Ottoman party was welcome to participate. Bayezid was wary as he made his way to the hall, but no ill befell him. He caught glimpses of Selim watching him as he ate, but gave no sign that he was aware of this.

He saw Boudica watching him, and seated next to her was Bridget. She was grinning at him, and he had the sinking feeling that Boudica must have told him about the 'smitten' comment. Embarrassing as this was, Bayezid knew that he musty concentrate on the threat to his life.

He was rather disconcerted when Bridget came across to him, and seated herself uninvited next to him.

"I've heard that you've taken a liking to the Queen." she said quietly, then she pulled him closer and said in a low voice, "who has ensured that any drink presented to you tonight will definitely not be drugged. We are hoping that Selim will assume that I am acting as a go between for Boudica and yourself." then slightly louder, "Please be aware that if you upset the Queen, or worse, play her false, then you and I will be enemies."

With that strange mixture of threat and warning delivered, Bridget returned to Boudica's side. Boudica was careful not to look at him.

Bayezid tried to watch Murad, but this proved impossible, for he was not to be seen. He decided to trust that Boudica as able to make good her promise to keep his drink safe. When later into the evening a servant placed a jug near him, she whispered as she withdrew,

"You should pretend after this one sir."

Hoping his trust was not misplaced, Bayezid drank freely of the wine. After waiting what he judged a decent interval, Bayezid yawned, and rubbed at his eyes as if weary. When he left the meal, he was careful to appear very fatigued.

On reaching his chambers her drew a dagger from his belt. He thought it a fair bet that Murad was already concealed somewhere within his chambers. There were not many places that a man could hide, but Bayezid guessed that Murad would be expecting a drugged man, only interested in his bed.

Entering the first room, he swayed a little, as if unsteady on his feet. The room was dark and shadowy, though a fire burned in the grate. Bayezid looked around, moving with deliberate clumsiness. He knew he wouldn't have much time.

It was Murad's overconfidence that sealed his fate. The slight movement of a tapestry as he peered out, revealed his hiding place to Bayezid. Yawning loudly, the Prince moved so that he could not be seen by Murad. Stealthily he crept forwards. Carefully he calculated Murad's position behind the tapestry. Then he struck hard with the dagger, which cut through the tapestry easily. He heard Murad bellow with pain, but the tapestry muffled the sound. Stabbing through the cloth he felt the dagger bite into Murad's torso. Murad slid down from behind the tapestry, he was quite dead.

Pulling the rugs to on side, Bayezid took hold of Murad's feet, and dragged him to the bed, then manhandled him onto it, and covered him with the rugs. At a glance, the bed now looked occupied.
Whiping his dagger clean, Bayezid moved to hide himself behind the tapestry.

He did not have to wait long. He heard the door being opened stealthily, and the sound of Selim moving across to the bed. His brother had a short length of rope wrapped about his hands. All his attention was focused upon the figure in the bed. He did not hear Bayezid leave his hiding place and step softly along behind him.

Prince Selim moved quickly, straddling the recumbent body in the bed and pushing his rope forwards. As he did so, he saw that it was Murad who lay unresponsive beneath him. A moments incomprehension then he screamed his rage and frustration. The scream became one of great pain, and then quickly died away to a soft gurgle. He fell forwards, his lifeless body atop his dead lover. Bayezid checked both of them carefully for any signs of life, but did not find any. He then went and washed his hands in a jug of freezing cold water.

Stepping from the room he was surprised to see Bridget waiting for him.

"I followed Selim up here." She said in answer to his unasked question. Then she asked Bayezid,

"Is he dead?"


"And his henchman?"

"Yes they are both dead."

"Good. "

Word Count: 1,970
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