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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2261226
November Writing Challenge Novel
#1021018 added November 6, 2021 at 6:44pm
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Discussions were halted as a messenger brought Cecil a letter.

Having cracked the seal, and quickly scanned the contents he informed his fellow Council members that three ships sailing under an Ottoman flag had been sighted off Cardigan Bay. Having been challenged by a Celtic galleon, they had made assurances that their intentions were friendly. Further, they offered their commiserations on the death of Queen Mary, and had indicated their desire to meet the Council in order to discuss matters of State.

"What on earth can they mean?" Asked Eleanor Ffitzjohn. "They have no part in our matters of state."

"We have few dealings with the Ottomans it's true. Their influence tends to be confined to the Mediterranean, and Eastern Europe. Perhaps rather than speculating, it would be best to receive them and learn their intentions directly." suggested Cecil.

Boudica agreed, and asked Cecil to prepare a suitable reply inviting a delegation to visit.


Boudica's unannounced arrival at the gaol created considerable consternation in Sir Toby Stanther, who received her in his study.

"I am sorry to inconvenience you Sir Stanther, but I wish to see Dafydd Morus." she told him.

"I am here to serve you Majesty. It is no inconvenience, no inconvenience at all. I shall take you to him myself." He led Boudica up the stairs of the Tower, to the room where Dafydd was kept. This was a considerable improvement on the prison room in the crypt that had previously housed him.

He was sitting on a low bed, his legs stretched out before him.


Dafydd's face lit up as she entered, and then quickly fell.

"I hope that you can forgive me for what I did Boudica, for I can never forgive myself."

"Why did you do it? You hurt Bridget and she's never been anything but kind to you, and you scared me."

Remembering they were not alone Boudica asked Sir Toby to leave them, and he gratefully withdrew immediately.

"You were going to rape me Dafydd."

Dafydd sobbed, "I am sorry Boudica, so sorry. I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing, I'm sorry."

"Dafydd, will you stop feeling sorry for yourself and answer me! Why did you do it, what was all that about foreign kings and babies?"

Haltingly Dafydd tried to explain, and Boudica listened, her face stony.

"You're a fool Dafydd Morus, a stupid weak fool." She spat her words out, "You've been sentenced to death, and I'm supposed to sign your death warrant. Why? Why did you do that, why should I have to suffer more because of your weakness, you fool."

The young man's head hung down, and he was unable to look at her. All the colour had drained from his face at the mention of death."

"When will it be?" he whispered, barely audible.

"When I sign the warrant. Fool!"

With that Boudica stood and opened the door to find Sir Toby waiting a discrete distance away.

"Sir Toby I would like to ask you a favour."

The Knight looked startled.

"Anything your Majesty."

"Will you look after this man for me. He has been stupid and weak, but he is not an evil man. It is my belief that he has been coerced, which does not wholly excuse his actions, but I am decided to be merciful, because we were playfellows once."

"Majesty, I..."

"and I'm sure you will think it foolish and sentimental of me Sir Toby."

"No Majesty." Sir Toby's voice was firm and sincere, "I do not think you at all foolish, nor your sentiment misplaced. I will do whatever you ask of me my Queen."

To Sir Toby it now looked as if Boudica was about to cry, his words had clearly moved her.

Gently he asked if the Queen had any specific duties or requirements of him.

Make sure he is warm, and well fed. I want someone to look at his wounds, and make sure they are treated. Give him books and quills, ink and paper."

"All that you ask will be done Majesty."

Boudica smiled at the Knight, and he was struck by how beautiful she was.

"Thank you Sir Toby. I have one more request, and this is perhaps the most important."


"Keep him safe Sir Toby. I mentioned earlier coercion, I would ask that you forget I said that, but perhaps you will understand that whilst he has been sentenced to death, Dafydd has more to fear from some unknown assailant than he does from me. He may be your prisoner for some time, I don't want any harm to come to him.

Sir Toby thought it indiscrete to mention William Cecil's visit of his similar instructions as to the safety of the prisoner, so he contented himself to say,

"I will keep a close watch Majesty, as you command me. My sons share my work here, they are completely trustworthy. I shall ensure that Morus is watched over at all times."

"Thank you Sir Toby, you have my gratitude."

She hesitated looking suddenly agitated.

"Sir Toby forgive me, I don't know what is expected. I don't wish to give any offence."

"Majesty?" Sir Toby raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"I have a purse..."

Sir Stanther once more felt sorry for his Queen.

"Majesty, it is my pleasure to serve you, I receive a generous annual sum for my work here. Your gratitude is more than ample payment for what you have asked of me."

"You are a good man Sir Toby." Boudica said gratefully, and she took her leave of him.



She heard him struggling with his clothing, cursing and gasping. He was still muttering about needing one of us.

Boudica pleaded for him to stop, to please not do this. Trying to appeal to him, to calm him down She hated sounding so weak, so terrified, but she was trembling uncontrollably, and sobbing as she whispered "Please don't." over and over.

A shrill, animal scream of pain behind her caused Boudica to jump violently. The scream was followed by a crash and a long keening wail. Boudica twisted around and saw that Dafydd had crashed to the floor, and fallen onto Bridget who was lying beneath his legs. There was a lot of blood, and Bridget was covered in it. Dafydd was screaming, his arms thrashing about. His feet were stuck in his leather trousers, which he'd pushed down top his ankles. Then Bridget rolled out from beneath him and raised a short but clearly very sharp dagger aiming for his manhood.


Bridget was waiting outside the Outer Pavilion. Boudica detached herself from the others, and hurried over to her. Behind her William Cecil followed, carrying several documents.

He addressed Bridget,

"Good evening Your Grace."

This occasioned a look of pure puzzlement from Bridget.

"Bridget. I have some presents for you."

"Oh!" Bridget's small face became pink with embarrassed confusion.

"Thank you, I mean, why?"

"They are thank you presents, from mother and I, and from Morwenna too."

Now Bridget's eyes were round with surprise.

"From Morwenna? But she hates me."

William Cecil coughed diplomatically, looking at Boudica who nodded enthusiastically.

"Your Grace, it is my pleasure to present to you on behalf of her Majesty Queen Boudica, the deeds to lands in Shropshire and Worcestershire. Further Queen Katherine has granted you lands in Munster, and Morwenna Llewellyn has gifted you lands in the Marches."

Boudica's hopes were realised, as Bridget's face was an unforgettable picture of surprise.

"And the lands grant you titles Bridget." Boudica added.

"They do indeed," echoed Cecil, ""You are now Bridget Duchess of Shrewsbury, and Countess of Waterford."

"I'm a Duchess?" Bridget was clearly stunned.


Boudica laughed as she hugged Bridget.

"Yes you're a Duchess, you saved me from... from what Dafydd was going to do, and now I'm saying thank you."

"But you didn't need to."

"There was every need silly, and mother wanted to thank you too."

"Your Grace will also now be eligible to sit with the Council in the Outer Pavilion."

"Oh my."


"Distasteful as it is, I fear that we must discuss the events of yesterday morning." William Cecil looked apologetically towards Boudica

"As you are aware, Dafydd Morus attempted a violent assault on Her Majesty's person whist in a state of extreme inebriation. He did actual physical harm to Bridget Sommers as she was seeking to protect her Majesty. Thanks to Bridget's subsequent actions, her Majesty was preserved from serious harm. We have Morus incarcerated, and his guilt is not in any doubt."

"He should pay for his actions with his life." said Eleanor Ffitzjohn flatly.

"Such a heinous crime demands a severe punishment. Simple death is not enough. He should be tortured beforehand. Let the executioner devise some way to prolong his agony." Morwenna Llewellyn sounded outraged.

I can't work out if they want to distance themselves from him, or they just don't like him and want rid of him. Thought Boudica.

"I blame myself." said Pawl Llewellyn. "I was drinking with him much of the evening." Pawl was smart enough to know that this fact would have been noticed by at least a few of those present. "We were toasting our new Queen." Here he smiled across at Boudica. "I went out to answer a call of nature, and when I returned he'd gone. I assumed he'd gone off to sleep somewhere. I was tired myself, else I might have gone looking for him."

"Did he seem agitated at all, when you were with him?" asked Brian Peters.

"Not really, though now you ask me, he did seem to be brooding over the succession somewhat."

"What did he say to make you think that?" This time it was Cecil who asked.

"Something about not wanting her to marry a foreign king like Queen Mary did. I Didn't think anything of it, and to be honest I was more than a little drunk myself." Pawl smiled self-depreciatingly.

The conversation continued for some time, but most of those present seemed to think death was the appropriate sentence, and even Cecil seemed resigned to it being necessary. Boudica did not, but she also did not want to start a fight with her own Council on her first day sitting with them as Queen.

"If he must be executed, then it will be just that." Boudica stated, "Just because some are monsters, it does not follow that I should become one myself." This was ambiguous, for though she could be construed as referring to Dafydd as a monster, it might equally be applied to those who'd pressed for torture.

William Cecil looked directly at Boudica as he said,

"With your permission your Majesty, I will draw up a death warrant and place it in your hands. It will require your signature before it can be effected."

Boudica thought she saw a glimmer of hope. It won't be acted upon until I sign it she thought. What if I simply never sign it?

"Thank you Cecil."

Word count 1,839.
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