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A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life. |
So hard to write my own blog to today's 30dbc prompt... Other's said it more eloquently. Read those linked below. To many I'm missing (and good riddance, some would say). Do people think of me; do they miss me? Most probably. But who I once was died long ago. You-all never knew him. Those who did don't know me now. No sense trying to resurrect what was buried and should remain so. At times I feel a zombie hand trying to touch me. No. Let me rest-in-peace. Let go. As I've had to let go. I've commented on 62 entries and need to finish Day 3 before tackling Day 5. I'm a bit worn out at the moment. 4 MISSING To Robert: "MWWS = really exists. Locally, we notice cats, dogs, even people missing. Some have disappeared for good reason. Others? We may never know. One friendly acquaintance reported his girlfriend and daughter missing this week. At some point I'll find out why. But it won't make national news regardless. On the other hand, smartphones and social media does help find people. "A" reported today that a clint of hers was murdered a couple Saturdays ago; she wasn't surprised. A classic case of ongoing domestic abuse. Her name was Lucille Synek, age 54. She should've ran away... but, in the end, he ran over her. I mention her name because 'victims' are more than numbers. The Pettito case became annoying. So much effort spent while much was ignored." re "Hide-And-Seek Champions" ![]() To Charity: "I remember Sheila's recount of how she was raped at age 13 and how that upset everyone in Blogville at the time. It affected her for years. This is hard to read; but these events aren't unicorns and bunnies. And it does help others even if they say nothing. ![]() ![]() To Judith: "What some people miss is that there would no need for Black Lives Matter #blacklivesmatter if in fact Black lives mattered. But it's not only race. Is there a sob story? A cute victim; a suspected evil villain? Does it sell. Yes, making money off of other people's misfortunes is a real thing. Fear and anger also sell... as basefook and twatter know so well! Veronica Reyes-Diaz could easily be forgotten... along with all the others who aren't famous or don't have loved ones with ka$$$ching." re "Missing Persons" ![]() To Sue: Yes, so few of these stories turn out well. It was headline news here. In the US it so common that who-you-are matters. Poor and Native? Maybe flyers but never a national concern nor outrage. Very common in Montana. As is murder... re "Missing me?" ![]() To Richard: "WDC was MIA for 3 ... three ... THREEEEE ... hours last night. Unfortunately that's the same time that our internet connection has been iffy here. Plus, I was in the middle of doing something. Elycia Lee ☮ Done for stated it well, "The fact I don't even notice when FB and Insta are down but realise a WDC outage is proof that WDC is more important than any social media channels." So I lost my sanity while overwhelmed by the reality, WDC was MIA!. Common Sense told me not to worry; but I never listen to common sense. As for your response: well put. Certain algorithms picking up on fear and anger has lead to Headlines of Hate. I could blame memes... but they are the distillation of sound bites when we are no longer willing to take the time to have a conversation. Just my opinion. re "The Disappearance of Common Sense" ![]() To Darken: "We have mountains, forests, gorges, bears... those who choose death-by-bear are usually found. Well... what remains. But the others? Not always. A whole lot of emptiness as NormaJean can attest to. The bogs of Northern Europe have preserved many. The tar pits of California are the graveyards of many extinct (maybe not-so-bright) animals. So it comes to pass. In Montana, the number of missing young women of native backgounds is both heart-rendering and disturbing. " re "Invalid Entry" ![]() To Kathie: "I would hope that she just ran off with someone. Oddly, it's not impossible to keep secrets for decades... assuming she's still alive. But I see why it would affect you. Too many connections to the places where this all happened. " re "30 day Blogging-Nov 4, 2021" ![]() 3 VISITORS To Mike: "Folks visit Missoula during Fire Season, which is almost every year, and wonder why it's smoky. D'oh... did you really believe those tourism brochures? After the last UM Grizz it will quiet down here. I highly suspect that our covid outbrak is due to tourism... we are #1 vaxxed county in Montana... which ain't saying much... but we have counties under 30% vaxxed." re "Visit's over! [30 DBC entry]" ![]() To Sue: "Do they use Route 30 or paths parallel to it? Sorry, but I have no sympathy for those annoyed by cyclists or walkers. Here people complain because it cost them a whole 5 minutes of lost time on their essential trek to WalMart. Yes, people are an annoyance, but those cafes probably welcome the visit! There are cyclists who tranverse Taiwan. The tricky area is in the Northeast... very dangerous. Ofttimes they go in groups. It's safer. I stayed in a hostel for cyclists in Donggang and have stayed in hostels for pilgrims in Tui, Spain and Ringebu, Norway." re "Tourists " ![]() To Kathie: "painted with crimson, cinnamon, / simmering over scented coals. Lovely. The magic is all around us. ![]() ![]() To Charity: "Oh... be glad you don't write horror stories. ![]() ![]() Judith: Interesting way to make some valid points. So many species are being displaced... ironically to grow bananas or oil palms or holiday trees. No nasty wildlife allowed. It mostly makes me sad. When I get to Thailand I will not feed the monkeys nor will I ride an elephant. Fortunately there's an increasing consciousness globally. re "Just a Few Words About Habitat" ![]() 2 MUSEUMS To Mike: "Yep. I love to touch but I'm aware that not everything is safe. Like leaning against certain trees in Costa Rica that are protected by ants. Never touch a pretty frog! Don't pet a snake, especially if it's golden. Don't = a word that some folks don't understand. We won't mention death-by-selfie. ![]() ![]() To Sue: "Will it have an exhibit of 1980s-90s toys? Those are already showing their age! ![]() ![]() Charity: "Why not be an optimist? There's enough hurt and meanness out there that's well-funded. Healing needs to be supported too. I like the inclusiveness; although, it seems as much a clinic and a university. Still, anything to get folks through the front door raises awareness. You do need a catchier name though. ![]() ![]() 5193 |