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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2243707
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#1020630 added November 2, 2021 at 1:04pm
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Museum exhibit- walk through of the Bible
The Original Logo.

PROMPT November 2nd

You are curator of a museum. This museum has an area of interest to you. Take us on a guided tour of your latest exhibition.

I figured we have all kinds of technology to simulate things such as earthquakes and roller coaster rides. How awesome would it be to have a simulation of the Bible where you can walk through this exhibit and experience the reality of the Bible for yourself. Follow me, and we will experience this biblical walkthrough together. I might still have some kinks to work out, so let me know what you think when we are done.

We walk into a room and the lights go out. It is completely dark. A voice begins to be heard. “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light:” The lights come on with a video simulating the earth void and without form. This room goes through the entire creation experience.

When Adam and Eve are thrust out of the garden, you are ushered into another room. The next experience was the offerings of Cain and Able and Cain killing his brother. When Cain was driven from the face of God, everyone is ushered into the next room where we enter the story of Noah. Everyone must go to the next room in order to board the Ark.

Everyone goes to the following room when the exit the ark and experience the rainbow and a little life after the flood. Then going into the next room, we have the tower of Babel and the beginning of multiple languages.

We go into the next room where it is several years later, and we see God calling Abram to leave his family. We continue from room to room, from one biblical story to the next. We see the story of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. We experience the exodus from Egypt and see the miracles and things the Isrealites experienced in the wilderness. We go with them to conquer the promised land.

We go through the judges to the first king saul. We experience David's story. We go through the history of the kings until they are all carried away to Babylon. We go through some of their time in captivity with them, and experience the rebuilding of the temple. We go through some of the times of the prophets.

We experience the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ, complete with the simulated earthquakes and the vail being torn in the temple, to the ladies visiting the his burial place and discovering he was risen. We watch his assention back into heaven and experience the day of Pentecost with the disciples. We go through Paul's conversion and missionary journeys. We even go through the book of Revelation and see some of the visions shared there.

Then after a few hours we step out with a whole new perspective of the Bible. I would have provided more detail, but for the sake of time, I believe you get the picture. Thanks for going through this exhibit with me.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1020630-Museum-exhibit--walk-through-of-the-Bible