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Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2260285
file for pieces of my story - I am reworking this for a book - the outline is done!
#1019547 added March 31, 2022 at 12:59am
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Chapter 10 : Delivered
Chapter 10

Shortly after the field trip back to Eden, an intake coordinator entered Fiona's isolation room. He had presented her with choices for a new life and helped arrange for her family to be moved into the Preserve as well. Fiona decided to join the internal exploration corp. They issued her a small vessel and an android assistant. The goals of the internal exploration corp were attempting to discover whether the sun at the center of Sanctuary's weird static system was the center point of the Preserve or not. Things seemed to continue out infinitely from it but there was little telling for certain without traveling the distance.

The ship issued to Fiona traveled at speeds that were completely unnatural. In a matter of months, she traveled the distance equivalent to the diameter of the Milkyway galaxy. Even with such speed, traveling in a straight line out from Sanctuary meant she had only encountered a handful of planetary systems. Each of them had a planet capable of supporting carbon-based life, many with clear signs of advanced civilizations in their past. None of the systems seemed to hold even a single intelligent life form. In the interstellar crunchspace between systems, Fiona had a lot of time to read. She read of the old omniverse, especially its ending. The theory was that the crunch bombs that brought these systems into the Preserve didn't allow for the simple survival of intelligent life. A few individuals had been sucked in but she discovered they hardly qualified as individuals. They all had two things in common; one, they had astronomical psychokinetic abilities, and two, they were beings compounded from many parallel versions of themselves. This meant that the individuals "native" to the Preserve were each a pluralistic individual with memories from many versions of themselves. Fiona guessed that the process of forming these individuals had something to do with the reason so few intelligent life forms made it.

Fiona approached another habitable planet, prepared to survey it. She ran the ship's scanners over the surface and sent probes into its oceans and granite crust. The resources were plentiful and suitable for a high level of technology. Populations of native plants and animals proved to be biocompatible with human digestion. She marked it and registered the resources before checking it against the library of habitable worlds found to that point. There were definite patterns. Many worlds were virtual duplicates, down to the ruins of their civilizations.

"Hey Noburu, we have found another Taneria…" Fiona said aloud. It took addressing her android for her to realize just how long it had been since she had spoken aloud.

"Noburu, open coms, call my parents."

"Right away. Communications open."

"Fi?" Fiona's mother answered the call, it looked like it was from a tablet in their bedroom. Her mother had her sleep mask pushed back over her eyes. Fiona immediately felt bad. She had forgotten that her diurnal cycle was far off from that of her parents on the Preserve's primary earth.

"Hi, mom. Sorry to have woken you."

Her mother smiled, "It is just so good to hear from you, honey! Your father is sleeping. I'd wake him but he has a duty shift in the morning with the retrofitting crew. They have prepped most of the city for resettlement. The technology these people have is amazing. Solar panels, water cycling, and recycling, home hydroponics systems. By the time your father's crew gets done each and every house is self-sufficient. I am so proud of him!"

Fiona nodded. They had adjusted to living in protective custody well. "I miss you guys! It can get pretty lonely out here."

"You could always park the ship and teleport home for a visit!" Her mother suggested. Fiona ducked her chin. She still felt too guilty about them having to uproot from their old lives because of her.

"I am doing important work too mom. I signed on for six months. I'm only halfway through. I need to finish this job."

"I get it. I am proud of you too honey. Call again soon?"

"Yeah, mom. Bye." Fiona tapped off the call. She adjusted her seat and looked at the course plotted through the system to return to their straight line out from Sanctuary. Most of the work of staying on the course went to the computer. Fiona sometimes wondered why they bothered to put people on these vessels, the work could just as easily be done by an AI. But that mood would fade and she would just remember the emotional place she had been when she decided to run from her problems. The deeper into the Preserve she went, the safer from Mira black she felt.

* * *

Nova had a satchel of forbidden scrolls hung over her shoulder as she snuck down the stairs to the back exit from the monastery in the dark. She unfastened the latch with a loud snick. Before she could open the door the entryway filled with light from an uncovered oil lamp. "Emissary?"

Nova froze. "Yes, Bishop Lourdad."

"Where are you going at this hour of the night?"

"I require very little sleep, Bishop. I have made it a habit of going out for a walk in the starlight each night."

Two monks approached her and one of them reached into her satchel. He pulled out several of the scrolls. Records of atrocities committed in the name of the creator and the founders. The Bishop looked them over. "These were not on your approved reading lists. Why would you carry them out into the darkness? Surely there isn't enough light out there for reading by."

"I was going to meditate on the meaning of these scrolls. I find the starlight pure and bright enough to see by."

The bishop cleared his throat. Two higher-ranking clerics dragged an individual into the entryway. By the clothing, it was a woman, and she had a black hood pulled over her face. "This young woman was caught with certain forbidden documents from the founding of Plymouth. There is only one person she could have gotten them from." He pulled the hood from her face and Nova recognized Gretchen from the womens' group. Nova didn't think she even had the right to hope that Gretchen had managed not to speak of the group.

"I'm sorry." Gretchen cried.

"It is alright child. We will see to it you are properly purified. Your soul will rejoin the founders without blemish," The Bishop stated. The two men who had dragged Gretchen in pulled the hood back over her head and drug her deep into the monastery. Nova felt her fear, the texts she had trafficked in left nothing to the imagination with regards to the wording The Bishop had used. Gretchen would suffer "purification," torture deemed fitting for her transgressions. If Gretchen hadn't betrayed the group yet, there was little chance she would keep quiet under torture. If she survived her "purification," Gretchen would be dispatched to rejoin the founders in a suitably "merciful," manner. The end result, Gretchen would not be seen again. That was what happened to heretics. They disappeared quietly. Nothing was said beyond their need for purification.

Nova wondered if she too was bound for purification. With as notable as she was as the Emissary of The Founders and The Creator, the clergy couldn't afford to just make her disappear. Not after she had been presented as having been sent by the founders. She didn't exactly feel secure in that though. Having arrived abruptly there was a chance that no one in the village of Covetton would be surprised by her swift departure.

"Emissary, you have placed us in an awkward position. The Clerics ranking above me in the sacred city of Landing have expressed an interest in questioning you. We can not move to purify you until a conclave of clergy has been called and you have been examined by them. However, we cannot allow you to continue with your activities. You have tainted our innocents in at least one instance, though investigation may prove that more widespread. I believe you have forced me to confine you to your rooms. The conclave will decide how we should go about your purification." Bishop Lourdad snapped his fingers. monks took her satchel and grabbed her by both arms. They muscled her up the stairs into her suite. They shoved her inside and locked the door behind her.

Nova had nothing left to do but lay down on her bed and contemplate her situation. She propped her head on her pillow and aimed her gaze out at the starry sky. Where had she come from? And how did she get back there? Was she cast out from heaven? Was she some kind of dangerous creature meant to lead innocents from the path of purity, or were the people of this world trapped in a stunted worldview she was sent to remedy? Everything would be so much simpler if she knew who she was.

* * *

Raen dug through the slips and printouts. Maku had gotten himself in some big trouble, or at least everyone was blaming it on him. Raen had her suspicions that someone else misplaced the shipment. Totchky in dispatch worked awfully quickly and sometimes he didn't double-check that he was sending the right things to the right places. It wasn't impossible that he, not Maku had sent the baku nuts to the Basuram refinery. Maku wasn't the type to argue even if he thought he was being given the wrong box. The only proof that this wasn't Maku's fault was somewhere in this mountain of canceled paperwork. And only this mountain would find the Basuram before it spoiled. Spoiled? Totchky had sent perishable items to long-term dry storage several times before. Nothing is more perishable than unrefined Basuram.

Raen paused in her search. If she was right about what happened Totchky had made a potentially million chit mistake. It still could be, if Raen didn't find the shipment. Not that she cared about Tochky all that much. She did care about Maku, who could end up in prison for theft if she didn't find the shipment. Raen scanned over every slip of paper not sure what she was looking for but pretty sure she would see Tochky's stamp on it.

Wait, four slips ago… Raen carefully picked up each of the last four slips and looked them over. The last one held Tochky's mark and sure enough, the code for the basuram shipment. He stamped it forward to cold storage. That was at least a point in his favor. The cold would slow the spoilage. The time stamp marked it at fourteen hours ago. Raen ran with the slip to Master Coulier's office. He was head of dispatch over all the couriers.

There was a short line to speak with him, obiedience and guild rules roared she should wait her turn, but the slip she carried shouted to butt in line. The basuram shipment was worth more than any of the guildmembers would earn in a year and it was on a ticking clock. "Sorry!" Raen shouted as she darted into Coulier's office when the door opened next. Breathless she slapped the slip down on his desk.

"I assume you have an explaination apprentice?" Daneb Coulier was the stern angular man that had waited at the courier's entrance on her first day with the guild. Raen was still more than a little intimidated by him.

"Sir, this couldn't wait!" Raen jestured at the slip.

He glanced at it and turned back to glare at her, a lecture on his tongue. Then he snatched up the slip and read it carefully, "You know what this is? What this means?"

"Yeah, Maku didn't steal the shipment! Totchky… misplaced it."

"You have saved the Guild tens of millions. We were on the line for the orginal shipment, we would have had to pay for the replacement, and our insurance rates would have gone up by tens of thousands of chits for decades!" Coulier wiped beads of sweat from his forehead she hadn't seen before. "You saved a lot of jobs, possibly including your own. You deserve…" He dug in his desk for several minutes and then pulled a badge from a locked drawer, and a certificate from another. Silently using his best caligraphy he filled in the certificate. Then he handed both the certificate and the badge over to her.

"Congratulations, masterjourneywoman. I have a shipment to put on the right track…"

Raen stared at the certificate and the badge. She had almost entirely skipped a rank in the guild. She was just a short jump from being a master.

Coulier paused at the doorway, "Expect offers from other guilds, everyone in the city is going to be talking about this." Then he strode down the hall rather purposefully towards the dispatch room.

Raen gathered her new credentials and did the only thing she could think to do. She tucked them in her messenger bag and headed off to dispatch herself. Her lunch break was over and she had deliveries to do.

* * *

Beaoul stretched and opened her eyes to an infinite whiteness. Not remembering how she got there she feared for a moment that this was death. That lasted only until she remembered that she was a hellhound. Her surroundings more resembled the imagery of heaven and she was certain that was not her ultimate destination.

Hello, there little one.

Beaoul flinched upright, "Who are you?

Calm yourself. You may call me Toni. Seyona and I are friends.

"You knew Seyona?"

A wave of utter sadness crashed over Beaoul from outside, Knew? Yes. How did she die?

"Mira Black," Beaoul began.

Go no further. I can imagine the details. The omniverses have suffered a great loss.

Beaoul searched the vicinity of the white abyss. "Where are you?"

I am all around you. Seyona called me a Middle of Everywhen entity. I knew her name she did not know mine. Not many other entities can communicate so directly with us as you are able little one. Still, Seyona and I were able to comunicate on some level. What is your name little one?

Beaoul felt like a traitor given how kindly Toni was treating her, after all Beaoul had failed to save Seyona. "Toni, why are you being so nice to me? I am a hellhound, Mira Black was my mistress."

A wave of laughter passed invisibly and inaudibly through Beaoul. Sweet little Beaoul, Mira was never really your mistress. If she had been you would have given the key to the portal here to her and I would be conversing with the queen of darkness right now, not a lost child.

"I am not a lost child! I am one earth-year-old! I am a woman!"

You are just a sweet little pup. One year old isn't even fully grown for most canines.

"It is practically old age for most hellhounds. Most of my brothers have been eaten by each other at six months old."

Brothers, there is the other thing that makes you different. You are the first female hellhound I have heard of and I hear a little bit of everything. Though there is a place… you aren't ready for that yet…

Beaoul's stomach growled loudly enough to echo infinitely through Toni's interior. Beaoul started to apologize. A large metal bowl of something that smelled quite good formed itself out of the surface Beaoul stood on. Then a bowl of clear clean water formed beside it. I assume you are thirsty too. Beaoul had learned there was always a catch to such kindness and waited for the bargain she must make for what had been presented to her. There is no catch Beaoul. Eat, enjoy, just know I do not offer you beast flesh. It will support you nutritionally but it didn't come from an animal. I will not take a life to save another.

Beaoul hesitated only one moment longer before burying her muzzle in the food. It was wonderful. The taste was better and more satisfying than any meal she had ever had. There wasn't the slightest taint of blood or corruption. Could it be true that nothing died to provide this food? That had to make this the tastiest food Beaoul had ever eaten. She lapped at the water. It was just water, no dirt no excrement, or other pollution. It had no taste yet tasted better than any water she had ever drunk. Beaoul finished both bowls and curled up satisfied. Sleep began dragging her down again. Beaoul fought it, lest she wake up to the nightmare of her life thus far.

Sleep, Beaoul.

Beaoul let her eyes fall, but sleep wouldn't come. She just wasn't able to sleep because of all the brightness around her. Then with her eyes closed the light dimmed. She opened her eyes and realized she was within a tent of a fine tapestry. above and below she was fully surrounded by a thick fabric that muted the light within the MIddle of Everywhen. Beaoul thought a sleepy thanks to all points around her and dozed off.

Sleep well child, Toni soothed her to sleep.

* * *

Mae felt the first labor pains in the middle of a meeting with Ross Pettigrew. He was actually in a good mood. Mae had agreed to several compromises with the Factor's union. Recent reports of new resources within the Preserve including three more crunchspace fragments Brenda had found and incorporated into the Preserve meant that they were in good standing for resources. She was just preparing to approve increased allotments for all working factors bringing the benefits of even the lowly tertiaries to levels formerly available only to primes and above. Nearly every factor was set to receive a multimorphic suit and AI partner. There had been an increase in the numbers of graduating trainees and Brenda had begun to establish a new field deployment with most factors being part of teams with complementary skills and personalities.

"When can we expect to receive our increased allotments?" Ross asked.

Mae couldn't help but make a face as another contraction crawled across her stomach. She tapped at her tablet summoning Imhay and advising Illoa that it was "time." "Uh, Ross, I am afraid that I will have to postpone the rest of this conversation for another day. Check with Janine when we can reschedule for." Mae began to push herself up from her chair.

"Oh hell no! You are not going to leave me hanging again for another made-up life or death 'emergency!'"

Mae cocked her head to the side. She'd been having contractions for more than twenty minutes. It felt like she had done her best to complete this meeting with him. "I am afraid it is an emergency Ross, I am…"

Ross leaped to his feet and stomped over to face Mae down. He angrily wagged his finger at her. "I am not going to be placated with future promises of your time! I want to resolve things this meeting." He backed her up until she was forced to plop her butt onto her chair again. The slight drop triggered another hard contraction. Mae couldn't keep the pain from her face. Though Ross seemed to take it as an indication he had convinced her to continue negotiations. "Now When can we expect to…"

Imhay entered the apartment with a hovering transport chair and went straight to Mae's side. He saw Ross wagging his finger at Mae and glared down at the smaller man, "Ross! This meeting is over. Out of our way!" Imhay helped Mae transfer to the hoverchair.

"Imhay it's time…" Mae began as another contraction hit.

"Damn right it is time!" Ross shouted.

Imhay shook his head and turned to Ross, "You oblivious idiot! Mae is in labor! It's time for the baby to be born!"

Ross took a step back and looked at his finger, which still seemed to want to wag scoldingly. The realization of what Imhay had said seeped in around Ross's righteous indignation. "I'll go reschedule with Janine."

Imhay nodded at him. He started to propel the hoverchair out of the apartment. Mae seriously doubted they had time to get to the delivery room. "Imhay I don't think we are going to make it. Uhff."

Imhay reached the front door, "We'll make it!"

The front door opened and Illoa and several assistant medics stood on the other side with carts of medical equipment, and a labor and delivery chair. "Hi, your apartment suggested you guys probably wouldn't make it to the delivery room so we brought it to you. Where do you want us to set up?"

"Nursery," Imhay pointed and began pushing Mae's hoverchair in the right direction. The newly added doorway in the hall leading to the private portion of the apartment opened before they got there. Inside the room was basically empty. The walls had been painted with a scene of fantasy knights in armor fighting dragons, and that was as far as they had gotten in preparing the nursery for their son. Illoa led her team into the room and they set up the delivery equipment and the small incubator-cleansing unit that would accept the baby as soon as he made his debut. Once the equipment was set up, Illoa and Imhay helped Mae to the delivery chair. Imhay teleported a delivery gown onto Mae and teleported away her office attire.

Illoa began working, placing a fetal monitor on Mae's stomach and turning on the scanners that would monitor Mae's condition. Another contraction hit and Mae felt the definite urge to push. "Not yet! You still need to dilate a little more. Breathe with the contractions."

"You breathe with the freaking contractions! I want drugs!" Mae snarled.

Illoa shook her head and placed a pain-blocking device on Mae's lower back. It was meant to cut off pain impulses before they got to the brain. It was less dangerous for both mother and child than an epidural, and given the advanced stage of labor, it was too late for an epidural anyway. "You know Mae, you could have let us know when the contractions began."

Mae glared at Illoa, "Ask Imhay how Ross Pettigrew took the suggestion to reschedule again!"

Imhay nodded with a smirk, "At least you didn't throw up on him this time."

Illoa checked her tablet. "We are fully dilated! Feel free to push!"

"We are fully dilated! I don't care if I am or not. I am pushing!"

From there the delivery went so fast that Mae almost didn't realize Illoa had her son and was handing him to another medic to put in the incubator-cleansing unit. "Don't forget the afterbirth!"

Mae groaned again pushing out the last products of labor. She felt dizzy and almost lost consciousness. Illoa cleaned her up and packed her birth canal with absorbent material. "Congratulations Mama, and Papa it's a boy!" Illoa took the baby from an assistant who had just finished swaddling him. She laid him on Mae's stomach.

Mae ran a finger down the baby's cheek. He turned towards it and attempted to suckle.

"Welcome to Sanctuary Brady," Imhay said gently.

"Nope, not feeling it! His name is Nemo!" Mae announced she struggled to bare a breast so that Nemo could latch on.

"Nemo!" Imhay exclaimed.

"What can I say I like fish! And I just popped this baby out of my stomach and you really shouldn't argue with the woman that just birthed your son!"

"Aye aye, Chief!" Imhay chuckled.

Mae noticed a good portion of her staff was looking in on them from the hallway. Perhaps it was time to get an office separate from her home.

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