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Rated: 13+ · Book · Women's · #2139377
Arlynn's story - 2017 edition; 2021 Edition (Zayda'a Story)
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#1018542 added October 20, 2021 at 12:21pm
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Prep 2021 - Zayda's Story
October NaNo Prep Challenge: 2021 Calendar

This list of daily assignments accompanies "October NaNoWriMo Prep Challenge" [13+].

For full Prep rules refer to "October NaNoWriMo Prep Challenge" .

Sign up and log your first assignment by the end of Oct. 3rd.
Spend at least 15 minutes on each assignment (no max.)
You are never required to link your work. You're on the honor system.
Don't go more than 72 hours between logging completed assignments.

Click each assignment for detailed instructions.

Oct. 01: - Plot: What If? ▼

Every good story starts with a 'what if'. What if a young boy discovers he's a wizard? What if a girl discovers a world hidden inside her wardrobe? What if there was a cemetery where pets came back to life if they were buried there? What if dinosaurs were real again?

In this exercise, imagine your story and your main character(s). Who is(are) the character(s)? Why do we care about them? What happens to them, and why is it a problem? (If it's not a problem, it's just life, not a story. )

Spend at least 15 minutes imagining all the possibilities in your story. Make a list of every possible 'what if' you can think of. Nothing is off limits here - let your brain go.

*** STILL NEED A STORY IDEA? Try the writing tools at the bottom of the calendar.

What is my 'what if'?
What if a young witch moves to the City and finds her first crush
The young witch is Zayda Gallagher. Her first crush is Trace Wilder.
Trace moves away from their small New England town after his abusive father is killed in an accident. An accident that Zayda's cousin, Angelica cast a spell for.... after the man turns his fists on his son. Trace was 14 then, Zayda was 12. Now she is 18. It is her first time leaving the shelter of her Aunts for any length of time. She is off to study Botany and Life Sciences at the university.
Zayda's cousin's in the City - Damian and Adwina have been keeping tabs on Trace. Damian is not welcome at the Newcombe Estate - Trace's maternal gradparent's home. They seem to know about and disprove of his magical roots. Trace's family went to stay there after the death of his father. His grandfather is also a bit of a tyrant. Trace still slips off to hang with Damian occasionally.
Trace runs in to Zayda at the univeristy. He is studying.... businesss with a (secret) minor in Journalism/ Creative Writing. His grandfather wants him to step up and take over the business. Trace is not so excited about that, but feels he owes the old man....
They threaten disowning him when he starts seeing Zayda... but he is able to stand up to his grandfather as he realizes the old man needs him more than he needs the family.
His mother is afraid Zayda had something to do with her husband's death.... and distrusts her because of that. His mother loved his father dispite the abuse.
Zayda may stop the old man from ranting on and on one eveing when she is there for dinner (?)
Later she may do something to 'win' Lorraine Newcombe Wilder's trust and acceptance - she either saves Trace's life or Lorranine's

Oct. 02: - Plot: Premise ▼
Now that you've brainstormed the general story idea, let's identify some story elements:
(1) Setting(s). Where does your story take place?
The City - like New York City
-Newcombe House - Trace's Maternal Grandparents estate
-University -
-Cousin's house - Adwina and Damian
A New England Town - Roseville
-Aunt's Victorian House
(2) Protagonist(s). Who is(are) your main character(s)? Zayda Gallagher
(2b) Flaw(s). What is(are) the protagonist's major flaw(s)? She is a witch with the ability to feel emotions when she touches others (so she tends to keep her physical distance)
(2c) Goal(s). What does(d) the protagonist(s) want (or want to avoid)? She wants love and belonging.
(3) Conflict(s). What's keeping them from their goal(s)? Trace's family highly disapproves of her - his mother is afraid of her (believing her to have killed her husband) and his grandfather - a tyrant - Henry Newcombe does not want her 'worthless' blood mixed with his family.
(4) Antagonist(s). Who or what is creating the conflict(s)? Henry Newcombe is very prominent and powerful in the City - he threatens his grandson with being cut off - not being able to finish his studies or to take over his grandfather's legacy and company - "you need me more than I need you"
Trace's mother - distrusts Zayda until she is able to perform some action that wins her over - ie saving her life or the life of someone she loves - Trace or one of his siblings.
Just for fun: Write a provocative one-sentence description of your story.
Example: ""A young, mistreated orphan discovers he is a wizard and must face the evil villain Voldemort to fulfill his destiny.""
*** Wikipedia's definition of Narrative Conflict

Oct. 03: - Character: Protagonist Profile ▼

Draft a profile of your protagonist. Include detailed information such as name, age, physical attributes, occupation, education, culture, religion, family, relationship status, personality, likes, dislikes, strengths, weakness, motivations and desires. Use Google Images to find an image of your character. The point of this exercise is for you to get to know your character inside and out before you write your novel. If you don't know your character, how can you expect it of your readers? Flesh out your pre-story character in detail. Keep in mind that your protagonist will grow in some way during your story. For more serious character profilers, here is are two optional, very extensive templates: "Character Interview / Profile Sheet" and "(Another, Very) In-Depth Character Profile" . Also, here is a "Traits List" to draw from.

I have picked a few pictures and added them to my Pinterest account with the folder - Zayda's Story.

I am working on this Profile:
"Zayda Gallagher Open in new Window.

Oct. 04: - Plot: Beginning (Where does your story start?) ▼

(1) Describe your protagonist's life in the beginning (""Ordinary World"" or ""Stasis"") of the story. Brainstorm ways you could establish normality through action and dialog to avoid boring your reader.
Her Ordinary World
-small-minded, small New England town
-she is isolated and ostracized by the popular girls
-she keeps to herself - helping the Aunts with their garden and learning about herbology - this is her happy place
-only in the summers does she enjoy the companionship of her cousins - she keeps in touch with them - they help her feel less alone
-even being ostracized- she has an inner confidence
-it is this confidence that riles Darla and her viperous group of girls - they are jealous of her and her beauty - the boys are intrigued by her - Darla claims she has cast some kind of spell over the boys. Being with her is a 'challenge' that they want to attain.
-the boys try to get close to her, but when she touches them, even brushing against them, she can see their emotions and see their lies and unkind thoughts - they want to win the trophy - they want to be able to say they slept with her.... and many may even claim to have done so to further ostracize her from the girls.
- during this, I want her to think back to Trace and remember the red-gold shimmer at the edge of his emotions. The one that seemed to overtake the dark emotions because he truly liked her. That memory keeps her from getting close to any other boy as she longs to find him again. Bringing in this memory and the memory of the accident that caused his father's death will put dimension into the story and explain why Trace's mother does not like her or want her to associate with her son.
The grandfather may not know she is a witch - he may just not want his grandson to associate with such low-brow people.
When the old man dies, Trace's mother may try to blame Zayda - but she may explain that "the old man had hypertension - he was a walking heart attack waiting to happen. No amount of magic could forestall that and would you want me to save him anyway?"
Lorraine is quiet after that. Her father was a tyrant who bullied those around him. He ran his empire with an iron fist and expected everyone to fall into line - he expected Trace to take over and he had plans to groom him into the role, but Trace had other ambitions - ones involving writing and Journalism.

(2) Describe the inciting incident or trigger (""Call to Adventure"") that prompts your protagonist(s) to embark on this story's journey (whether literal or metaphorical) and face the conflict. This incident could be large and obvious like a death or disaster, or it could be seemingly insignificant, such as an offhand comment by another character.

I am thinking the Inciting Incident could be getting her letter of acceptance to the university in the City - a chance to leave the tightness of a small-minded, small New England town - Roseville (?)
The lock in is leaving for the City - moving in with her cousins and attending classes.
She runs in to Trace Wilder again...

Oct. 05: - Plot: Climax (Where is the story going?) ▼

Where is your story going? Describe the climax, the point at which everything changes and the tension of the primary conflict is finally resolved. Use the ""What If"" brainstorming exercise to create a list of possibilities, remembering to consider the growth of / change in your main character(s) as a result of this event. The climax can be as hidden and seemingly tiny as that moment when your character finally makes that decision they've been dreading or avoiding for fifteen chapters, or it can be as huge and obvious as an exploding planet. Sometimes, the climax is a little hard to pin down. Was it the moment Ender won his game? Or was it the moment he realized the moving images on his screen were not a simulation, not the game he thought it was, and that he had just personally wiped out an entire alien race?

The character journey is her relationship with Trace and how they can get together... there are other forces that keep them apart - his mother and her fears and his grandfather who wants Trace to take over the business but getting involved with Zayda is not something that would sit well with the business community. She comes from a family of Witches.
Making sure to bring up the story of the accident and the part Zayda's family did and didn't play in it is important - it also establishes character and develops relationships. I can build on the short story I created...
The climax the Dark night of the soul - I am thinking Zayda is cast out - his family make a last ditch attempt to get rid of her - by telling her he is to marry a rich debutante that they have picked for him... (but she does not realize that he really has no interest in this girl or his grandfather's manipulations to get him better connected)
Or is it that Trace falls ill or is hurt in some way that only she is able to save him - with her knowledge of botanicals and life sciences.

Oct. 06: - Plot: Rising Action (How does the story get there?) ▼

Review your notes from the ""Premise"" and ""Beginning"" plot exercises, and tweak the conflict(s) and inciting incident as needed before proceeding with the ""Rising Action"" plot exercise, as follows:

(1) Describe any initial refusals on the part of your protagonist(s) to face the conflict.
Fear of leaving the comfort of where she is even though it is not a great place to be... beyond the garden of the aunts.
(2) Describe the moment when your protagonist(s) makes the choice to face the conflict.
Adwina, her cousin, is the one who tells her this is her chance to grow and get away from the life she has been stuck in.
(3) Describe the moment when your protagonist(s) crosses the point of no return and cannot change their mind.
Being on the train, heading for the City.
(4) Fill in some of the blanks: How will your characters get from the point of no return to the climax?

Or maybe this is too early.... Should I start the story with her leaving for the City... or even getting to her first class...?

Getting to the City - feeling the immenseness of it. Bumping into people is something that she will have to deal with as each time contact is made she feels a great deal (emotions and illness). She'll need to wear something that can shield her from such contact - at least dull it - maybe a leather coat and leather gloves?? Does she avoid the subway at peak hours.
Moving in with Adwina and Damian - setting herself up
Attending university - running into Trace there - this has to be a big deal.... I am thinking they will run into each other - this could be a literal thing - she still senses his spark, those it is dimmer, (but grows steadily with contact - at first and over time)
Does she come to doubt this contact at some point? But Adwina reassures her he is really smitten.

Living Greenwich Village - based on that.
The immenseness of the City could be something that holds her back from going - because of her contact issues.

Oct. 07: - Plot: Outline Revision #1 ▼

(1) Select a desired outlining strategy from the list below.
I have a program for Plotting - Plotr which I will use to try an wrap my head around the plotting process. Before I can do this I need to remove my old license and put in my Lifetime License as the old one was gone in May of this year. This is a Saturday job.
(2) Review your plot elements thus far and organize them into your outline.
What are my 5 big plot points? Read over Romancing the Beats....
Inciting Incident - Call to Adventure (end of sequence 1) - receiving a letter of acceptance into the University in the City - a chance to break free from the constraints of her ordinary life - will she go? Can she afford it? The Aunts encourage her as does her cousin Adwina who offers accommodation - to live with them (her and Damian).
Lock-in - transition to Act II (end of sequence 2) - on the train waving goodbye to the Aunts.
Mid-point Climax (end of sequence 4) - a win -
Main Climax (end of sequence 6)
Third Act Twist (sequence 7)

More thoughts:
Thinking 5 main plot points. They would be:
Inciting Incident: A question posed to the MC - will she leave the world she has known most of her life and venture out into the big City? She receives an acceptance letter to university to study botany and life sciences.

Lock In: The answer to that question - must be yes... Zayda is locked in when she gets on the train to travel to the big City to start her life there.

Mid-Point Climax: this needs to be a win for my MC - celebrating something special with Trace.

Main Climax: Dark Night of the Soul - maybe she is cast out from Trace's life or he becomes very ill and she must find a way to save him (tying in the botany and life sciences aspects as well as her witchcraft)

Third Act Twist: the turn around - Zayda is able to save him and in turn, will garner his mother's gratitude and respect.

I am thinking there could be some incident with local boys that want to strip her of her virginity??? It's a challenge they have set. They are not able to, but there are rumors they did and one of the boys is Darla's boyfriend - who is already her enemy. She needs to escape this... I am thinking this happens between the Inciting incident and the lock in I have mentioned above.

I need to find my Romancing the Beats book to see if that will help me generate the best plot points that will make this story sing.

(3) Flesh out your outline by adding more details.

Outlining Strategies
A traditional outline format with bullet points, numbers/letters, or chapters.
Index cards (paper or electronic) which can be easily shuffled to change scene order later.
The Snowflake Method.
Use one of the following story models as a fill-in-the-blank outline template:
The Five-Point Story Structure.
The Eight-Point Story Structure.
The Hero's Journey Story Structure.
" Save the Cat Beat Sheet (Outlining Method)"
Any other appropriate model.

I want to use my Plottr program, but I need to delete the old license and put in the Lifetime License I have. That is a Sunday Oct. 10, 2021 job.

Oct. 08: - Character: Dramatis Personae ▼

(1) Identify allies and enemies encountered along the journey and describe how they help or hinder your protagonist(s).
Sofia - Trace's younger sister (by 4 years) is a strong supporter of Zayda and her relationship with Trace.
Lorraine - Trace's mother - knows Zayda is a witch and fears her. She also blames Zayda for her 'beloved' husband's death - he was actually a violent alcoholic that beat her mersilessly - she has re-imagined how it was.... she threatens to tell others of Zayda's abilities and stain her name if Zayda continues to be involved with Trace.
Grandfather - a tyrant - pits Trace and his cousin Daniel against each other for the company inheritance. He is prepared to force Trace to marry Evelyn DiWinter - a rich debutante from a powerful family - Grandfather sees this as a excellent union. Sees Zayda as not being the 'right sort of people' to associate with his grandson. Only really accepted Lorraine back when he saw the value of Trace and using him to advance his status in the business world.
Evelyn DiWinter - an ally of sorts - she does not love Trace, she is in love with someone else
Daniel - Trace's cousin - an only child who has been groomed to take over the company and thought it would all be his until Trace's family was allowed to rejoin the family. He may try to expose Zayda as well if Trace doesn't back off.
Aunt Jess - Z's no nonsense aunt who helped raise her and teach her magical spell casting and the lore of Witchcraft - she has a soft spot for Zayda.
Aunt Lydia - Z's softy aunt who helped raise her and teach her magical spell casting and the lore of Witchcraft
Adwina - Z's cousin who encourages her to come to live with them and study at the universtiy
Damian - Z's cousin and friend of Trace - an ally
Angelica - Z's cousin and supporter - lives in California

(2) Create a list of characters in a format easy to edit and expand. - in Plottr and maybe on WDC as well.
(3) Write a brief profile on each character new character.
Relation to the main character(s)
Rough physical description or image (try a Google Image Search or comparable)

Oct. 09: - CONTEST ROUND: Protagonist Background Story ▼

Write a story about your protagonist that takes place outside of your novel. Make your readers relate to him or her in such a way that we would be devastated if he or she were to experience conflict (which, ultimately, sometime in November, he/she will.) The object of the contest is to make your judges root for your protagonist! Simply put: the character we like best wins. If your protagonist is a drug dealer or someone similarly ""unlikeable"" (a.k.a, an ""anti-hero""), never fear! I love Vlad Taltos, the professional assassin. You can make us love your character, too.

*Contest Round entries may be any rating. Submit your ITEM or ENTRY number by 1200 noon WDC time on Sunday to compete. WDC time is New York City time and can be found at the top of the IM Console. If you miss this deadline or choose not to compete, you must still log the assignment complete (without linking your work) for the grand prize, per the standard Prep guidelines.

 Cruel Hijinks  Open in new Window. (13+)
Zayda Gallagher is mistreated by the popular girls on a special day.
#2259824 by 💙 Carly - February is here! Author IconMail Icon

Oct. 10: - FREEBIE DAY ▼

Oct. 11: - Setting: Definitions List ▼

NOTE: You can revise this list at any time, so this revision is not expected to be fully accurate or complete.

(1) Create a list of definitions (see below) in a format easy to edit and expand.
(2) Optional: Brainstorm and describe an object critical to the plot. Add to definitions list.

In your definitions list, you'll flesh out details that you'll want to remember later for consistency. You won't have to dig through pages of scribbled notes to find whatever you decided about these definitions - they will all be compiled into a neat list / binder / database / note cards / whatever your favorite form of organization happens to be.

Example definitions for the Harry Potter series:
rules of magic
the Ministry of Magic
modes of transportation (apparition, Floo network, portkeys, flying, etc.)
the four Houses at Hogwarts
the sword of Gryffindor (note: this would also make a good plot background story)

Non-speculative examples requiring definitions:
a fictional student organization to which your protagonist belongs
the fictional company or division of the FBI for whom your protagonist works
the disease afflicting your protagonist, which is a real condition you need to research
the antique artifact your protagonist intends to heist

Rooftop garden in Greenwich Village - to grow herbs, vegetables, there is a greeenhouse to house the more tender herbs and plants. Pics in Pinterest.

Rules of magic

I collected some Websites for reference:
LOVE THIS: Language has power in the social world—on that we can agree. People use words to hurt, conceal, soothe, and dominate, to evoke emotions in others. More than that, in certain contexts and conditions, the right words effect real change.
Also from the above reference:
medievalist L.M.C. Weston analyzes the poetic language of The Nine Herbs Charm, a healing spell dating to the tenth century C.E. West also looks at Wið færstice, a popular charm for relieving a stabbing pain. Weston calls them “magico-medical texts… [in which] ritual and poetry combine… to create and enforce an altered consciousness, in which and through which magic can occur.” They use performative language in Old English verse, magical numbers (multiples of 3), and a characteristic rhythm combining the alliterative structure of Old English verse with counter rhythms that index its special status as magical. There is a lot of repetition.

In Wið færstice, Lines 6, 12, and 15 (all multiples of 3), are practically identical in their refrain:

Ut lytel spere, gif her innie sie
Ut lytel spere, gif her innie sy
Ut lytel spere, gif her innie sy

In subsequent verses, says Weston, “The healer speaking the words over an herbal potion and knife (spere)… becomes a warrior under a shield, engaging in archetypal battle with vaguely identified, supernatural enemies.”

Spells have two distinct phases, the first one concentrating on gathering in power, the second on releasing it, with focused intent, in a particular direction. In the case of Wið færstice, this is marked by a change in verb tense from the first to second half of the charm, which signals a shift from potential power to present use, also using the subject “I” to indicate the healer’s agency. The recipient of the charm is also reframed, from the herbs in phase one to the patient in phase two.
The Nine Herbs Charm calls for an assemblage of herbs: chamomile, mugwort, lamb’s cress, plantain, mayweed, nettle, crab-apple, thyme, and fennel. These are crushed and mixed into a salve. The charm is sung three times over each ingredient and again over the patient and chanted as the salve is applied. If properly executed, the Nine Herbs Charm protects the patient from illnesses believed to come from toxins in the air.
I printed this document - 10 pages.

This is interesting as a sales of products - which could be something that interests many.


This one is from the above's website:


A familar - an animal, does it need to be black? Could it be a tabby cat?

Oct. 12: - General: Theme ▼

NOTE: This list of universal themes might give you some ideas, but don't let it box you in. Feel free to add your own.

(1) Theme. What is the theme (see below) or moral of the story?
Love conquers all!

(2) Resolution. Brainstorm ways you could resolve the conflict(s) within the confines of the theme. You are not required to identify a chosen resolution from your list of possibilities yet, so really think outside the box! Anything goes.
Trace's love teaches Zayda what to look for when other boys try to use her and claim her as a prize - "sex with a witch is supposed to be a supernatural experience." the boys in the village say as they taunt her.
Zayda's love give Trace confidence to defy his Grandfather and follow his heart in love, but also in his choice of career.
Zayda's love of Trace has her stepping up and defying Lorraine when she finds out her is sick and needs her expertise. Lorraine beside herself with worry evetually gives way and finds her fear dissolving as she realizes that Zayda is actually good for her son.
Grandfather sees his life being very hollow when this family step up and confront him and his tyrany - He learns of Zayda's magical abilities later - once she has won over Lorraine and saved Trace. Zayda confronts his bullying ways and puts him in his place.

Oct. 13: - General: Freestyle Brainstorm, World Building or Research ▼

Spend at least fifteen minutes clarifying things through ""What If"" brainstorming, mind mapping (see resources at the bottom of the calendar), freestyle writing, lists, drawings or research as follows:
World Building: For fantasy, science fiction, or other speculative fiction, develop the history, geology, ecology, and/or maps for your world.
Research: For reality-based fiction, research aspects of your novel that will lend credibility to your writing.

You may also choose to use this time to finish a previous assignment that needs more time.

I have been working on adding more to last week's plot points and getting to know Plottr.
On my walk I discovered this:
Trace's Grandfather is a tyrant and to keep him 'happy' and away from running ramshod over his mother Lorraine, Trace complies with his Grandfather's wishes.... but in secret he also studies creative writing and Journalism as well as the REQUIRED business studies.
His Grandfather believes in competition to keep people sharp - so he has pitted Trace and his cousin, Daniel (an only child who was brought up to believe this would all be his) against each other.
He has also picked a bride for each of his grandsons - the one for Trace is a lovely girl (Evelyn), who is in love with someone else - she is from a rich, powerful family and his Grandfather believes the union will only make him more powerful and respected.
Because of this, he believes that Zayda is not from the right stock of people (he may not even know she's a witch) - Grandfather discourages any union with Trace and sends her packing believing Trace would really go through with this marriage - "It's a done deal."
Lorraine also disapproves as she knows Zayda is a witch and does not want her son associating with her - she threatens to tell others - in a warped way she believes Zayda had something to do with the death of her 'beloved' William (her violent, abusive, alcoholic husband).
Trace's younger sister, Sofia is an ally - she works to get Trace and Zayda back together. She is 4 years younger than Trace, 2 years younger than Zayda. She was another kind soul back in Roseville.

Zayda remembers seeing them both off the day they left Roseville for good.

Oct. 14: - Plot: Outline Revision #2 ▼

(1) Review your plot elements thus far and organize them into your outline.
(2) Add a chronological timeline to your revised outline, using whatever measure of time is appropriate in your story. Determine when plot events happen in time (which is not necessarily when you will reveal them in your novel.) See this example composed by JK Rowling while outlining one of her famous Harry Potter novels.
(3) Optional: Brainstorm the best chronology(ies) for your story and work it(them) into your outline.

Chronology Strategies
Linear Narrative - the story is told in the order the events occurred.
Non-Linear Narrative - the story is told out of order.
Reverse Chronology - the story is told backwards.
In medias res - the story starts in the middle, goes back to explain how it got there, catches up, and then resolves.
Flashback/forward - individual scene(s) that take place prior to or after the current action.

Note that the difference between these chronological devices can be minute. Read the examples below to see how most stories use more than one style of chronology. Your job is to plan the order in which you will tell your story to the reader. Don't get hung up in the nomenclature.

Lord of the Rings is mostly linear. The events of the story are revealed to the reader as they unfold for the characters. Some flashbacks occur, such as when Gandalf tells the Fellowship how he defeated the balrog and what happened when he visited Saruman.

The hit TV drama ""How to Get Away with Murder"" begins in medias res, with a group of law school students burying a body. The rest of the story is generally non-linear because it routinely moves back and forth in time. The screen will display ""3 months ago"" on a series of scenes, and then flash back forward to the body-burying scene again, then move back in time to ""2 months ago,"" using flashbacks to build the story for the viewer. Also, some scenes are repeated multiple times as flashbacks, often as visual-only scenes replaying while a character is explaining something to other characters or building a defense in the courtroom, but through careful camera angles or a few additional seconds of footage, the scene reveals more about the mystery than was obvious the first time the viewer saw that same scene. In this way, the show plants red herrings to fool the viewer and later prove their assumptions wrong.

The hit TV drama ""The Walking Dead"" is famous for beginning episodes in medias res and then going back in time to explain how the characters got there. On an academic level, these opening scenes could also be construed as flash forwards because, much of the time, the scene at the beginning of each episode is not actually the climax, or the action in the middle of the story, but rather, it shows where the characters end up at the very end of the episode. In medias res is technically the middle, not the end.

One episode of ""The X-Files"" featured a character who woke up each morning to find that it was one day earlier than the previous day. On the ""first"" (last, for the character) day, he was on trial for murdering his wife. On the ""second"" (previous) day, he was meeting his attorney. The plot continued to move backwards in time until it reached the day of the murder, at which point, the protagonist had enough information to prevent the murder from occurring at all. This is an example of reverse chronology, a rare but effective tool for revealing mysteries.

This has been done on Plottr.

Oct. 15: - Character: Antagonist Profile ▼

Draft a profile of the antagonist(s) you identified in the ""Premise"" assignment. If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, choose another minor (but significant) character to profile.

Further clarification:
Newsletter Article: ""When The Bad Guy Isn't a Person""
"ANTAGONIST (Re: A LOT of confusing things)"

I have two gatekeepers - Lorraine, Trace's mother and Grandfather. Trace's tyrannical maternal Grandfather.
Lorraine: "Lorraine Wilder Open in new Window.
Grandfather "Grandfather Open in new Window.
Worked on both to start - Oct. 15, 2021. Not yet logged.

Oct. 16: - CONTEST ROUND: Antagonist Background Story ▼

Write a story about your antagonist that takes place outside of your novel. The object of the contest is to make your judges understand and empathize with the antagonist's motivations.

If your antagonist is a situation rather than a person, write a background story about that. The Tom Hanks movie ""Cast Away"" famously features only one character (unless you count Wilson), and his antagonist is loneliness. Could you personify loneliness? Why does loneliness exist? What motivates it? How would a lack of loneliness affect survival of the human race? How did it drive main character Nolan to survive for years alone on a deserted island? Loneliness has a job to do. Make us believe it's a valid one.

*Contest Round entries may be any rating. Submit your ITEM or ENTRY number by 1200 noon WDC time on Sunday to compete. WDC time is New York City time and can be found at the top of the IM Console. If you miss this deadline or choose not to compete, you must still log the assignment complete (without linking your work) for the grand prize, per the standard Prep guidelines."

 Desperate Measures  Open in new Window. (13+)
Lorraine seeks to rid herself and her children of their abusive father.
#2260187 by 💙 Carly - February is here! Author IconMail Icon

Oct. 17: - FREEBIE DAY ▼

"Relax or catch up.

Oct. 18: - Setting: Cultural Setting ▼

Describe the cultural, political and/or religious setting in your novel, regardless of whether the cultural setting is fictional, historical, or modern.
(1) What do your societies believe?

Contemporary but I need to determine the year - I was thinking 1940, but maybe 1970 would be better?
If 1940s - it would have to be after the war... but at least 14 or 15 years later as Trace is born after the death of the golden boy son and brother of Lorraine - he was killed in during the war (WWII) - 1970s. - around 1975 or 1976. Because Trace is now 20. There that helped.
I have been looking at pictures of NYC in the 70s to get a feel for the place - even if I fictionalize it.

(2) In what practices do they engage?
Wicca and Witchcraft are components of Zayda's family. They are misunderstood and tend to hide their abilities unless in the company of other Witches. I am thinking they live quiet lives within the outcrust of 'normal' society (like Good Witch and Practical Magic). But threat of exposure can ruin a person's reputation - in a sense ostracizing them - Loranine threatens Zayda in this way until she is able to save someone that Loraine loves and that changes Loraine's mind. Grandfather is never told.

Grandfather's is more puritan - going to church on occasion - being seen as a respectable, Christian leader and businessman.

(3) What laws or rules of society are in place?
Witches could be prosecuted - Salem Witch trials of a sort. The threat of exposure could have social ramifications.... I am thinking being ostracized can have harmful effects in terms of exposure - the more respectable people avoid you and the crazies come out. Living a regular 'unseen' life is impossible even in a huge city.

(4) Who/what enforces the laws and rules and how successful are they?
Social decorum and expectation is highly prized. Witchcraft is seen as 'other' and has negative connotations to those who don't understand.

(5) What technologies are in use?
It's the 1970s. Computer technology is only in the early stages so only the rich may have anything and the phones are big honking things.
Writing is typewriters (Trace). Phones are landline. 8 track tapes and records,

(6) How does the setting impact your protagonist(s) in their pre-story lives?
Zayda grows up in a small, New England coastal town - away from crowds. This helps her regulate her touch/ contact connection to people. She gets a bit of a handle on it and it helps to keep her safe - knowing what love looks like versus those that want to use her and claim her as a prize. She knows of the green jealous of hateful girls and rivals.
Being a small town, she is a known entity. She is teased and bullied for her abilities - small town, small mindedness. She is told not to fight back with her abilities - to turn the other cheek. Witches do not harm others.
She seeks solace in nature - walks on the beach, in the forest, over the dunes. She loves to garden with the Aunts.

(7) How does the setting impact the plot of your story?
The touch/contact component is a big concern for Zayda as she considers going to the City - so many people and her open vulnerability scare her. How will she handle the excess of people? Will see be able to find spots of nature that can uplift and rejuvenate her? (Getting to the ocean and Central Park help).
She can only do the subway late at night when it is not so crowded - otherwise she feels faint from too much contact and sensing the emotions of others. Being a witch, she is able to protect herself alone at night in these situations.
She wears a leather coat and leather gloves to dull the excessive exposure and she usually sits at the front of a lecture hall right under the lecturer as most people are less inclined to sit there.
She also learns to block out and focus when she is studying and casting. It is important for her to practice self care and self love rituals to strengthen herself.

Zayda moves in with her cousins who live in a sweet place in Greenwich Village. Homey and quaint compared to Trace's upper crust family.

Upper East Side - expensive for Trace's Grandfather's estate: A penthouse place - moneyed.

Oct. 19: - Plot: Complications ▼

Complications. Identify additional things that could go wrong for your protagonist. You are not required to resolve any problems yet, just create them. Remember: The more hardships your main character faces, the more readers will cheer them on, and the more engaged and invested the reader will be in your story. Brainstorm a list of problems you could throw at your protagonist(s) throughout the story, using ""What If,"" mind mapping (see the resources at the bottom of the calendar), freestyle writing, or any other form of brainstorming you prefer. Hint: Other characters are a great source of realistic strife, since characters often are driven by conflicting motivations.

*** NEED DISASTERS? See the Plot Twists generator at the bottom of the calendar.

Attack of popular boys in her hometown and the subsequent attack of those boys' girlfriends - one of which is Darla.

Touch / Contact aspect that effects her a great deal. She is an empath and can sense and see those emotions. In the city this is a struggle for her until she is able to get a handle on it and dull it with leather (great for cooler seasons. but what about summer???)

Loraine not wanting her son associating with a witch - threatening to expose her as a witch - which would make Grandfather do something more extreme because her already thinks she is not the right sort of person (he doesn't know about the witchcraft and he would be lethal is his hatred of that)

Grandfather is a tyrant - powerful business who has links to a darker side in terms of eliminating his opponents. He can't be linked to the deaths, but Zayda senses his darker side and knows of his more underhanded dealings with others. Does she tell Trace?

Trace may have to confront his Grandfather regarding these practices - which makes him not want to be part of inheriting the old man's legacy. He will face disinheritance.... which may also include his mother and sister. HIs sister is okay with it, but his mother.... she is the reason he has gone along with his Grandfather for so long.... he worries she will not be able to stand on her own.

They may all have to leave the City and go to a quieter, less ostentatious lifestyle area. No Connecticut, No Hamptons.... Maybe Maine or even Boston.

Oct. 20: - Plot: Literary Devices ▼
(1) Brainstorm possible solutions to your conflict and complications using the list of literary devices below or your own ideas.
This I may need o discovery write to figure out how to work out those issues and complications.

(2) Identify a mentor or helper who aids the protagonist(s) in achieving their goals.
Helpers could be Adwina and Trace's sister Sofia.

(3) Identify any other literary devices from the list you could use to enhance your writing.
I've picked 3:
Foreshadowing: Hints of something to come.
Poetic Justice: Good guys are rewarded and bad guys are punished.
Narrative Hook: Story opening that grab's the reader's attention.

Or anything from this list: http://literary-devices.com/

Oct. 21: - Plot: Outline Revision #3 ▼
(1) Review your plot elements thus far and organize them into your outline.
Plottr is great for this as I have my plot points lined up and I have Romancing the Beat Plot Points and the Romance Beat Sheet up to compare and see that I am on track.
I am hoping to add to this in November after I craft each scene so that I have something to see at the end of my novel - to make editing a little more accessable.

(2) Fill in any gaps in your outline template and/or flesh out more details.
Doing this on Plottr. I spent some time doing this on Wed. Oct. 20, 2021.
I added several points.
I also figured out the meet cute for Trace and Zayda to literally run into each other - makes the contact happen. Love it.

Talked out on the way home from working with Kyle:
Trace faces his Grandfather after Sofia assures him she and their mother will be fine. Sofia is studying fine art and has a promising career as a painter / artist. Their mother follows her dreams to be a Fashion Designer and leaves for Paris - after Zayda saves someone she loves and helps her to change her mind about Zayda. She accepts that witches do no harm and that she only wants to help. Her prosperity spell that she cast as a child is brought to fruition after they each accept their destiny to follow their dreams.
Sofia also tells Trace that she knew he always liked Zayda, and she did too. But they tended to keep to themselves as children because they were hiding the disastrous home life they lead. Sofia always admired Zayda as a child. She did not like the pettiness of girls like Darla and her family. Darla's sister Nancy was also a bully - to Sofia. Sofia is 2 years younger than Zayda. (yellow notes are in Preptober Workbook 2021 - they will needed to be worked into Plottr).

Oct. 22: - Setting: Settings List ▼
(1) Create a list of settings in a format easy to edit and expand.
I can do this is Plottr.

Bobst Library and Washington Park and NYU

Pictures of Greenwich Village walkup / townhouse.
Mansions: Upper East Side

I have a map on Sotheby website that shows the Carthart Mansion E 95th Street and its relation to Central Park and Greenwich Village and its relation to Washington Square Park. Zayda needs green spaces to re-center herself and re-ground herself after too much City bustle.

(2) Add brief descriptions, drawings, images or Google Maps coordinates (find the location on Google Maps/Earth and record the URL) for each.
Carhart Mansion

New York map – Sotheby
Google Earth:

The striking, 12-story Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, Located at the heart of NYU’s Washington Square campus, Bobst Library is central to its intellectual life.

Oct. 23: - CONTEST ROUND: Setting Description. ▼
Describe a setting in words. Use all five senses and make your reader experience the setting as if he or she were there.
A contract perhaps - the dunes of Roseville versus Central Park or Washington Square Park... or just the jostling nature of NYC.

Oct. 24: - FREEBIE DAY ▼

Relax or catch up.

Oct. 25: - General: Market Definition and Narrative Voice Synopsis ▼

(1) Identify your story type from this list of story types or define it with your own nomenclature.
This is a new realm for me - Paranormal Romance.
A romance between a witch, who has the ability to feel and see images of emotions in the people around her, and a human, who has his own traumatic background to deal with.

(2) Describe your target audience. Identify a demographic profile of your ideal reader (try using your character profile template!) Explain in detail what aspects of your novel will appeal to this particular audience and why. Please read this blog post to understand the importance of marketing, and why targeting ""mass appeal"" or ""all readers"" isn't good enough: "Building Your Brand"

I am thinking my readers are primarily women who don't want the usual, mundane romances or the guilt of feeling like they are reading smut. They want something a little different, but still want a Happily Ever After.

(3) Write a synopsis of your novel using the same narrative voice you will use to tell the story.

Zayda is a young witch who has lived a sheltered life in a small, seaside community who has dealt with prejudice and mean spiritedness. She has felt defenseless within that world and decides to escape to higher education and the City. Once there, she must deal with the overwhelming sensations of the people around her. She learns to protect herself and find her way within this new world. She also finds her first love; a young man dealing with the trauma of his youth and the expectations of his present life. They both find their way back to each other and gather strength to face what dares to tear them apart.

Oct. 26: - Character: Minor Character Profiles ▼

(1) Expand or add profiles for one or more minor characters.
(2) Spend some time updating your character list with new information, images, etc.

This will be done in Plottr and WDC character profiles. Worked on Plottr files today (Oct. 27).

I am considering profiles for my minor characters.
Researching occupations for my witchy characters:

Adwina - thinking children's book author and illustrator or Reiki master. She is studying to be a Reiki practioner when Zayda comes to stay with them.

Damian - ??

Fiona - Adwina's mother - well established author of fantasy / paranormal fiction. She stays with her children when she visits New York, but prefers to live out of the city now that she is older and her husband has passed away.

Sofia - artist - painter / illustrator
She is in her last year of high school. She has applied to a School of Art. Trace is worried that if they get cutoff from Grandfather's money, she will be unable to go, but Lorraine has made a good bit of funds with her fashions and has put it away for this.

Lorraine - goes into fashion design - this is what she was hoping to get into before meeting William Wilder. She moves to Paris - once things are copasetic with Trace and Zayda.

Also interesting: I posted these to Pinterest in my Zayda's Quest folder.

Oct. 27: - General: Freestyle Brainstorm, World Building or Research ▼

(1) Spend at least fifteen minutes clarifying things through ""What If"" brainstorming, mind mapping (see resources at the bottom of the calendar), freestyle writing, lists, drawings or research. You may also choose to use this time to finish a previous assignment that needs more time.

(2) Update your characters, definitions and settings lists as needed.

I did write down one story thought today - Trace uses his Grandfather's car service - limo and driver to pick up and take Zayda out to Coney Island on their second date. He normally would never use this service, but with Zayda's sensitivities he is able to give her a way to maove through the city without the stress and anxiety of using public transit would give her. He wants her to see the ocean and experience a day at Coney Island with him - with the out of saying they can leave if it gets to be too much for her.
By then she has built up a tolerance and a way to dull her senses as she moves through the city. Staying close to Greenwich Village and the University helps as it is much more laidback and upbeat.

I worked on Day 26 stuff. I need to put what I came up with in my Plottr and / or WDC portfolio - thing is I almost need to focus in on these characters and write about them to get a sense of their point of view and who they are as well rounded characters. I mean, I did not think Adwina's mother would be living with her in NYC, but I think she wanted to be there to welcome Zayda. She is probably in town to see her agent and editor as well before she whisks off somewhere else. I am thinking Adwina's father has passed away, he may have been a professor making them stay in the city. Now that Fiona is a widow, she is free to move about and the city is not as exciting as it once was - particularly when her husband was alive. She may decide that she does not want to spend the winter months in the city and since she is financially sound, I would say she would prefer to go to Europe for the winter months and not follow other 'hicks' to Florida.
Where is Damian? What is he doing with his life?

Oct. 28: - Character: Protagonist Interview ▼

You are a journalist. The story of your novel is complete. Interview your protagonist and ask the following questions:
(1) How is life for you now, compared to life prior to these events?

I was bullied as a child. Seen as part of a family who was the bain of all that went wrong in our small town., I needed to put distance between myself and that place. After facing an attack, I decided to get away. Start over in a place where no one knew of my history. Getting into NYU was my ticket.
I could study what I loved - plants and use my talents for good. The Aunts always stressed that we were to do no harm. That we were to help those around us.
But this city was too much for me.... at first. I had to learn to protect myself and dull the emotions of those around me before they overwhelmed me. That was my first test.
I learned to trust my instincts.

(2) How did the events of your story change you?
When I ran into Trace Wilder. I began to believe I could really make a difference. He used to live in our small town. He was a sweet boy. One of the few that did not ostracize me and treat me like I had the plague. The feelings I had for him were still there and so were his for me. We started seeing each other.... but there were so many things against us. I had to learn to fight. To stand up for what I wanted and not walk away like I had as a child. With Trace by my side, I felt capable of doing anything. Love truly does conquer all.

Oct. 29: - Plot: Premise Revision ▼

Now that you have spent a month planning your novel, revise your initial premise. Identify the following:
(1) Setting(s). Where does your story take place?

It starts out in a small, seaside town that ostracizes Zayda for being a witch. She is bullied by the popular girls who see her as a beautiful threat and seen as a challenge to the popular village boys.
The town, the aunt's old Victorian house and lush gardens, the school ?, the dunes, the ocean, the forest.
It moves to a big city - NYC - where she can both lose herself and find herself. To do that she must overcome a variety of tests that challenge what she really wants.
Washington Square Park - and its buried bodies (ghosts), Central Park, Coney Island, Greenwich Village, NYU campus, Bobst Library and Carnegie Hill area.

(2) Protagonist(s). Who is(are) your main character(s)?
Zayda Gallagher (Z) and Trace Wilder (T)
(2b) Flaw(s). What is(are) the protagonist's major flaw(s)?
Z - fears her power and talents as they keep her set apart, lets others bully her without standing up for herself.

T - love and compassion for his mother and sister is both a good thing and a bad thing in that it hold him random to his Grandfather's tyranny.

(2c) Goal(s). What does(d) the protagonist(s) want (or want to avoid)?
Z - she wants to love and be loved for who she is, she wants to be accepted for who she is

T - he wants to be free of his Grandfather's tyranny - free to follow his dreams and love the woman he choses - the one he has always felt a connection to.

(3) Conflict(s). What's keeping them from their goal(s)?

T's mother knows Z is a witch and threatens to expose her in order to keep the two of them apart.
T's Grandfather is a tyrant and he wants T to take over his business - together with his cousin Daniel - there is also conflict there. Grandfather also has a young woman picked out for T to marry and advance their power and wealth.
T's Grandfather does not think Z is the right sort of people for his grandson (he does not know she is a witch - but if he did, he would ruin her)

(4) Antagonist(s). Who or what is creating the conflict(s)?
Trace's mother and Grandfather.
The city itself is also something that needs to be overcome - as Zayda can feel the emotions of all those around her - a leather coat and gloves help to dull this sensation. Contact brings images with the feeling of emotions.

(5) Resolution. How does it all turn out in the end?
Zayda is able to save someone T's mother loves and so she changes her mind about her - becomes a reluctant ally in the end.
Trace (Z's love gives him the strength) confronts his grandfather once he knows his sister and mother will be okay - their lives are important to him and his Grandfather uses them as a way to keep Trace in line - threatening to cast them all out if he does not comply

(6) Theme: What is the theme or moral of the story?
Love conquers all. Prejudice can destroy if you don't examine the roots of it.

(7) Outline: Update your outline as needed.
This will be done on Plottr.

Now that you have spent a month planning your novel, revise your initial premise. Identify the following:
(1) Setting(s). Where does your story take place?
(2) Protagonist(s). Who is(are) your main character(s)?
(2b) Flaw(s). What is(are) the protagonist's major flaw(s)?
(2c) Goal(s). What does(d) the protagonist(s) want (or want to avoid)?
(3) Conflict(s). What's keeping them from their goal(s)?
(4) Antagonist(s). Who or what is creating the conflict(s)?
(5) Resolution. How does it all turn out in the end?
(6) Theme: What is the theme or moral of the story?
(7) Outline: Update your outline as needed.

Oct. 30: - CONTEST ROUND: Plot Background Story ▼

Write a story that sets up your plot. EXAMPLE: The Lord of the Rings story revolves around the One Ring, its significance, and how it's destroyed. But how did Frodo get the One Ring in the first place? We learn that in The Hobbit. You obviously can't write a full-scale novel in 15 minutes, but you could write the scene where Bilbo encounters Gollum and stumbles across the ring. That would be a background story that sets up the plot in Lord of the Rings.

*Contest Round entries may be any rating. Submit your ITEM or ENTRY number by 1200 noon WDC time on Sunday to compete. WDC time is New York City time and can be found at the top of the IM Console. If you miss this deadline or choose not to compete, you must still log the assignment complete (without linking your work) for the grand prize, per the standard Prep guidelines.

I am contemplating using the dunes story, maybe even from Trace's point of view. Going into his point of view and his thoughts about the situation and his feels for Zayda - a crush / attraction to a young girl who was clearly able to stand on her own, in her own strength despite the nastiness of the world around her.

Oct. 31: - FREEBIE DAY ▼

Relax or catch up.


Start writing your novel!


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