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#1018482 added October 2, 2021 at 3:03pm
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October 1st - Friday - What If?
What if?

Some of the plot I already have in mind.

What if the Romans were defeated by Boudica and Britannia and Eire weren't occupied. Instead they formed a Celtic society.

What if some individuals within the Celtic society were gifted with psychic powers, which tend to run in families. From these families a ruler is 'elected' by proving themselves to be the most able at the present time. This is done by means of a challenge called 'The Mindwarp Pavilion.'

Those with considerable abilities form a council that advises the King or Queen, and ensures the rules of succession are followed. This in practice means that certain families are nearly always a part of the ruling class. They naturally have their own desires for power.

Once the Queen has succeeded in defeating the trial of the Mindwalk Pavilion, she cannot be challenged for three years. During this time she must make her own additions to the Pavilion.

What if the Romans had adopted widespread worship of Mithras instead of Christianity? I'm aiming to create a world that in many ways seems familiar, yet is also sufficiently different to allow the fantasy aspects of psychic powers to be acceptable.

What if Roman Europe was divided into two blocks aligned along religious lines, paralleling our own Catholic/Protestant split. These would be pretty evenly matched, constantly fighting and in effect deadlocked.

These two sides both desire to eliminate the other.

Both see the Celtic block as key to achieving their aims. Both plot to manipulate the Celtic block through influencing the new leader, Boudica III.

What if instead of Elizabeth I, we had had Boudica III? Some aspects of Elizabeth I's life will be incorporated into the story. Some of her advisors will also be used, either named, or in some similar guise.

What if the young Queen was powerful because she was still a virgin? Drawing on the taboo's discussed by Frazer in the Golden Bough, and such phenomenon as poltergeists. There is a distinct possibility that her powers would wane were she to cease to be a virgin. This leaves the possibility of an attempted rape scene. What if she were saved by a dwarf, the daughter of her father's fool? This woman would be a close confidant of the Queen, but perhaps overlooked until she saves Boudica.

Various means for the two European blocks to win control of the Celtic block:

Marriage - already tried with Boudica's half sister (Mary?) but failed due to her untimely death and her fanaticism.

Murder - to replace her with someone more amiable to their own ideas. Both sides have those who favour them among the ruling families.

What if the ruling families were also plotting to seize power? Not everyone plays by the rules.

What if the Ottoman Empire was also interested in the Celtic block, and send two of the sons of Suleiman the Magnificent to challenge for rulership - according to the rules whoever defeats the Pavilion is ruler. They are prevented by the rule of three years - arriving a little too late. Bayezid then seeks to marry Boudica - one of several possible candidates.

Bayezid's brother seeks to murder him, and to take his place as a potential marriage candidate - this is a sub plot.

Boudica is gifted, and smart enough to realise she needs people she can trust. Part of her many problems is deciding who can and who cannot be trusted. She is young and attractive, loves life. She is also lonely, because she realises the dangers, (and has some of them explained to her) of getting too close to someone.

What if some of Boudica's council have their own ideas about the two competing European power blocks, and work towards the Celtic block being the major power? Need to decide how much to have America, and emerging Celtic sea power as an element of the story.

What if the Celtic block was working on ways to use their abilities in conflict? This would support the idea that the two European blocks saw the Celtic block as being useable to break their own deadlock. What could this be?

What psychic powers could be to an extent believable? I don't want anyone slinging fireballs about. I would prefer the powers to usually subtle, though in reference to the earlier comment on poltergeists, movement of solid objects should not be ruled out.

I propose to develop a list of those powers that the Celtic, and Ottoman personnel will employ. What if some of the Roman block 'players' also have powers, though usually at a lesser level that the Celtic block? These would usually be suppressed or destroyed (think witch hunts). Major players might explore using some of these people - probably with very poor results as a result of distrust and the rigid adherence of others.

What are Boudica's personal ambitions? To find some companionship? To demonstrate her own ability as a leader despite her youth? To develop her abilities further, with the help of Roger Ascham and Dr John Dee? To stay alive (obviously), but if I have a direct and nasty threat to her life and well being early on in the story, then this will sharpen her desire to live.
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