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Rated: E · Book · Adult · #2256398
A teen dies and is taken into the afterlife and gets four wishes and a servant
#1015988 added August 22, 2021 at 3:08pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 8: To Hoshido and Nohr
"I'm sorry could you repeat that please, I thought you asked me to end the war between two countries." said Austin

"I did" said Corrin

Austin looked into Corrin's eyes to see a begging look in them, Austin turned towards Artoria, Jeanne, Minamoto, Scathach,

Tamamo, and Tomoe for their input and they gave him a thumbs up, he then looked towards Ariya, Hildegarde, and Leia who gave

each gave him a nod of approval causing him to sigh.

"Fine we'll help just give us a moment to turn in the two quest we took and register the nine newcomers of my party at the

guild." said Austin

"Thank you, how long will it take for us to get to the guild?" asked Corrin

"It will just take about two seconds when I use Gate." said Austin

A rectangle shape portal appeared shocking everyone but Austin.

"Calm down girls its just part of the spell, this kind of works the same way as teleport but we just have to walk through

the portal and we'll arrive back at Axel, however like teleport I have to been to a place before in order for the spell to

work." said Austin

Austin then walked through the portal but after a few seconds he poked his head back through to his party.

"Well what are you waiting for come on." said Austin

All of the girls regain their composure and followed Austin through the spell, after the group arrived at the entrance to

Axel they went straight to the guild and walked up to Luna.

"Hey Luna we're back." said Austin

"So I see Austin and you have ten new party members." said Luna

"Actually its just nine, I got lost in the woods close to where Austin was and then he offered me a lift to Axel." said


"Oh I see, very well I will subtract nine hundred Eris from the total reward of both quest to pay for their entry fees."

said Luna

Austin then got the reward money from Luna then got the device with the crystal ball out and each new member repeated the

process Austin and Artoria went through, after the last girl did the process Luna looked at each of the cards and let out

a sigh.

"Why am I not surprise that you now have more elite adventures with the same stats that you and Artoria had when you two

first started here." said Luna

"Just lucky I guess, any ways were going to help Corrin with something in her homeland I'm not sure how long we'll be gone

though." said Austin

"Really then how come your homeland hasn't sent a quest to the guild about this problem?" asked Luna

"Because we don't have enough Eris for the reward of the task, our only hope was to find someone that's strong and willing

enough to take the quest for free." said Corrin

"So you asked Austin and his party to help you with the quest." said Luna

"Yes that's right, the girls said they were okay with it so I took her up on the offer." said Austin

Luna looked at Austin's eyes and saw he was determined to go through with this quest causing her to sigh.

"Fine, but you better come back alive." said Luna

"Got it" said Austin

The group then exited the guild and huddled together.

"How are we supposed to get to Hoshido and Nohr the only one that's been their is Corrin?" asked Artoria

"That's true and unfortunately I don't know any spells that can teleport all of us there either." said Corrin

"Well I do know a spell that can help us, it's let's me see a location through someone's memory but in order for the spell

to work I have touch their forehead with mine." said Austin

Corrin blushed from Austin's words before asking "A-Are you sure there isn't another spell that can't help us?"

"No I'm afraid there isn't even if there was such a spell I would need to learn it first but we don't have the time for

that." said Austin

Corrin sighed before saying "Fine do it."

The two touched their foreheads together and Austin saw the memoires he need to transport.

"Alright girls lets go." said Austin

Austin then cast Gate again and everyone went through it with the spell closing behind them.

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