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Rated: E · Book · Adult · #2256398
A teen dies and is taken into the afterlife and gets four wishes and a servant
#1015793 added August 18, 2021 at 3:48pm
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Chapter 5: Three Valkyries reporting for duty
"That's the whole story Luna." Austin said as he told Luna about what happened with the toads in the field

"I see, thank you for telling me this Austin, here's your reward money along with a few extra Eris for taking care of all

the giant toads, I'll send word to the guild about this and hopefully we'll find out why that many appeared." said Luna

Austin nodded his head accepting the answer and took the bag of Eris towards where everyone else was sitting.

"How did it go?" asked Kazuma

"We got some extra Eris for taking care of all the toads, and by the weight of the bag I say we got 50,000 Eris in addition

to the five thousand standard reward." said Austin

"Oh that's rich Austin there no's way we got 55,000 Eris in total." said Kazuma

Austin just smiled and dumbed all of the Eris on the table shocking the whole group at the amount of Eris that was in the

bag, Austin then began to count all the Eris they earned at a fast rate and was finished in just a minute ending his count

on 55,000 Eris.

"Okay I stand corrected." said Kazuma

Aqua was trying to sneak in and grab some Eris, key word try because Austin saw her hand and gently swatted at it.

"What was that for, I'm an arch persists the highest class of the four of us I should get the most Eris." said Aqua

"First off Artoria and I are Elites so technically we're the highest class of the four of us, and second you just want to

use the money to get drunk when we could use it for food, equipment, and items to help with our adventures, now I'm going

to dived this up evenly for the four of us so there won't be any extra for anyone." said Austin

Austin then dived the Eris up evenly and everyone got 13,750 Eris each.

"Kazuma can I" Aqua began to say

"Don't even think about it Aqua that's Kazuma's share you got yours." said Austin

Aqua just let out a humph causing Austin to sigh.

"Anyway did everyone remember to check their card after we got back?" asked Austin

"Yeah I went up to level seven along with Aqua since we took down the least amount of toads, how about the two of you?"

asked Kazuma

Austin and Artoria looked at their cards for their levels.

"I'm at level ten already." said Austin and Artoria

"A three level difference not bad." said Kazuma

"Well the day is still young I can go on another quest or two." said Austin

"I'll accompany you." said Artoria

"I had enough excitement for one day plus I need to keep an eye on Aqua to make sure she doesn't try anything." said


"Suit yourself." said Austin

Austin and Artoria then went up to the quest board and looked for some good quest.

"How about this one its to stop some tomb raiders that are raiding a tomb not that far from here?" asked Austin

"What about this one there's supposedly a hunted church about the same distance from the tomb." said Artoria

"Let's talk to Luna we may be able to take both quest." said Austin

The then went over to Luna to talk to her about the two quest.

"You can actually accept multiple quest if you want but the catch is that the two quest are five minutes apart from each

other, we had one incident where a member took two quest that were an hour apart from each other and when he arrived back

at the guild he collapse from exhaustion." said Luna

"I see, we'll take these request Luna." said Austin

"Alright then be safe you two." said Luna

Austin and Artoria then went to the entrance of Axel.

"Master, if you allow me I can change into my lancer class to summon my horse, with him we can arrive at the tombs the

raiders are supposed to be at in a matter of seconds then minutes." said Artoria

Austin thought this idea over before coming to his decision and said "Very well I'll allow it."

Artoria then changed her class and a white horse with white armor appeared out of nowhere, Artoria got on first then

Austin got on behind her and gently wrapped his arms around her stomach.

"Are you sure your alright back there master, your welcome to sit in front of me and lay your head onto my chest." said


"Don't worry Artoria I'll be fine back here, plus I'm not a pervert if I did do lewd things with you I would have asked

you before hand." said Austin

Artoria smiled at her masters words before saying "Very well I'll respect your decision."

Artoria then gave her horse the command to go and it took off at fast speeds to their destination, in just twenty seconds

they arrived at their destination, Austin got off first then Artoria who then change her class back to Saber causing her

horse to disappear but not before the two of them said thank you to it.

"Okay the tomb is not that far from here its just a three minute walk through the forest with any luck we'll find the Tomb

raiders at the entrance or inside the tomb also we the quest said we need to capture each of them alive so don't kill them

Artoria." said Austin

"I understand master." said Artoria

Austin and Artoria then made their way to the entrance of the tomb that was in the mountain side, Austin then noticed

three sets of foot steps in front of the entrance.

"Looks like our targets are already inside if we follow their foot prints we can avoid triggering any traps that are in

the tomb." said Austin

Artoria nodded her head in agreement and the two of them entered the tomb, after five minutes of walking they arrived at

the center chamber doorway.

"Come on you guys how hard is it to wake these Valkyries up." said a man

Austin motioned to the door way then he and Artoria hid behind the door frame and listened.

"It looks like magic is being used to keep them asleep and powerful magic at that waking them up and getting their weapons

isn't going to be that easy." said another man

"Well we didn't come all this way just to hit get stop by magic we need to find a way to break this spell, then we can

sell the three Valkyries to the slave market and their weapons to a black smith for lots of Eris, we'll be rich enough to

retire from tomb raiding for the rest of our lives." said the first man

"I hear you man but without knowing on how to wake these girls up from their nap is going to be difficult without undoing

the spell." said a third man

Austin started to get angry that the raiders were trying to see the girls and their weapons just so they could make a

fortune, but he calmed down quickly and used hand motions to tell Artoria to quietly sneak up behind the men with him and

knock them out, Artoria nodded her head and the two headed towards the men quietly and knocked them out, once they were

knocked out Austin brought out some rope from his bag that he bought this morning from an item store and wrapped up the


"They won't be robbing any more tombs for a while when we get them to prison, but still." said Austin

Austin then approached the three Valkyries and looked at them one had black hair that went down to her ankles, blue eyes,

purple plate armor, and a lance beside her, the one to the left had blond hair that went down to her waist, with red eyes,

blue plate armor, and a sword and shield beside her, and the last one on the right had gray braded hair that went down to

her waist, green eyes and plate armor, and beside her was another sword and shield.

"I wonder what caused the Valkyries to go into a deep sleep there war maidens after all." said Austin

All of the sudden all three Valkyries eyes snapped opened and each of them reached out a hand and grabbed Austin's right

hand, before Austin could say anything he felt their power go though his body then a marked appeared on his right hand,

the mark was the wings of a Valkyrie and a sword in the middle of the wings pointing downward, the three Valkyries then

kneeled to Austin.

"Thank you for awaking us our lord." said the three Valkyries in unison

"What's going on can you three please explain?" asked Austin

"Of course my lord, I'm Ariya the war maiden of the moon, to my right is Leia war maiden of the sky, and to my left is

milady Hildegard the first war maiden, we're Valkyries that defeated a half demon that was trying to turn Valkyries into

dark Valkyries." said Ariya

"We manage to defeat him but it drained a lot of our power in the process and couldn't return to the heavens, so lord Odin

put us into a deep sleep telling us that the champion of the gods would awaken us and we would help him defeat the demon

lord." said Leia

"That champion is you my lord the gods have chosen you to defeat the demon king." said Hildegard

'Oh boy' thought Austin


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