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Rated: E · Book · Adult · #2256398
A teen dies and is taken into the afterlife and gets four wishes and a servant
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#1015572 added August 24, 2021 at 7:09pm
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Chapter 1: The beginning
An eighteen year old young man with brown hair, green eyes, white skin, wearing a red short sleeve t-shirt with a blue

shirt underneath, blue shorts, red wrist bands and white boots, opened his eyes to see himself sitting in a brown chair

all around him was a void and in front of him was a white chair with a white small cabinet next to it.

"Where am I?" asked the young man

"Welcome to the Afterlife Austin Kion." said a female voice

Austin looked behind him to see a beautiful girl with silver hair, blue eyes, wearing some kind of nun's outfit and angelic

wings accessories on her shoulders, Austin watched as she walked past him and sat at the opposite side of him.

"Who are you?" Austin asked curiously

The young female smiled before speaking.

"Greetings, I'm Eris the goddess of fortune and as I said before welcome to the afterlife." said Eris

"I see, before we continue any further how's the girl I pushed out of the way from the high speed car?" asked Austin

"She's fine thanks to your bravery, the car had a serial killer behind the wheel that the police were chasing, after your

body hit the car it stopped working all of the sudden allowing the police to arrest him, his sentence is life behind

bars." said Eris

"Glad she's okay." said Austin with a smile on his face

"I must admit though Austin you're taking this rather well, normally everyone would freak out when they died." said Eris

"Death comes for us all eventually Eris and we can't prevent it from happening." said Austin

"Very mature of you Austin, now I can offer you three choices." said Eris

"Which are?" asked Austin

"The first choice is for you to go to heaven and meet your ancestors, but you'll get board up there." said Eris

"Why's that?" asked Austin

"Because you don't have a physical body, you will only stay there for eternity. No video games, no manga, and you can't do

anything sexually there." said Eris

"Oh, okay." said Austin

"The second option is for you to be reborn as a baby but you'll have no memories of your past, you'll either be born into

a rich or poor family depending on your luck, and the third option is for you to be reincarnated into another world if you

like games." said Eris

Austin raised an eyebrow before saying "Are we talking about an RPG type of game?"

"Exactly, you see there's a demon lord causing chaos around the world and many adventures are trying to stop him, so what

will it be?" asked Eris

Austin closed his eyes and thought the choices over in his head after a minute of thinking and listening to his heart he

made his decision.

"I would like to go with the third option please Eris." said Austin

"Very well, there is one thing I forgot to mention though you are allowed to have one thing-." Eris began to say before

she looked up into the sky for a bit before she looked back at Austin

"Sorry about that the gods told me that you can have four gifts and a companion or a servant that will join you in your

adventures." said Eris

"By servant do you mean like someone from the Fate series?" asked Austin

"Exactly, now about your gifts." said Eris

"Well for my first gift, is it possible to have a weapon that has multiple forms?" asked Austin

"Huh, what's that, explain it to me." said Eris

"Well I've been reading a lot of RWBY fanfics and most of the time the protagonist has a weapon has a two or more modes, I

was hopping for a katana that could transform into a semi-automatic pistol and when in its sheath it could transform into

a rifle for mid to long range combat, also if possible could there a tiger dragon emblem on the sheath please?" asked


"Hmm, I see, I think I can do that, hold on a sec." said Eris

A glow then appears above Austin and a Katana sheath with a tiger dragon emblem floated towards Austin, the young man

gently grabbed the katana sheath and brought it towards him, he then took the katana out and saw the blade was half white

on one side and half black on the other side and there was a gun trigger below the guard.

'Okay now how do I get the katana to transform into a pistol?' thought Austin

Austin then saw a switch on the opposite side from the gun trigger and flipped it, the katana then folded down into a

pistol, Austin then switched it back to its Katana mode and inserted it back into the sheath then flipped the switch

causing the sheath to transform into a rifle with a grip and hybrid sight (From call of duty advance warfare).

"Wow that's impressive." said Eris

"Indeed Eris, for my second gift is there anyway I could get some medium armor with Tiger Dragon features on it please?"

asked Austin

"Just regular medium armor no special abilities?" asked Eris

Austin thought for a minute before coming to a decision.

"Could you have it repair itself please also could you make it so it doesn't increase or decrease the temperature of my

body please?" asked Austin

"No problem." said Eris

A glow then appeared around Austin's body then after a few seconds Austin was now in medium armor with a combination of

tiger and dragon features minus wings.

"There's a clip on the back for your weapon and the helmet can be opened by a thought." said Eris

Austin then put his weapon on his back and then his helmet opened up to revival his face.

"Quick question will I have to worry about bullets in this world?" asked Austin

"No you won't, your weapon will automatically print rounds to the magazine when you run out of bullets, you can shoot both

gun modes fifteen times, also the rounds you fire will be armor piercing rounds." said Eris

"Alright, for my third gift, could I have some basic support spells like speed, attack, magic attack, defense, heal and

magic defense boost?" asked Austin

"Sure, your spells will get stronger as you level up." said Eris

Eris then granted Austin his third gift which the young man felt the spells in his memory.

"For my final gift, could I have some basic element spells like fireball, Aeroga, lighting bolt, pebble swarm, and water

gun?" asked Austin

"Sure like your support spells they will get stronger as you level up, not to mention learn more spells, and be able to

infuse your element magic with your weapon." said Eris

Eris granted Austin his fourth gift and again Austin felt the spells in his memory.

"Now have you deiced if you want a companion or servant?" asked Eris

"I would like to summon a servant please." said Austin

"Alright then let's just take five steps back and I'll create the pentagram." said Eris

The two then took five steps back then Eris created the pentagram on the floor.

"Whoa." said Austin

"Indeed now take this ticket and you'll be able to summon it." said Eris as she pulled something out from her pocket

Eris then approaches Austin and hands him a golden ticket from Fate/Grand Order which Austin gently took from Eris.

"Now hold the ticket out to the pentagram and it will summon your very own servant." said Eris

Austin followed Eris instructions and held the ticket out, said item began to float towards the pentagram out of his hands

and began to glow before disappearing, after that small light orbs began to appear around the pentagram, then the small

orbs began to spin in circles around the pentagram, after a few moments the orbs turned into rainbows around the pentagram

Austin felt excitement in his body while Eris had her eyes widen in shock, suddenly a beam of light strikes down on the

pentagram for a moment before it disappears, reviling a gold saber card.

"It's a saber." said Austin

Suddenly a shiny glow blinds Austin and Eris causing them to cover their eyes until the light slowly faded, Austin and

Eris slowly lowered their arms to see a familiar face.

"Let me ask, are you my master?" asked the female

In front of them was Artoria Pendragon but instead of her saber outfit she was in her lancer outfit.

"Yes Artoria I'm your master." said Austin

"Very well I hope my power will be enough to protect you." said Artoria

"It will be Artoria, but tell me do you have the ability to change your class at will and keep your current form and

clothes because I saw the servant I summoned was a Saber?" asked Austin

"Yes it is true master I do have the ability to change my class at will including my alter form classes." said Artoria

"O-Okay I wasn't expecting you to summon Artoria with all her classes but congratulations anyways Austin she will be your

servant for your adventures, now its time for you two to start your adventures in another world." said Eris

Austin and Artoria looked down to see a magic circle below them causing them to ascend.

"Good bye Austin! I hope you and your servant defeat the devil king!" shouted Eris

"We will, and Artoria is a women not a mere servant." said Austin

Artoria blushed at Austin's statement then the two of them disappeared from the afterlife.

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