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A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life. |
It could be cloudy and cool all day with some sprinkles or rain. 64 degrees at 9:50. Since my place will cool down I should work. Not in the mood but I should. Will today be the day I resolve some things? If I had a car... but I don't. 59 degrees. Almost noon. An AQI of 37 (good). The rain is cleansing. I ate an english-muffin with melted cheese. Coffee with chocolate. Response to Stik: ""I" statements asking for clarification or at worse merely stating one's own experience or opinion (experience trumps opinion or speculation imho) are best. "You" doesn't work well in English. It can come off as an attack. I've done NVCC but my brain doesn't fully grasp it so I struggle. Message forums: I've left invitations to read my writings, usually my blog, on posts hoping that maybe someone I'm not normally in contact with may read it. I really would like for newbies to know that blogs exist. We are less important than raffles at WDC...imo. My perception is that what I was writing at WDC was more visible on the internet prior to 2009 before bookface and twatter took over the airwaves. Plus, algorithms now show products and companies ahead of any serious research. Sex isn't the only topic impossible to 'gargle'. The r/r push has lead to fluffy shallow reviews instead of any real help on craft. I mentioned this to Sum1 today. I like blogs because I can read and comment without having to review and rate. Even poetry is easier to read/comment in my opinion. I've mentioned this to Solace.Bring at Express it in Eight but posters seldom provide an entry to a link (maybe they are not upgraded?). Allowing some type of book/blog at the basic membership level might help. It might even help WDC grow... but the mechanics of that are beyond my knowledge. But... y'know... nothing is stopping a black-case one-item author from visiting and commenting on my blogs. I can beg. I can throw water at them. I can't make them wash their face or even throw the water back at me! There's a huge segment of present-day WDC that is afraid of having or, heaven forbid, sharing an opinion. I'm tagging suser:jaybride, suser:dmadison, suser:sum1swriting and suser:elle as we have had bits and pieces of this discussion elsewhere." And on the newsfeed to Stik: "If it's an essay (item) that's open for rate/review than focusing on presentation and writing craft rather than content would help. The opposite rings truer for blog entries that are opinionated and request an opinion, rather than a critique, in return. D/C is only as difficult or controversial as we make it. The French have always scoffed at the British/American inablity to discuss sex for instance. Gender is less of an issue for Native Americans and Thais... but still a hot potato at WDC." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/hungary-orders-booksellers-to-cover-up-c... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/rep-kim-schrier-slams-madison-cawthorn-over-ab... https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/jane-withers-child-actor-turned-commercial... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYblb7gyZeQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FP6yh9QkgI https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/norwegian-cruise-says-u-s-judge-allows-it-to-a... Felt cool when I went to the store. May be 55 at 11:30. AUGUST 9 53 refreshing degrees at 9 a.m. with a breathable AQI of 30! Expecting semi-cloudy with blue today. Sent money yesterday and mailed two postcards. Re QotD: I think the question is cynical. It isn't necessary nor advisible to be obsessed with the motives of others. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Be kind. Accept kindness. Focus on the kindness. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/china-says-gop-democratic-infighting-caused... https://www.newsweek.com/china-says-gop-democratic-infighting-caused-us-number-o... ""U.S. government suppressed scientists and professional opinions…and subjected them to cyber violence and harassment…even physically threatened them." The report called former President Donald Trump "probably the biggest promotor of COVID-19 misinformation" and said he sparked hyperpartisan fighting, which prevented Democratic and Republican lawmakers from combating the virus spread." 70 pleasant degrees under blue skies with an AQI of 27 (no smoke). It's almost 2 p.m. The sun is overhead (astronomical noon here is around 1:40.) 73 degrees and an AQI of 39 = perfect summer weather. ![]() Fought with WorldRemit and Teledolar over money I sent. It didn't get there. I'm pissed. But... Bryan borrowed money from a friend. So... he won't get kicked out of his place. And the cat got out but didn't go far. Still, I'm pissed. To Robert: "I am a descendent of those that survived the plague that decimated Scandinavia. Whether I am descended from the original inhabitants or those who moved in later I may never know. 99% of a virus or bacteria may die but those that survive are stronger. The "strongest" don't kill off their host. If humans are latter-day-microbes then they will need to learn how to not kill off their host, the Earth, to survive. Even if only 1% continue (90 million) it will be enough for humanity to continue. Civilization? Not as we know it." 4854 |