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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Manifestation implies consciousness. It has no form. Mind has no form. When there is no body, there is no form. Presently, you are pure consciousness in the body. It is the sense of your own beingness. It is subtler than space. Even in the case of great incarnations, there was no sensation of ‘I am’ prior to the incarnation. Parabrahman in His true state has no knowledge of His beingness. Sri Rama was Parabrahman, yet his Guru had to impart Self-knowledge to him. What does it mean when someone claims to have chosen his parents, claiming himself to be an incarnation? What evidence do they give? Such people are ignorant. When there is no body, there is no knowledge. The word implies prana, the vital force. The food for prana is the body, and consciousness is the knowingness. It is the assurance of our existence. It is Brahman. It is the word. It is the vibration of manifestation. One who punishes and the one who suffers from punishment have the same consciousness. One who punishes is the same as the one who undergoes punishment. To say this openly, it is necessary to be convinced of one’s true nature. The root of sorrow is the very company of prana. It is difficult to bear your sense of ‘I am’. Your existence, the presence of God Itself, is sorrow. All worldly activities are undertaken to bear this sorrow. If there is a disturbance in the body, have the courage to say, ‘God (consciousness), now go away’. It is only after birth that some become engineers, scientists or doctors and, similarly, some become sadhus, jnanis and yogis. However, what happens if there is no birth at all? What is called birth is filled with an infinite number of universes. You can meditate on anything and it will manifest before you. In whom is the dream world created? Is it not in you? You are not yet free of the concept that you will get great good in the body-form. The vital force in the body is consciousness – the Atman. The pure nature of Sri Krishna is the same as your own nature. The One that makes the body move cannot be perceived. You must listen without the body-sense. The real nature of the listener is of the nature of the Self. It is your true nature. Use your consciousness for worship. Rituals are for the satisfaction of the mind. There is no experience of the mind in the worship of the Self. Much is seen with the eyes open. However, with closed eyes what is seen is the place where all the yogis have gone. Perfect sight is the one without ‘seeing’. So long as you wish to get success in life for comfort of the body, nothing can be accomplished. All seekers have ultimately merged into the life force. The movement of the vital force is given names such as Brahman. One particle of consciousness is also the ocean of consciousness. The state of the Self has no duality. My speaking and your listening do not imply two Gods. It means I am speaking to myself. God does not have to enjoy the fruits of virtue or suffer from the results of sin. One who does not treat himself as God has to experience the same. Till such time as your consciousness is properly satisfied, it must be worshipped with the mind and then with no-mind. (Worship with no-mind means to remain thoughtless as pure consciousness.) How does the Guru offer his grace? When he talks about his experience, know that it is your own. This should be understood with the fullest conviction. Repeated contemplation is like churning. It creates a poison along with the nectar of knowledge. The poison is the ego. It has to be swallowed up by right thinking. One who is unsure about direct knowledge should practice devotion. It is the purpose of life. It is also the remembrance of the Guru-word. Keep repeating that you have neither birth nor death, neither sin nor virtue, you are not the body, you are eternal. Do mental worship. Wherever the mind goes, the Sadguru is there. Have faith in His word. |