While distracted by Trump, tweets, and shiny objects, the real danger lies in the shadows. |
OK, so it should be known to all far and wide, I DON'T BLOG. That said, Schnujo's Giving Away GPs said I have to have at least one entry for "Journalistic Intentions" so here it is: Prompt: Memory fails us these days My memory is akin to swiss cheese. Did you know there are over 497 kinds of swiss... Wait. Oh yeah. I forgot this is about memory, not cheese. So according to the presenter, forgetfulness is linked to any number of psychological conditions such as STRESS, ANXIETY, and DEPRESSION. Nowadays, with random shootings, buildings collapsing, not to mention the IRS restaffing, is anyone not forgetful? She then goes on to discuss short-term, long-term, and some other kind of memory tied to doing things in the future. I forget its name. With scientific precision, she explains dendrites and chemical messaging and what happens when you can't make a connection and ... all sorts of stuff. My question: Why? People forget shit all the time. Hell, they forget they forget shit. It's part of the human condition. Her solution? Take it easy. For fuck's sake, if I could, wouldn't I do that instead of building up STRESS, ANXIETY, or getting DEPRESSED? My take away: the only person on earth who isn't subject to forgetfulness must be Alfred E. Newman |