Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana |
Today is a cooler day. We still need rain, however. When we were in the thrift store this afternoon, I peeked out to find a tiny bit of rain falling. It was just enough to dampen some dust. Almost as soon as it fell it evaporated. Hubby made it home from the East coast okay. That was a relief. I enjoyed my time alone, but it was good to have him back. At the Chamber of Commerce meeting last night I had to hold my tongue. Does anyone else have a hard time not telling people they need to do their job and quit whining? Well, it was one of those meetings. I'm not a Chamber member. I attend on behalf of my SE Montana tourism group. So I really shouldn't say much, but I have a problem when someone doesn't do what they're assigned to do. Like the person who is to keep the Chamber website current. 'I have too much work, I work at my business, I have a family, blah, blah...' Then ask for help! Assign someone else to do that! I finally told a friend nearby I had to just shut up, or get in trouble and get beat up by this woman. Has anyone else followed the fun on the Banana Blog - "Invalid Item" . Seems there is a retirement party for Richard ~ Merry, Merry . It's been a real blast to write some fun stories, some fun posts. Thanks Elycia Lee ☮ Happy 2025! . I'm catching up on some paperwork for my non-profit group, the MUD campaign. Such an unfortunate name. Anyway, we had a meeting on Tuesday to rally the troops, pay the dues, and check for participation in the 2021 campaign in the fall. Now I have to rewrite some copy on the flier that gets mailed out, contact the printer with the changes, get the direct mailing information updated with the post office, then gather everyone again in September for the mass mailing. Fun and Games! But all that can wait til after the 4th of July celebration in Roundup. It's coming up next week. Fireworks. You'll read some complaints. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. Queen NormaJean II GreenEyes |