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Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here. |
Before Fed-Ex Delivery Do not close you eyes, not even for a second. You have packages to deliver, a load of turnips and beets for the local market, a chicken to be roasted for tomorrow's dinner. The wind freshens. It carries the fragrance of linden in bloom. You must maintain the balance, hold on to the pole, allow the ripples to part before you, watch the waves as others pass, tranquility interrupted by their wake. You should never fall asleep whilst standing upright, as you slowly push forward. Your cargo, be it dead or alive, is precious. You must deliver it to the other side, wherever you wend. Some rivers bend and eddy; some lakes have potholes and rocks. There are always logs and snags that may block the way. Be wary of the willows, with their siren call and fingers that grab; ignore the beaver about its business, the trout that teases you, knowing you dare not pester it, lest you lose your balance as you pose like a balerino on demi-pointe. You've seen it all by now, smelled it all as fish guts and rotting algae swirl around you. The gentle motion rocks you as if to upend your plans like the time you hurried to make it home on time and didn't, soaked, your packages wet and almost ruined. You swore as the ducks laughed. You learned. You had to. Now older and — maybe — wiser, you take your time. 40 years of crossing here to there, there to here, one crossing at a time your father warned you. Geese honk above you on their way home, The fed-ex truck honks, stuck in traffic. You dare not turn your head, but cannot hide a smile. You will get home before they do. You must maintain the balance, allow the evening to part before you, the sunset mirrored in your memories of another time. © Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga, [178.101] (28.juni.2021) ~300 words Prompt: PUNTING ON THE RIVER taboo words: boat, water, punt, float, splash or any derivatives of these words. For: