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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1009601-Mundacity-Is-This-A-Word
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#1009601 added May 3, 2021 at 8:14pm
Restrictions: None
'Mundacity,' Is This A Word?
PROMPT May 3rd

What was the best thing that happened in your life over the weekend? Looking at the week ahead, what are your goals and how will you motivate yourself to achieve them?
         I may have to resort to my usual stalling technique and repeat the question as I ponder an answer. What was the best thing that happened in my life over the weekend? Did anything happen this past weekend? Hmmm, qualify the word 'anything.'
         I'd have to admit nothing much happened. I spent the weekend alone as I suspect many people did thanks to yet another Covid-induced lockdown. Social distancing and the closures / suspensions of anything remotely considered recreational tends to limit my forays out into the public world. I venture out once a week to grocery shop and that constitutes my 'change of scenery.' Any other shopping is not available at the moment. My hubby has been absent for several weeks and I myself returned from a trip to Quebec seven days ago. I spent this past Saturday and Sunday enthralled by my own witty company.
         Most likely I spoke to myself at some point, it happens. If I don't exercise it, my voice will become rusty. I don't recall that 'we' argued, or disagreed.
         Wait, wait a minute, I do recall binge-watching several Britbox crime drama episodes. I like to get my money's worth from a subscription, after all I spent good money for this service. My indulgence kept me up late, so I enjoyed sleeping in both mornings.
         At one point, I almost succumbed to a craving for something fresh-baked, but I drowned that urge in copious amounts of hot tea. So, no, I did not scarf any delectable cookies, or muffins, or cakes. Sigh.
         I also did not forget my knee-strengthening exercises. As is their unstinting habit, my patellas complained . I'm wise to their stabbing, throbbing, and aching. I ignore it.
         I seem to recall replying to a couple of newsy e-mails with my own scintillating updates. I like to keep up to date with mutual Covid commiserations. Damn, I've given name to and mentioned this scourge more than once.
         What would I have preferred to be doing this past weekend? Well, let me see. There's an autumn and winter's worth of fallen leaves to rake from my seasonal campsite. The trailer will need to be opened, aired and cleaned. The squirrel squatter in the shed and the groundhog under the deck will be expecting my return. I'm curious to see if the raccoon, rather rotund and slow, survived the freezing temperatures. How many mice partied in my trailer during my absence?
         Do I have goals for this next week? Yes, I sure do. I plan to continue languishing in, or is it with my current level of activity. I will rise every morning, curse stupid Covid, and count my blessings that it has not devastated anyone I hold near and dear.

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