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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
An elderly lady with a Western education asked for an interview with Mataji. She was well-to-do and childless, but had adopted a couple of young children whom she was looking after to the best of her ability. Religiously inclined from her childhood she had given much thought to spiritual matters and met quite a number of saints and sages. Mataji, I want Self-realization", she said, "and quickly too! For so long have I been after it, and now I am getting on in years." "Self-realization is not in time", Mataji replied, "Why do you want to bind it to time". "Anyway, before I die I must attain it", insisted the lady. "I really mean it. Please, tell me how to get Self-realization?" "You must keep still as much as possible and meditate in solitude," was Mataji's advice. "But since you are so keen on Self-realization, why have you taken on yourself the care of those children? This obliges you to pay far too much attention to worldly matters." "But I do not want to withdraw from the world. Why can't I realize here and now, in the midst of my worldly activities?" Mataji shook her head, "It can't be done. Look at it in this way," she added with a smile, "when you want to write a letter you don't do it in public. You take your pen and paper and sit by yourself. Once it is written you may read it out to everyone." "Once the Self is realized, the question whether to live in the world or in seclusion does not arise. But while you are striving for it, you must be by yourself." |