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So playing the trombone wasn't getting me in enough trouble?
#1007949 added April 7, 2021 at 11:50am
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The Flannan Isles Lighthouse ~ A Matter of Love
Authors Note & Prompt

The three sisters Imilia, Zilia, and Kamilia drifted lazily just offshore of the strange new beacon that “the men” had erected. More precisely, they gazed longingly at the three men who were left behind. Handsome and sturdy, the men caught the fancy of the three women, stirring their yet untested passions.

Imila, the oldest, spoke impatiently, “They’re so close, and we still can’t reach them —” With a look of dismay directed at the youngest. “— and because Father insists on our being betrothed together Kamilia, I have had to wait longer than I should already!”

Zilia, the middle child and always the peacekeeper, spoke softly, “we know Imilia, and we thank you for waiting until we all reached our age, but now we’re all ready.” Turning over onto her tummy in the water, her thoughts filled the heads of the other silently, “we need to find Father and convince him it’s time!”

Imila and Kamilia raced after Zilia, one last glimpse of their magnificent forked tails flashing in the sunlight as the three sisters dove into the briny depths, each silently but insistently calling for their Father.

Nartine was resting comfortably on a shallow sandbar, having enjoyed a midday repast of tuna and kelp. His rest turned to alarm, the voices of all three daughters clamoring into his head at once. With powerful strokes of his tail, he launched his muscular body off the bar, swimming as fast as he could to find them.

“Father, over here,” all three young voices tinged with franticness, “we need you — Hurry!.

What!?!” He answered, thoughts filled with worry and concern. “Is something chasing you? I don’t see anything. Where is the danger?”

Kamila giggled as Imilia answered, there’s no danger Father. Then adding firmly, “we’ve found Husbands, and we need you to help us!”

“HUSBANDS!”, his thoughts thundering in their heads, “What Foolishness Is This?” You interrupt my noonday meal and slumber for — THIS — FOOLISHNESS!”

Zilia answered softly, “it isn’t foolishness, Father, Imilia has waited patiently and Kamilia is of her age now —”

“— “and we’ve found the perfect husbands.” Imilia finished impatiently.

“Perfect Husba”

“Yes Father” chimed in Kamilia, “handsome, strong and oh so close to the sea already!

“nds?” The little one’s eagerness reminding him how much he loved all his daughters. Nartine asked, “and where are these Perfect Husbands children?” Even though his daughters were fully grown, it was hard to acknowledge that they were right, it was time for their marriage.

Sheepishly, knowing what they asked, it was left to Zilia to answer. “Our husbands wait for us at the Mans New Beacon —”

“The Beacon,” snorted Nartine, “you wish to steal your husbands from the shore!?!”

As one, they answered “oh yes, Father!”

His heart softened as he looked at the fervor in their eyes. “Then so be it, you shall have your husbands from the world of man.”

That night a great storm arose, sending wave after wave crashing into the island upon which man had built his beacon of light. So great was the waves that two of the men decided to check the equipment the kept at the water’s edge to be sure it was safe. As James and Thomas pushed through the door into the storm, Donald called after them. “Be careful; the waves are enormous, better to lose equipment, than lose yourselves.”

The wind swallowed Thomas’s reply. “Aye, but I’ll not be losing another five shillings if I can keep it.”

At seas edge, they struggled to secure the rescue equipment, wary of the sweeping waves. They retreated as each dangerous mountain of water threatened to drag them into the dark depths. They could hardly believe their eyes as three beauties emerged from the waves, resplendent in their natural state of nature. At first, the women walked haltingly, as if unfamiliar with the concept of legs. Their gait became steadier and more confident as they approached the men.

For their part, the men were bewildered by the women’s appearance. “Here now, was there a shipwreck ...?” Asked James.

“And how did you swim out of this storm ...?”

Neither man finished their words, Imilia and Zilia had wrapped them in surprisingly warm embraces, kissing them deeply, completing their enthrallment.

Kamilia, her voice shaky with disappointment, asked, “where is the other husband?”

Without hesitation, deeply in Zilia’s control, James pointed up the pathway to the Beacons house, saying simply “there.”

The sight of the naked beauty before him caused Donald to upend his chair. “What in the heavens did yo … ?

His words went unfinished as Kamilia took him into her loving embrace, completing the enthrallment of the three sons of man.

Together again at seas edge, the women began leading the men into the waves. The men’s minds panicked at first, but they were powerless to resist. Finally, a wave crashed over them, dragging them out with its powerful undertow. Deeper and deeper the water covered them. But they weren’t drowning, as the water deepened and the storm’s effects on the sea beneath lessened, a sense of peace and safety filled their minds — a sense of home and love. The voices of the girls found them, laughter and joy in their thoughts. The men were amazed as their “captors” grew powerful flukes, swimming circles around the men as they floated in the calming depths. More amazement as the men felt their clothing tear free of their bodies — their own powerful tails growing; they joined the women frolicking and playing. They played together for some time before finally seeking a place to celebrate their first nights of wedded bliss alone.

Nartine smiled. He could sense the contentment of his daughters even at this long-distance; soon he knew, he’d be shepherding other little ones through the sea. Life Was Grand!

Word Count
Additional Authors Note

Signiture Item...I'm only the trombone player!

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