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My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum. |
PROMPT March 28th We need your help filling the Challenge War Chest with prompts! In your entry today, write three of your own 30DBC prompts and then choose one to respond to. Is it that time already? Okay, here are my three prompt suggestions... 1. If you have a pet, describe their day from their perspective. No pets? Choose your favourite animal. 2. If you could visit anywhere on earth, for a one-month vacation, where would you go and what would you do? 3. 10 Rules I've Broken I find that third prompt intriguing. Hmmm... what rules have I broken? 1. Speed limits... yes, okay, I will admit that sometimes I ignore speed limits. Do I have an excuse? No, not really, but sometimes speed limits are too restrictive. If I'm the only vehicle and weather conditions are optimal I will over-extend the speed of my car. Maybe part of travelling is in the journey, but when you just want to get the drive over with and arrive at your destination, you tend to push the accelerator. At some of the posted highway speeds it can seem as if I'm barely moving, or making any headway. I am not however a stunt racer. That's another level of ridiculousness and disregard for other drivers. Yes, I've earned a few speeding tickets in my lifetime, but three in forty-five years? Darn those impatient grandgiggles who insist, "Just go Nanna!" Not that I permit them to influence me... 2. Don't wear white after Labour Day. Says who and why? I will wear whatever colour I choose because I'm a rebel. In full disclosure, I must also state that clothing was impossible, especially whites, to keep stain-free when I lived in a certain town. The excess iron and manganese in the water supply ruined everything. It's no exaggeration to describe this water as resembling ice tea. Oh, and my skin tone is best described as beyond the pale. I'm whiter than white and that skin I'm in follows me everywhere. 3. Do not swim right after eating. OOPS. Really? As a kid I'd eat and swim all day everyday, well, everyday in the summer. One fueled the other. I suffered no ill effects. 4.Do not eat before surgery. Ah, oops again. Mea culpa. I must have a cast iron stomach. When I was sixteen and in a semi-private room with another young woman also waiting for surgery the next day, we snuck into a small hospital kitchen in the early morning hours. We made cups of tea and helped ourselves to the cookies we found. I ignored the nothing by mouth after midnight rule, but my knee surgery went off without a hitch. 5.best before dates on food. At times, I've dismissed these as simply guidelines, or suggestions. No, I've never been so reckless as to open a several years old can, a bulging can. Dairy products are iffy if past their prime, too. Bread, crackers, cookies, cereal should be okay to eat. 6.Don't stare, it's rude. Sorry, but it's a compulsion. I intend no harm, but I find people fascinating and when in public I indulge in people watching. 7.Do not remove tags from mattresses, stuffed articles, and furniture. Is this a rule? Of course, I rip off that stiff, annoying, overly large white tag. I fail to see the need for consumer cautions. I'm willing to take the risk and sleep on my mattress and lounge on my couch. I assume that heavy mantle of responsible ownership. 8. Follow the Covid -enforced markings upon the store's floor. Initially, I did not notice the red arrows stuck to floors in an attempt to direct customer flow and maintain social distancing. Their direction seemed arbitrary. To access one aisle I must find its entry point and treat it as a one-way street. Heaven forbid I proceed against the traffic. There is an upside though. For those who count their daily steps this helps them add a few more. Entire aisles must be strolled to reach the one you desire in the one-way mazes. 9.No trespassing. Um, define trespassing? Is it always deliberate? I may have broken this rule once, or twice, but in my defence I was wandering lost in a forest with Girl Guides. One large evergreen looks much like another. You really cannot see the forest for the trees. 10. Step on a crack, break your mother's back. I proved this to be a fallacy. I've tripped and skipped over many sidewalk cracks without injuring my mother. Too many times, I injured myself, but, hey, I'm the klutz. |