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Poems written for Poetry activity hosted by {user:Solace.Bring} |
3-2-2021 Prompt words: Hillside or Voice My view The view I get of the hillside, a shining lush green in the early invigorating sun dotted with trees, sentinels guarding nature's grace, wakes me gently up from stupor, shatters the uncertainty, prods me with pointers to success, a desire to walk away from the constricting walls, chambers of darkness to the river of light. 3-3-2021 Prompt: Images of Upturned boat or Caves Caves of splendor Those caves, the famous Ajanta caves hide aesthetic depictions of the Buddhist halls of prayerful silence and solitude. The pictorial paintings of the past and present lives of the Buddha makes me wonder why the artists chose these hidden rocks to carve and paint works of immortal art. Then, I hear the sound of sheer music in the river-flow. 4-3-2021 Prompt: Mutter or Create Soft indifference Her soft mutter on quirky life left me wondering whatever happened to her efficient self. A quiet surprise that her brain is clear as the pure translucent stream passing through the meandering mountain path hindered by frequent bush and boulder with equal indifference. Creations of excellence They create ceaseless and continuous, the skilled weavers of India waver not mixing color and pattern on cotton, silk and synthetic; their looms shuttle back and forth weaving and blending magical beauty with fingers deft and delicate with single minded concentration they bring clothes of exceeding grace to millions. 5-3-2021 Prompt words: Extreme or Sparse Ah, bitter cold it is! On the extreme edge of the field in the bitter cold season of winter the country-folk gather together to make a bonfire and sit around, its warmth slowly making way into their limbs and body, exchange tales of love-lorn couples and heroes, knights of adventure and bravery. 6-3-2021 Prompt image: Campsite. In the lap of nature Tall trees, shady darkness and a clean hut made of canvas, a flying eagle, the roar of a rushing waterfall got us close to mother nature. The spiraling smoke from a distance spoke of a human habitat nearby. Walked to the lake-shore, found a few boats; a fishing community living in peace. 7-3-2021 Prompt image: big city lights City lights After months of "water water everywhere" we finally reached a brightly lit shore ahoy! The big city, be it New York or Rio Grande on the Brazilian coast, a feast for the mariner's eye. Oh, for the delights of the market, pub and people the nightlife and the street shows, the singing and dancing the night away till the day the ship returns to the waiting arms of the deep sea. 8-3-2021 Prompt words: Future or Charm Future She has a splendid future, they said. She has the stuff to be a doctor or an astronaut, may be a police officer. The future's not clear, none can see what lies ahead until you turn the corner. She learnt not to rely on others' opinions. She pinned no hopes to the vague, the uncertain. Instead, she found joy working for the present. 9-3-2021 Prompt images- dogs, the library, frayed rope The Library Be it night or day, the University library has a special appeal to me. It gave me more than a mere glimpse into the lives and loves of an illustrious lot of writers beginning from Chaucer down to Post-moderns with several other greats in between leaving me elevated. (10-302021 Prompt words: Thirst and Almost Thirst This thirst is strange, it increases, it never wanes, this thirst to read and read more. While she longed to lay her hands on as many books a she could, his passion was for practical matters such as machines, be it a kitchen appliance or a leaking tap or a garden hose to keep in working order. Harmony in freedom to pursue different things.) 10-3-2021 Prompt words: Thirst or Almost. Thirst To quench physical thirst is within my orbit, my reach. To slake spiritual thirst is entirely another matter. I need to broaden horizons and the first thing I must do is to awaken my dormant spontaneity to interact with all. 11-3-2021 Prompt: a list of movies. Kane's tragedy Power and money make the most treacherous combo. It corrupts Kane to the core' beats his soul out to die in heart-rending loneliness. Too late remembering "Rosebud" too far to get back the lost dream of a happy childlike innocence. Prompt: Citizen Kane 3-12-2021 Prompt words: Evening or Shallow Stars The evening star rises bright and beautiful shining through the gloom of a fugitive dusk celebrates the advent of yet another night. The sinking sun brings on the mantle of darkness upon a world tired of endless pursuits of pleasure. A night nurse walks by to her night shift helps the sick to fight the nocturnal illnesses, to emerge like bright new stars full of hope. 3-13-2021 Prompt : Music Music’s breath Music’s breath on my mind and body adrift on a world of love and beauty, spirit bathes in the immortal shower a melodic raga binds me in its power. It rises like a pyramid from flat to a high Like a damsel delicate and devoted to fly on the wings of wind traversing the universe spreads the scent of heavenly quintessence. Prompt: On Music 3-14-2021 The spark Spark of divinity makes a man worthy in tasks and thoughts and spiritual rhythms. Talent, latent in one and all Should know before the candle snuffs. Talent and skill, the two sides of the coin Shine and show through works of art Remembered through acts of kindness Fantastic fellows fuel the fire of inspiration. Based on the poem, “Wooden boats” 3-15-2021 Prompt words: Quest and Lurking The Quest Let's go on a quest for truth. Shall we seek it in nature, in books or a spiritual trip to the so called holy cities dotting the continents? What can be more foolish than searching for something lurking in our very own soul? 3-16-2021 Prompt words: Sign or Peaches Future You disappeared without a sign thinking everything would be fine. No way could I predict future live in the present’s my nature. Hope all’s peaches and cream where you found your dream while I pine and perish in wilderness till someone like God ends my sadness. Prompt: sign/peaches 8 lines 3-17-2021 Prompt: Coffee beans and Atoms Coffee Made of coffee beans, its aroma in the vicinity. Good natured neighbors sit in shaded balconies enjoying coffee and scanning for the latest gossip columns on politics, films or fine arts, draw an extra fillip to face dreary daily grind. Sipping hot steaming coffee in style, a favored beverage at the book club critique or board meeting events inspires pep talk, a means for finding new friends. Prompt: Coffee beans Lines: 8 3-18-2021 A clue The dark chasm between the two of us insurmountable by any means your side is lit bright with dance and song I am in a grey forest where beasts throng I can't guess you are out of my reach I wonder if there’s a way to fill the breach sooner or later there should be a clue for the parallels to meet, end the issue. Prompt words: Between/ Reach Lines: 8 Holiday Between work and family there is no time for hobbies. Yearly holiday helps them find space for each one pursuing things of beauty, live on remembered moments of peace and pleasure to last a year, till the next gala. Prompt: Between Lines:8 20-32021 Prompt: Write a poem beginning with the same letter. Time for change Today the wind caresses me soft and smooth Tiny buds toss their heads welcoming the warmth Trees turn green and start shedding the brown Tops of the mountain ranges wear white cloud hats. The blue sky looks singularly serene, a flock of birds Takes to wing in geometrical formations row upon row. There is something superb about the season of spring The entire nature celebrates the onset of love and joy. |