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A continuation of the events of The Raven |
It was past midnight when they arrived in Metropolis. It had taken longer to locate Salley and Sam than anyone had anticipated. Finding a car hadn’t been an issue, Goth had a proverbial fleet of vehicles at her disposal that the group had commandeered. The drive around Citiville had been a rather quiet one outside of Goth’s annoyed grumblings that were met with annoyed glares from Beth. Pam eventually interjected herself into the mix to restore the silence. As Beth had predicted, Sam was less than thrilled to see Goth in the car beside Jake. The young woman attempted to pull the amazon out of the car before anyone could even begin to explain the situation. It was Salley’s restraint and Pam’s commanding tone that caused her to freeze and stop her from trying to murder Goth. It took more time to explain things to her and it took both Jake and Beth throwing their two cents in before she conceived. It had been the words of her brother that finally got her to drop the matter, for the time being. Salley and Sam followed behind everyone for the drive back to Metropolis. Pam drove the entirety of the way while the others sat in silence. Beth seemed to be caught between glaring and dozing off. Pam spared a glance at her every once in a while; part of her was just trying to make sure that she was really there with her. Every so often she would reach across the car to rest her hand on Beth’s thigh or move it closer to a more intimate location. The start that it gave her Kitten each time along with the fluorescent blush was priceless. Jake’s trip back was a bit more tense than his friend’s in the front. His mind was fighting to catch back up with everything that happened back at the hotel. He was relieved that it was over and done with, but having come so close to the abyss that was Goth had left its mark on him. For one, he still felt cold both inside and out. His anxiety levels were still spiking and he was sure that both alphas in the car felt it. He would steal the occasional glance at Goth and each time she caught him, she would flash him a smirk that sent shivers down his spine. The look in her eye, even without her powers, was nothing short of predatory. He wasn’t sure if he was attracted or affiliated by that smirk and those eyes. He did his best to glare at her each time she looked back at him, but he knew that she could see through it. He nearly jumped in his seat and out of his skin when he felt a hand gently land on his thigh. He tried to pull away from her, but quickly realized that he didn't have anywhere to go. He was against the door of the car. Her long arms made her inescapable in this confined space. His eyes traced the length of her arm and followed it to her face. He had been anticipating that almost malevolent smirk and was surprised when he saw a look of concern across her face. Confusion filled his mind alongside worry; he was well aware of her manipulative side. “Jake,” she said softly, “You don’t have to be afraid of me. I know that is what is behind that hateful look you keep shooting me.” He narrowed his eyes at her, “You know what I’m feeling, right? Do you have any idea why I’m feeling that way?” “You are afraid of me,” she answered plainly. He shook his head and clarified for her, “I’m afraid because of what you did to me, to my friends, hell to your friends. I spent enough time with you to know that you planned on Aurora and your sister dying. You did it without any feeling or remorse, but that isn’t even the worst thing that scares me.” “You know what really scares me? The thought of what you are going to do to me, what you’re planning. It’s an unknown that none of us will know until it’s too late. Dilatrix might have taken your powers, but she can’t undo that twisted mind of yours. The worst part about it, even though I know what you’re capable of and that you are planning something, I can’t break away from you.” “I don’t have to be empathic to know that you’re loving every second of this, either. Go ahead, tell me that I’m wrong. Tell me another lie, it’s what you do best.” Goth sighed and withdrew her hand, “Jake, I have never lied to you.” “You said you loved me,” he rebutted, “You told me that you would leave Beth be and you said you would leave my city, my home, out of your damned schemes!” “First, I would remind you that it is unwise to take that tone with me,” she said, “I will overlook it, this time, simply because I know that you are under a lot of stress. I do love you, Jake, I have never lied about that. Elizabeth made the mistake of crossing me all those months ago, she wounded my former disciple and best student.” “Because you sent Pam to capture her!” Jake argued, “You made the call and for what? Because she wanted to check on me?! She was leaving after she saw that I was fine!” “I admit that my reaction may have been a bit...over the top, but I was very clear on our original terms,” Goth replied evenly, “I was already operating in Metropolis before our deal. I simply took control of your company because you were no longer available or able to run it. I only rolled out the collars after you chose to break the terms of our deal and try to overthrow me.” “You have nothing to worry about anymore, Jake, my collars were rendered useless once Dilatrix stole my powers. My essence and control are gone and therefore your people are free once again. You’re right, by the way, I am loving the fact that you need me right now. All I have wanted for so long is to be with you, for you to belong to me. You have my word, I will get you back to your old self.” “Yeah, that’s really worth a lot after everything you put me through,” he said with a huff and a cross of his arms. “Everything alright back there?” Pam asked, “Jake, your emotions are all over the place right now and Rebecca’s smug satisfaction in combination is making it difficult to concentrate. Can you two please save your fighting for when I am not driving?” Goth smiled at Jake for a moment before turning to Pam, “Of course, Pamela, my sincerest apologies. We wouldn’t want to make anything more difficult for you than you already have it. After all-” “Rebecca, if you make one remark about my Kitten then I will personally see to your silence for the remainder of this drive,” Pam said, “I would advise you holding your tongue before I hold it for you.” Goth smirked, “You have learned well, Pamela, then again you did have a good teacher.” “Don’t flatter yourself, Rebecca,” Pam retorted with a hint of venom, “Now, shut up before you piss off my girlfriend! The last thing I need is for her to get riled up on top of you riling Jake up.” “Hey!” Beth interjected, “I’m not-” she paused when she received a pointed look from Pam, “Okay, so she pisses me off, is that a crime?” “No, Kitten,” pam replied, “Why must I repeat myself? I need to concentrate on driving. I have had a long couple of days, I am tired, I may be healed, but I am sore. Now, would everyone please, please shut the hell up?!” “Yes mistress,” Beth replied sheepishly, “Sorry.” “Yes mam,” Jake added. “Fine,” Goth chimed in. Pam sighed as placed her hand on Beth’s leg. She didn’t want to voice anymore and risk stirring things up. She sent a calming wave over to her pet in an attempt to reassure her that it was alright. A soft smile told her that the message was received. The remainder of the ride was a silent one. Pam had hoped that once they finally got to the apartment things would go semi-smoothly. Her hopes were dashed shortly after they exited the car and walked into the lobby. Goth pitched a bit of a fuss about the state of the building and insisted that it was beneath her, Beth and Sam quickly jumped in to argue that she wasn’t better than anyone, and Jake remained mostly silent with his stress rolling off of him in waves. Quite frankly, it was giving her a headache. She had been about to snap when Salley interjected herself into the situation as a voice of reason, “Would you two knock it off?! And you, miss hoity toity, this is where you’re staying so shut the fuck up! Fucking A, you three are are adults can you act like it for fifteen minutes?” It wasn’t eloquent or very articulate, but it did the trick. Sam was quick to close her mouth while Beth grumbled for a moment longer. She didn’t miss Salley’s gesture towards her when Beth glared at her and that was what finally restored the peace. Goth huffed and stormed off, that was fine by her. The sooner she was away from the woman the better. The past couple of days hadn’t been pleasant and she had spent more than enough time with the former Goddess for a good while. Sadly, she knew that she would have to see the woman again before too long. She could not be left alone with Jake unchecked for too long. Jake trailed after Goth. He felt like his legs were moving of their own accord, he genuinely wasn’t sure why he was following her. Deep down, he knew that some part of him still cared for and craved the woman before him and what she could do for him, or to him in some circumstances. “What is wrong with me?” he asked aloud to no one in particular. “Nothing is wrong with you, Jake, you are simply a sub,” Goth replied from ahead, “A good one I might add.” How the hell did she hear him?! He shook his head, he supposed that it didn’t really matter. He was just ready for this day to be over with. Although, he had no idea what tomorrow might have in store for him. He chose not to reply as he trudged onward and towards the elevator. His biggest concern right now was Beth and Goth killing each other. Sam wasn’t much better, if he was being honest. Their intentions were pure, but what was that old saying? The road to hell was paved with good intentions, or something like that. The apartment was modest in size and located in downtown Metropolis. The price wasn’t cheap and it had four bedrooms and two baths. Honestly, it was bigger than he or Goth really needed. Goth was accustomed to the vastness of her castle and her lavish housing, though, and he knew that she wouldn’t be happy with it. She would have to deal with it, if she really meant what she said then being with him would be enough. His confliction was slowly tearing him apart. He wanted to believe her, he really did. Her actions towards him and his friends had shown otherwise. In spite of everything that happened, he still cared for her. Beth wasn’t happy about it and neither was Sam, but he felt like Pam and to some extent Salley understood. He couldn’t place what it was about Salley, but there was something about her that reminded him of an inverted version of his friend. Beth was a sub, just like him, but Salley had a lot of the same qualities of both Pam and Goth. The jury was out on Sam, maybe she was vanilla? He chuckled to himself as he realized that considering someone in that category felt odd in its own right. He could hear Pam’s confident strides behind him followed by the sound of Beth’s boots trailing behind her. He was ready to get into the place and get to bed. They had a few things that they needed to set up first, but that shouldn’t take too long. He was ready for some sleep and he hoped that it would bring him some peace. He found Goth standing outside of the door to their new home. She was waiting for him; she wanted him to open the door for her. He didn’t mind obliging her in this regard, even without his submissive nature he was still a gentleman. She stepped aside and he unlocked the door for her to swing it open and gesture for her to enter first. He was quick to follow in behind her. She looked around and huffed, “I suppose this will have to do.” He rolled his eyes and was about to reply when Beth came in with Pam and spoke up, “Would it kill you to be a little humble, just a little?” “Not everyone is used to losing, Elizabeth,” Goth replied, “It doesn’t come easy to everyone.” “Alright, you know what?! I am-” Beth started on her and was cut off by Pam. “You are going to take those boxes to the other room with Sammantha,” Pam ordered and when the two women stood still for a moment she gave them a pointed stare, “Now. Both of you, take the items to the dining room and start sorting through them. I may not be your mistress, Sammantha, but I can still dole out some punishment that isn’t sexual or pleasant.” Sam narrowed her eyes at her and looked over at Beth who was already moving, “Don’t test her, please. Just do what she says. Sorry, mistress.” Sam rolled her eyes and followed Beth. Salley walked in and shook her head, “Think I can get you to spend some time with her? Maybe give me some pointers, never seen her mind someone so well.” Pam smiled at the older woman, “I tend to have that effect on people. I would be happy to offer some advice to help you keep your accomplice in line.” Jake wandered off while Pam and Salley exchanged some small talk. He thought that he heard Goth try to chime in, but he wasn’t sure. He honestly didn’t want to be in the same room if either of the other women decided to reprimand her. He had heard enough arguing throughout the car ride and even in the short time they had been here at the complex. He decided to check out the rooms and get familiar with them. It was furnished and there was a king sized bed with four posts along the corners of it. He was sure those would be put to good use. One of the rooms was a little bare, but he figured that he could turn it into a den or maybe a place to tinker. The barren room had floral wallpaper on it that was both dated and slightly tacky. He could live with it though. A sudden shouting match caught his attention and he sighed as he realized that he would have to rejoin the group. He walked back into the room to see Beth inching closer to Goth’s face and Goth wearing that overconfident grin that everyone knew pissed Beth off. Pam had her head in her hands and looked about ready to snap, Sam was throwing in remarks alongside Beth, and Salley had stepped out onto the balcony for a smoke. “I swear to God, if you hurt him in any way I will fucking end you!” Beth yelled. “I’ll drag you out of this damn apartment, chain you to the back of my bike, and drag your ass through the city!” Sam added. Goth, while not returning the animosity, was doing little to help the situation as she remarked, “I am terrified at the mere thought of being tortured by a second rate thug and a girl who can’t function without anger. Please, save your threats for someone who is easily intimidated. Without powers I am still more than a match for either of you two hussies.” Beth reached for her gun and that was when Pam intervened. The loud smack of Pam’s hand clamping on Beth’s wrist drew everyone’s attention, “Beth, I am going to say this once. Do. Not. Draw your gun in here. Sammantha, keep your damn mouth shut. Rebecca...why is it so difficult for you to understand that they are worried about your beloved?” “Mistress, we can’t leave Jake here with her,” Beth protested in a cautious and respectful tone, “She’s already planning something, I can tell.” “I’m not leaving my brother with this psycho,” Sam added. “First, haven’t you actively waged battles against him?” Pam asked Sam. “That was-I mean...I just got my family back…” Sam admitted while trailing off. Salley reentered the room at this point, “I get it, Sammie, and I’m pretty sure Pam over here does too. You’re worried about him getting hurt after everything we’ve been through. Trust me, my niece is dating a cadaver, sometimes you just have to trust the ones you care about.” Sam looked from Beth to Pam as her face paled, “Wait, what?” Pam shot Salley a glare that the woman laughed off, “I am not a cadaver. Do I really need to explain this again?” “Maybe?” Sam replied. “No, no, no,” Salley cut Pam off, “Don’t ask, lots of magic shit that neither of us understand and hands down the weirdest love story anyone’s ever heard. My point is, let Jake make this decision for himself.” Jake hadn’t been expecting this turn of events. Since when was anyone in the Fifth Street Filth Gang sensible? He was glad that someone was willing to let him choose and speak for himself. Now if only he could decide what it was that he really wanted. Want and need were two very different things, however, and while he didn’t know what he wanted, he did know what he needed. LIke it or not, he needed Goth until he was back on his feet. Maybe in that time he could finally figure out just what it was that he wanted. “Salley is right, not about the cadaver part, but about letting Jake speak for himself,” Pam said and turned to him, “Would you care to weigh in on everyone’s concerns for you, Jake?” Jake could appreciate the civility of Pam's tone, but he had spent enough time with her to recognize a plea when he heard it. She was desperate for someone to finally put a pin in this back and forth between Beth, Sam, and Goth. He flashed her a genuine smile that she returned as he walked into the room to clear things up. He still wasn’t completely sure how best to phrase everything. He decided to just speak from the heart as best he could, “Guys, I appreciate that you both are worried about me, I really do. It means a lot that after everything I did you’re still willing to fight for me, Beth, and Sam all I’ve wanted for a long time is to have my family back.” “That said, right now I have to have Goth here with me. I...I need her and I think...I think that she needs me too. I get that both of you think that she’s going to take advantage of me or try something sketchy, hell you might even be right, but I can handle whatever it is that she tries. I realize how stupid this sounds, but...I can’t believe I am about to say this, I trust her when she says she cares and wants to help me.” Goth hadn’t been expecting that from Jake. Somehow, this boy continued to surprise her and captivate her. He had made his reservations clear back in the car about everything dealing with her, but he said that he trusted her. More than that, she could feel that he meant it. It was touching and stirred something in her that caused her tone to soften, “Thank you, Jake,” she said, “That...that means a lot to me.” He looked at her and gave her a small smile. He didn’t say anything to her, but his smile was enough for her. She did need him, she had needed him for lifetimes. She did have a few plans in the works, but everything she had in mind was designed to help Jake. If it happened to benefit her as well then that was merely a plus. “Jake,” Beth began, “Are you sure about this?” “Yeah, Beth,” he said, “I need you guys to trust me on this.” Sam sighed in defeat, “Fine, but I don’t have to like it or her.” “He’s not asking any of us to like her,” Salley said, “All he’s asking for is for you two to let him make this choice.” Jake breathed a sigh of relief alongside Pam. It looked like Beth and Sam were finally placated. Maybe that meant that they could finally bring this day to a close. He suppressed a groan when Beth got another wind of energy and rushed him, “Jake, I want you to keep me updated on everything that is going on. If she tries anything, if she hurts you, anything at all you text me or call me, okay?” He tried not to roll his eyes at her words. He reminded himself that she was just concerned and that she had witnessed the worst that Goth had put him through. He knew his friend well enough to know that she wasn’t going to let the matter go, however, and he would have to relent on this request, “Alright, Beth, I promise to keep you in the know.” “I mean it!” she added, “I want updates, as soon as something happens.” “Okay, Beth, I will keep you updated,” Jake said. She looked like she was about to say more when Pam finally took hold of her arm, “Come on, Kitten, Jake has given you his word and he has made it clear that this is what he wants to do. I am extremely tired and I think it would be best if we let Jake and Rebecca get settled into their home.” Beth stopped her potential tirade before it began and looked over at Pam, “O-okay, mistress,” she said. Pam smiled at her and took her by the hand, “Jake, I am sure that we will see each other again soon. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call. Come on, girls let’s give them their space. Rebecca, I’m keeping the car. Consider it payment for torturing my girlfriend and beating me while I was bound.” The collective group of women began making for the door. As they exited, Jake heard Sam ask Pam, “So, are you like a zombie or something?” He heard Pam groan as the door closed, “No, what a stupid question. Zombies are more in line with science fiction, reanimation isn’t even close zombifying someone. I am…” The conversation trailed off as they walked further down the hall. He chuckled to himself before he realized that he was now alone again with the woman who had dictated his fate for the last several months. He turned to her and wished that he didn’t feel so anxious in front of her or at least that she wasn’t such an empath. She wore that same confident smirk, but there was a strange softness to her eyes that caught him off guard. She walked over to him and draped her arms around his neck, “You must be exhausted,” she said, “Come, let us see how this bed lays. I was unaware of this, but having time rewound you exhausts both the body and mind. I’ll need a few things to make this...place feel more like a home, but we can worry about that tomorrow. Now... kiss me.” Jake swallowed the bundle of nerves that were lodged in his throat. He was still unsure about everything, but sleep sounded like a wonderful idea. He pushed himself up on his toes to kiss Goth. She was happy to reciprocate the kiss and it lasted a good while. They broke away and he gave her as earnest of a smile as he could muster as he uttered the words that he knew she longed to hear, “As you wish... Goddess.” The pair walked down the hall and into the master bedroom. Goth was quick to disrobe and all it took was an expectant look from her for Jake to do the same. He stretched as he made his way to the bed. He had just sat down when he felt Goth’s strong arms wrap around him and pull him to her. Despite the confliction and uncertainty that he felt, it felt good to have her holding him. He would worry about everything in the morning, right now he was content to relax in the arms of an enemy turned lover turned girlfriend turned ex turned...what was she exactly to him now? He gave up trying to figure it out as he let the world around him fade away. He hoped that his slumber would be a restful one. Beth closed the door to the car that Pam had commandeered from Goth. Salley and Sam had gotten on their bikes and gone their own way. They agreed to do their best to stay off Beth’s radar within reason. Beth was honestly glad to have a slight relationship with her aunt again. She hoped that they would keep their word, she didn’t want to have to step in if they got too big for their own good. She would if she had to, but it would be something that would hurt her. “Where am I headed, Kitten?” Pam asked now that they were finally alone. Beth was about to give her the address to her apartment when she remembered the state that it was in when she was last there. She hadn’t been back there to rectify the chaos that she had wrought on her apartment. She nervously scratched the back of her neck, “Uh mistress...my place is kind of messy.” “It can’t be that bad, Kitten,” Pam said with a smile that made her heart melt. “I may have...wrecked my living room, broke my television, and trashed my bedroom,” Beth admitted. She closed her eyes and waited for the disapproving look and tone that usually came when she let her girlfriend down. She cracked one eye to see Pam maintaining that same soft smile, “You never went back there after Goth sent you that recording, did you?” Beth weakly replied, “No, I-I couldn’t bear to go back...it was...it…” “Shh,” Pam gently shushed her and leaned over to her pet and gently stroked her hair, “I know how much you were hurting then, Kitten, I could feel your pain and regret that night in the woods. You don’t need to explain anything to me. Let’s get a hotel for the night, loathe as I am to return to one, I just want to spend my night with you in my arms. Tomorrow, we will go to your home and you will properly clean your apartment to my standards. Understood?” Pam smiled as her pet’s demeanor lightened considerably. The enthusiastic nod followed by the subsequent, “Yes, mistress,” was like a beautiful symphony to her. “Good girl,” she replied. Beth smiled as she leaned back in the seat as Pam put the car in drive. She drove off down the street and into the night. They drove to a hotel not far from Beth’s apartment and checked in. It was close to three in the morning and both women were beyond exhausted. Beth received a strange look from the clerk due to her collar, but instead of feeling shame or embarrassment she felt a bit of pride. She lifted her chin in an attempt to both display and challenge the man behind the counter to say something. He kept his mouth shut and proceeded to ignore the unique fashion statement. Pam had given this to her and it meant more to her than any thoughts that some random civilian might have about her. They entered their room and Pam was quick to remove her clothes and order Beth to do the same. She was happy to get out of the heavy clothing and back down to her bare skin. Pam smirked and sauntered towards the bathroom. She turned to Beth and crooked her finger at her, “You will accompany me to the shower, Kitten,” she commanded. Beth flushed and nodded, “Yes, mistress, m-may I wash you?” “That sounds lovely,” Pam agreed and waltzed into the bathroom with her pet in tow. Half an hour later, the two women were laying on the bed in a tender embrace. Beth had meticulously cleaned her mistress and made sure to give every inch of her beautiful body attention. She was practically buzzing with lustful energy from the act of worship she had done. Pam had felt it and given her a much needed release before cleaning her up. By the time they had finished their shower, Beth had barely been able to stand. Pam had carried her out of the bathroom bridal style and gently set her down on the bed. She was currently lying beneath the comforter and lightly tracing patterns on Beth’s back. Beth’s head was resting in the crook of Pam’s neck and her arms were wrapped tightly around her lover’s midsection. She was almost afraid to let her go for fear that she might disappear. She was also deeply afraid of falling asleep. There was a part of her that felt that this was all some dream and that if she dozed then she would awaken alone back in the mill. Pam could sense her pet’s worry and gently shushed her and whispered, “Shh, it’s okay, Kitten, I’m not going anywhere. Go to sleep, I promise that I will be here when you wake.” Her words gave Beth a sense of safety and peace. There was a gentleness to her tone, but that sureness that she had come to crave was still there. She lifted her head and craned her neck to kiss her lover, “I love you,” she said before yawning. “I love you too, Kitten,” Pam said as she planted a final kiss on her forehead, “You’re a very good girl and you’re mine. Rest now, Kitten, you’ve more than earned it.” Beth smiled at the declaration of ownership. There was a time when such a statement would have riled her up, but that seemed like such a long time ago now. She was Pam’s and she knew that Pam was hers as well. She nuzzled Pam’s neck and closed eyes as she finally drifted off into a much needed sleep. Pam wasn’t far behind her and in a matter of minutes both women were fast asleep. |