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A continuation of the events of The Raven |
Beth kept her guns trained on the two bikers who stood outside of their hideout. Salley and Sammantha, her aunt and Jake’s halfsister had somehow managed to find them. She didn’t trust them already, but considering the events that had happened just before they tore into the forest she was seriously considering bringing them down. Her eyes darted back and forth between the two as the tension continued to rise between them. FInally, Salley raised her arms in surrender and holstered her pistols, “Easy, girlie,” she said, “We ain’t here lookin’ for trouble.” “Then you came to the wrong place,” Beth spat back before turning to Samantha, “You going to lower your weapons or are you that eager for a bullet in your brain?” “Sammie!” Salley yelled at her, “Put your fucking guns away. You know damn well she ain’t bluffing and that you’re no match for her. You’ve heard the stories and seen what she can do.” Sammie groaned as she did as she was told, “Who says she ain’t gonna kill us anyways?” she asked. “Don’t tempt me,” Beth said, “Give me one reason I should let you live.” “Hold on just a fuckin’-” Sammie started before she was cut off by Salley. “Goddamnit, Sammie, this was your hair brained idea!” she scolded the younger girl, “I didn’t trek all the way out in these damn woods pushing our bikes just so you could get us killed! Listen, Beth, we ain’t here to cause any problems for you and your little group. We just need a place to lay low.” “Why the fuck should I beleive that?” Beth asked, “Even if you’re telling the truth, why the hell would I let either of you near my friends?” Sammie walked up and pressed her forehead to Beth’s gun. The gesture reminded her of the first night she had met Alexis. Sammie spoke deliberately and defiantly, “We ain’t with the gang anymore, we split after that Goth bitch you served took over everything and we thought you might be willing to help us, but I guess you spent too much time with that heartless cunt.” Beth winced at the comment and the vague comparison that was made between herself and Goth. She was about to pull the trigger when Pam’s voice called out to her and stopped her, “Kitten, stop! What the hell is going on out here?!” Beth kept her gun up, but she let her finger relax, “Mistress, these two are trying to sucker us into letting them in. They tried this same shit before, and I’m not going to let them take you or Jake back to Goth!” “Mistress?” Salley asked as she looked back to the tall blonde approaching. “Look at their necks, Kitten,” Pam said as she neared the standoff, “They’re not wearing collars. They are no allies of Goth. Put your guns away and hear what they have to say.” Beth frowned but did as she was told, “Yes, mistress.” Sammie began doubled over in a fit of laughter, “Haha, get a load of this! The Feral has a fucking mistress! I didn’t realize that the streets’ biggest terror was a slave!” Pam narrowed her eyes and walked up to Sammie. She could feel the girl’s emotions shift from humor to unease as she glared down at her, “Make no mistake,” Pam said, “She may be my pet, but she is no slave and you only live because I find myself feeling merciful. Keep that attitude up and I will let her have her fun and kill you in the slowest way imaginable, do I make myself clear?” Sammie took a step back and swallowed, “Yes.” “Yes what?” Pam asked. “Y-yes mam,” Sammie replied and looked down. Beth smiled behind her hood. God she loved watching her girlfriend work. She loved how imposing she could be when she wanted to be. “See how easy it is to be cordial when you want to be?” Pam chided, “Now, one of you is going to explain what you’re doing out here and why we should let you live. Speak, now.” Salley stepped forward after seeing how timid Sammie had become. Probably for the best, the girl had a tendency to speak before thinking anyways, “We’re running from our gang and from Goth. When you and that bitch who calls herself a God rolled out those damned collars, we opted to split and we’ve been on the run ever since. We heard about the bounty that was on all of you and we saw where you three had fucked up our old gang, so we figured you three had run into the forest. Dummy over here, thought that since you three were now enemies of Goth that we might be able to join forces or at least keep each other safe. Family and all that bullshit, but if it helps we brought some food.” Beth looked to Pam for confirmation that they were being honest and when she nodded she looked back to Salley and Sammie, “Give me your guns and grab the food. You two can stay, for now, but I swear to fuck if you so much as try anything I will gut you like a fish.” Salley nudged Sammie as she produced her guns and handed them over. Sammie was reluctant to follow suit, but seeing the look in the blonde’s eyes and feeling the hate behind that hood she did as she was told. Beth took the guns from each of them and they went to retrieve the goods they had in their saddlebags. Sammie wasn’t happy about being unarmed and surrounded by the people she had once called enemies, but she reminded herself that this was her idea and that they didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. It was either trust the former heroes and their plus one or try their chances with a tyrannical Goddess. Given the options, it was a pretty simple choice to make. She had two armfuls of perishable goods and cans that she carried into the sawmill. This place was almost more foreboding than the castle, almost. “Take the goods into the other room and please try to make yourself comfortable,” the blonde woman said, “While we may be allowing you into our temporary home, if you give us a reason then we will kill you both.” That woman was fucking scary. Something about the way she carried herself and the air around her was unnerving. She didn’t even bother to reply as she took the supplies into the room she had been pointed to. She set her items on the table and went back to take Salley’s bags. She was talking with the blonde woman when she walked in and wordlessly snatched her items. She went back to the room and set the rest of the goods down. She spun around and propped herself up on the table. They were here, now what? She noticed a silhouette out of the corner of her eye and went to investigate. She reached for her gun and cursed when she remembered that she had been forced to hand them over. There shouldn’t have been anyone here outside of the five of them, but her nerves were still a little shot from her time spent running from Alyssa and the rest of her gang. She crept through the dusty old building and peaked around the corner. Her jaw dropped as she saw the figure of her halfbrother with his back to her. His back was littered with tattoos, scars, welps, and what looked like some kind of carving. Her stomach turned as she watched him slowly pull the top of his suit back on and turn around. Their eyes locked and she couldn’t stop herself from averting her gaze. Jake hadn’t been expecting anyone other than Pam or Beth, so when he saw the outline of his sister he was taken aback. He wasn’t sure what to do or say, but given the look on her face she was just as surprised as he was. He waved his hand in an attempt to try and give some kind of normalcy, “Sam, what are you doing here?” “Uh...Sal and me were kind of out of options and on the run,” she said and scratched the back of her neck, “We heard about you three being hunted by Goth and I figured that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, plus we are kind of family.” Jake could understand that thought process, to an extent. He stepped closer to her and noticed that she wasn’t wearing one of Goth’s collars. They weren’t working for her. That much was a relief to him and he nodded and tried to give her his classic trademark smile, “Can’t argue with that, although I’m surprised Beth let you in here.” Sam scoffed, “If it were up to her she would have dropped us outside before we could even explain ourselves! That creepy blonde woman stopped her. I didn’t know she was a bottom, I’m kind of surprised considering how quick she is to pull that damn trigger.” “You mean Pam?” Jake asked as he walked over to his sister, “Yeah she takes some getting used to, but she’s pretty laid back once you get used to her. Her and Beth kind of ended up together after Beth lost to Goth. I honestly didn’t expect her to end up in any kind of relationship with Pam, let alone any woman for that matter, and I was super surprised when she took her role as a sub so seriously. They’re good for each other, though, Pam keeps Beth’s temper in line and Beth has helped Pam get back in touch with her humanity. If it weren’t for those two being together I would still be back at the castle with Goth.” Sam noticed his demeanor shift a bit. Something was off with him. She was curious about what had happened to him. She’d seen him without a shirt a few times before and all those markings were new. “Hey, Jake,” she started, “Can I ask you something?” He looked at her with a strange look in his eyes, it was almost like he knew what she was going to ask. “Go ahead,” he said trying to keep his usual cheer in his voice. The cheer in his voice was forced. She knew a lie when she heard one, but she couldn’t figure out why he was lying. “How...when did you get all those...markings?” she finally asked and she watched his face fall. He was afraid that she had seen his back when she came in. He had been hoping that it would have been too dark for her to see, but he wasn’t surprised considering how his luck had been as of late. “Goth,” he said in a somber tone, “The price to pay for loving a Goddess and failing her.” Sam couldn’t explain what was coming over her, but she found herself walking closer to her brother. She had never been close with him nor had she had much of an interest in a sibling relationship, but seeing him like this and the pain that he was in was stirring something in her. She wanted to comfort her brother and she wanted to punish that bitch who’d hurt him. The word around the city was that he and Goth had been in love and that they were happy together. She tried to understand what he meant and finally asked, “She...she did this to you? Why?! I thought she loved you!” She watched a small smile spread across his face as he let out a dark chuckle before his smile fell and he spoke, “Yeah, well I thought she did too. I guess we were both wrong in that regard.” She couldn’t stop herself. She stepped forward and pulled him into a hug that surprised both of them. She hadn’t realized what she was doing until her arms were wrapped around him and it took him a moment to reciprocate. They stood there for a bit in silence just enjoying the closeness of one another. It had been a long time since either of them had had a moment like this. It was something that both of them needed given the chaos that had become the norm for each of them. Sam pulled away and looked up to her brother, “You deserve better than...than this,” she said. Jake was surprised by his sister’s words. He hadn’t expected anything like that from her of all people, but he wasn’t going to turn down the sentiment. He wanted to agree with her, but there was a part of him that still felt like everything that had happened to him was something he did deserve. He looked away, “Everything that’s on my body is something I earned,” he admitted, “I...it’s the price to pay for failure.” Sam felt her heart break and felt something new well up within her. It was strange and she couldn’t explain it, but she felt a need to protect her brother. Goth had clearly done more than just physically hurt and abuse him; she’d warped his mind and his perception as well. She seethed with rage as she thought about that bitch and tried to convince him, “Nobody deserves to be treated like this. You didn’t earn any of that shit on your back and I don’t care how bad you fail, no one deserves to pay that level of price. Even in the gang we didn’t have to worry about...about shit like that!” “Sam, I-” he tried to argue, but she cut him off. “No! Don’t defend anything that she did to you,” she said as she pulled away, “Jake, I know we never really saw eye to eye, but you’re my brother and I can’t...I can’t stand to see you like this. Promise me you won’t go back to her, no matter what.” He looked into her eyes and was surprised to see such fierce concern flashing in them. It was touching and for the first time he felt like he had his family back. “Alright, fine, I promise I won’t go back to Goth,” he said with a genuine smile for the first time in a long time, “Why don’t we get something to eat before we turn in?” Pam had been speaking with Salley about the current state of affairs in Citiville since they’re departure and even before it. She was surprised that the woman knew as much as she did considering that she had been more or less a ghost along with the mouthy little girl she’d brought with her. Beth had been silent throughout most of the conversation, although her emotions were speaking volumes for her. She could feel how badly she wanted to execute the woman and her little friend, but she was fighting the urge in an attempt to do as she was told. Pam reached out in the middle of the conversation and placed her hand on Beth’s to try to calm her down. She felt the feelings of malice drop, if only by a small margin. “So that brings you up to speed on shit,” Salley said, “Sammie and me are being hunted by our old gang and Goth, the whole damn city is in an uproar to find you three, and we’re here alone and pretty much out of options. Now if you could get my niece to quit staring at me and thinking about putting a bullet in my back, that would be great.” “I can keep her from shooting you, but I can’t stop the feelings that she has,” Pam said, “However, I do think that she could do with some sleep. I think most everyone could, for that matter.” “Uh uh,” Beth said defiantly, “I’m not even thinking about sleeping while those two are here. All it’ll take is a second for us to have our guards down and then they’ll attack!” “Beth, come on,” Salley said, “You just heard me lay everything out there for your...whatever the hell she is to you. Sammie and me are here because we need your help. The last thing we’re gonna do is try to stab you in the back.” “Bullshit,” Beth said as she rose from her seat, “All you’ve ever done is lie to me and the same goes for Sam with Jake!” At that moment Sam and Jake came out of the other room each holding a bag of something and a bottle of water. They appeared to be having pretty amicable conversation from the sounds of it, but they stopped when they entered the room. “Should I...go into the other room?” Sam asked. “That won’t be necessary,” Pam said, “Carry on, I need to have a word with my pet. Kitten, come with me, now.” Beth grumbled as she stood up and followed her mistress out of the room. They entered the next room and Pam shot her a look. “Mistress, please we can’t trust them!” she tried to defend. “What is really the matter, Kitten?” she asked. “I-nothing,” Beth said before looking away, “I just don’t want you to be left alone with them.” “You know that I can handle myself well enough, Kitten,” Pam said as she took her chin in her hands and tilted her face back to her own, “Are you afraid of falling asleep?” Beth didn’t answer as she fidgeted in Pam’s grip. That was enough of an answer for her as she smiled and took her by the hand, “I’ll be right beside you as you sleep to make sure that you aren’t alone. Do you trust me?” “More than anyone else,” Beth said. “Then do as you’re told, like the good girl I know you are, and try to get some sleep,” Pam ordered and turned to lead her back to the main room. She was stopped when she felt Beth’s hand grab her wrist, “Promise you’ll stay beside me?” she asked meekly. “I promise, Kitten,” Pam said as she gently kissed her pet and led her back into the main room, “Alright, anyone who is wanting to get some rest I suggest you do so now. We will be sleeping in shifts for now, and I will be taking the first watch. Since my Kitten seems to think that you two are a potential threat, I will go ahead and remind you both that you are guests here. I am a former disciple of the Goth Goddess and I can promise you that I have learned quite a few creative ways to inflict pain, so if either of you are thinking about trying anything while Jake and Beth sleep keep that in mind.” Jake and Sam had taken a seat in the corner of the room when Pam had come back in and given her little spiel. Sam looked over to Jake and asked, “Is she always this menacing?” Jake smiled as he replied, “Nah, just like ninety percent of the time. Granted, I think that the other ten is reserved for Beth.” “What’s up with those two, anyways?” Same asked as she took a bite of her snack, “I get that they’re together and all that, but what’s up with the whole Kitten thing.” “I think that started out as something to annoy Beth,” Jake said as he finished his bag, “I’m guessing it kind of went from a jab to a pet name for her. I wouldn’t recommend calling Beth that, though, I did that once when we were out in the field and she threw me off a roof. She knew I had my grappling gun, but the message was pretty clear.” “She threw you off a building?!” Sam asked and Jake nodded, “Your friends are weird, you know that?” Jake laughed as he watched Beth appear to argue with Pam before she backed down and sat on the floor with a huff, “Yeah, but aren’t we all?” “I guess,” Sam said as she looked over Jake’s body once again, “I’m gonna ask you something and I hope you don’t mind. What do those weird symbols on your back mean?” Jake’s face fell as the topic turned back to his body and by extension his time with Goth. He took a swig of his water before he answered, “Pam says they’re some kind of special runes, well some of them are anyway. She’s been casting this spell on me that blocks them, but apparently some of them are a way for Goth to see and hear me at all times. The others, again according to Pam, are there to give pain or pleasure which makes sense considering some of the sex and punishments we had.” “Hold on,” Sam said, “You said some of those basically monitor you? That’s fucked on so many levels, I mean I’ve had boyfriend’s I swiped their phones before but I never did any shit like that. That’s going beyond obsessive and stalkerish and into straight abuse!” Jake closed his eyes for a minute. There was still some part of him that wanted to object or defend Goth, but he knew that it wouldn’t do any good. Sam was right as was Beth and Pam, Goth didn’t love him. He wished that he could have made himself believe that or he could shut off the feelings he still had for her. “I do love you, my Raven,” Goth’s voice rang out in his head and caused him to freeze, “You are forcing my hand and it pains me to have to treat you in such a way, but as you Goddess it is my job to show you the error of your ways. Your friends, however, have earned my wrath unless you return to me tonight.” He shook his head to try to get her voice out of his head. It was becoming harder and harder to tell if he was imagining things or not. He blinked as he saw a hand wave in front of his face followed by the voice of Sam, “Jake, you alright?” He wasn’t alright, but he didn’t want to worry anyone. He tried to flash her his classic grin, but he could tell from her face that she wasn’t buying it. His voice came out shakier than he would have liked, “Yeah, sorry just some bad memories.” He felt her hand on his arm and looked into her worried eyes, “Why don’t you try to get some sleep?” she asked. “You’re not going to try to take us in when we sleep are you?” he asked with a small grin. Sam scoffed, “Not with that freaky Pam chick still awake. I ain’t got my guns or anything, plus...someone needs to look out for you.” He hadn’t been expecting that from her. It felt good to know that he had someone besides Beth and Pam looking out for him. He hoped it was true, but he knew first hand how scary Pam could be when someone first met her. She wasn’t Goth level intimidating, but she carried herself in a way that unnerved most people. He stretched and figured that Sam may have had a point, “Maybe you’re right, I could use some sleep. Thanks, Sam, I can’t tell you how nice it is to have my family back.” “Yeah, yeah don’t get all mushy on me,” Sam said with a grin. Pam had been watching the exchange between Samantha and Jake. Beth had finally decided to lay down and give in to her exhaustion, after a fair amount of arguing back and forth. In the end, Pam’s dominance had won out and currently Beth had her head laying in her lap while she sat on the floor. She had laid out one of the blankets on the floor and was sitting on it with her pet’s arms wrapped around her. She gently caressed her hair in a soothing manner to attempt to keep her calm. She felt Jake’s fear spike once again before it dropped. Strange, what was going on with him? She looked down as she felt Beth nuzzle herself into her lap; she rolled her eyes and smiled as she turned her attention back to her pet. Her eyes snapped to the left when she heard some heavy footfalls approaching her. The older brunette was walking towards her, Salley. She could smell the body odor that came off of the woman as she approached. It wasn’t the most pungent stench that had hit her nose, but it was certainly strong in its own right. The woman had been fairly calm and agreeable with any and all terms that Pam had laid out for her and her friend. She watched as the woman sat herself down on the floor across from her, “What do you want?” Pam asked. Salley crossed her legs and made herself comfortable, “Thought I should get to know the woman my niece has decided to get involved with. What are you to her anyway?” Pam stared at her for a moment before trying to figure out the best way to answer her question, “I am her mistress, her lover, and her girlfriend. I guide and instruct her to help her become better and stronger, I help her to indulge in her needs, and I am here to support her and protect her when she can do neither for herself.” “Fancy way of saying, ‘I’m her boss and lover’” Salley said and she noticed Beth beginning to thrash about. Her legs were kicking in a wild fashion and her face had shifted from peaceful to fearful, “What’s the matter with her?” Pam took some time to try and calm her pet down. She leaned down and continued to stroke her hair while cooing gently in her ear. She moved her other hand to the small of her back and began gently rubbing it. After a few minutes, Beth was beginning to calm back down and appeared to be entering into a peaceful slumber. She looked at Salley and answered plainly, “Night terrors, and I’m not her boss, I am her girlfriend.” Salley looked over the now still figure of her niece who appeared to be clutching at the fabric of Pam’s dress, “Whatever you say, lady. I don’t remember her having those when she was little, when did she start getting those?” Pam rolled her eyes at the informal manner to which the woman spoke. These two didn’t have much class and that was apparent. She ran her fingers through Beth’s hair as she spoke, “My guess is it began sometime after Goth sent her the tape of Jake’s demise. She had made the mistake of checking on her friend shortly before she took up the mantle of The Feral and Goth decided to send her a message.” “They began to escalate after her final battle with Goth, she was left paralized and broken before the battle was done. Goth thought it would be a mercy for her if she collared her and restored her body only to serve as a puppet for her.” Salley looked at Beth’s neck and noted that while she was wearing a collar, it wasn’t like the ones the rest of her gang had been forced to wear. Her curiosity peaked and she had to ask, “That don’t look like the collars that Goth issued to everybody. How did she get that damn thing off?” “Temporal based magic undid the effects of both the collar and her paralysis. The pain that she went through, however, is still fresh in her mind and haunts her every night along with the illusions that Goth forced her to endure.” Salley was becoming more and more confused as she listened to Pam talk, “Hold on, what the fuck do you mean temporal magic and illusions? How the hell can illusions hurt someone if they ain’t even real?” Pam reminded herself that she was still in the presence of people who knew next to nothing about magic as she tried to explain, “Time based magic, we had an individual in our court that could warp the flow of time to undo certain things that befell us. She has since left Goth’s employ in favor of pursuing her own goals, and as far as the illusions go...you are partially correct. A basic illusion spell is merely meant to confuse or disarm an opponent, but Goth’s illusions drew from the memories of Beth’s own failures and fears that lurked within her head. The mind is a powerful thing and has the ability to hurt as well as heal.” “Combine all of that with the feelings of being collared and you have a recipe for horror on a scale that I can only imagine. Tell me, have you ever witnessed what happens when the collars are activated?” Salley shivered as she recounted the one time she had seen the collars used, “When we first got the box of them we had someone in our gang try to take it off after putting it on. Watching their bodies fall and hearing their screams were the biggest reason that Sammie and me decided to get the fuck out of there. We didn’t wanna lose our freedom and we didn’t want to find out what those things could do. So, you’re telling me Beth had one of those...those things activated on her?” Pam nodded and decided to try to explain the process, “When the jewel on the neck is activated, it causes a unique substance to spill out of the back of the collar and burrow into the base of the neck. The process is akin to that of a parasite making its home in the body of someone, but the pain is excruciating and comes without warning. Imagine, if you will, feeling liquid metal being poured down your spine and attaching itself to each and every nerve and limb in your body. The process takes only seconds and yet it feels like an eternity. Your niece had the privilege of experiencing the effects of it taking control of her body and feeling it being removed. Neither of them are pleasant and both left their marks on her.” “Jesus fucking christ,” Salley said as she looked down at her niece, “She went through all of that? How the hell did she manage to get Goth to let her take that damn thing off?” Pam smiled as she looked down at her lover, “Indeed, she is stronger than many women I have encountered and been with. Goth allowed the collar to be removed after she submitted to me and came into my care. The collar she wears now is one of my own design and it allows me to communicate with her and watch her from afar. She is mine and I…” “You love her?” Salley finished, which earned a strange look from Pam to which she raised her hands before continuing, “Hey, I’m just calling it like I see it. Maybe you do and maybe you don’t, but I can honestly say that I’m glad that you two ended up together. Beth might hate me, but I still remember when she was a kid and spending time with her. Her ma and me never really got along even after we grew up. Even with that, though, I actually taught Beth how to ride, shoot, hell I gave her her first knife. I had hoped that she would follow in my footsteps as she got older, but she got sucked into working with that goody-goody Jake and ended up against us. Guess that it worked out in the long run, though, I doubt she would have ended up with you if she’d rode with me and the girls. Anyway, why don’t we talk about something that isn’t so fucked up; how did you two meet?” Pam smiled as she deadpanned, “She killed me.” “Okay, is there any part of your relationship story that isn’t fucked?” Salley asked. Pam looked up to the cobwebs above while she thought. She gave a thoughtful hmm before looking back to Salley and grinning, “No, I don’t suppose there is. Our relationship is unique and because of it we’ve become quite close.” Salley stifled her laughter at the woman’s response, “So my niece is dating a cadaver?” “I’m not actually dead,” Pam corrected, “She murdered me, yes, but I was brought back through the same time based magic that I told you about earlier.” “Whatever you say, lady,” Salley said as she stood up, “For what it’s worth, I think you two are good for each other and I think you might actually love her. Take my advice, don’t wait to tell her if that’s how you feel. I’m pretty sure she feels the same way about you. If you’ll excuse me, I am going to grab something to eat and crash out for the night.” Pam watched the woman walk off towards the food storage and shook her head. She didn’t know what she was talking about, did she? She looked down to the sleeping form of her Kitten in her lap and smiled. Did she love her? Was love something that she was capable of? She ran her fingers through her hair one last time and decided to spend her time thinking it over. She needed to figure out how she felt and how to go about bringing it up to Beth if it was true. Jake had been laying down and finally managed to fall asleep. His thoughts had been swirling between Goth’s threatening voice and everything that had happened. When he finally found himself asleep, he eagerly embraced the darkness that surrounded him. He was floating for a very short amount of time when he suddenly felt his world begin to spin around him. He tried to get his bearings and figure out where the hell he was, but he found himself in a room that he had never seen before. It looked like some kind of hotel room, a suite maybe, with deep red carpets and a large heart shaped bed in the center. He felt a chill run down his spine and when he looked down he noticed that he was naked. He froze when he heard the familiar voice of his ex, “Did you miss me, my Raven?” He slowly turned around to see her imposing figure wearing one of her robes that exposed a moderate amount of cleavage. He took a step back and found himself tripping over something and falling onto the bed, “G-Goth, what are you...how are you…” She was on him in a flash and held his face in her grip. The smell that rolled off of her was all too real and the feeling of her nails digging into his cheek was too familiar. He felt her tongue run across his cheek and shuddered as she spoke, “I told you I would see you soon, Jake, I didn’t expect you to be so eager for my touch considering how quickly you abandoned me! I’m afraid that this meeting is more of a metaphysical one than a physical, but you’ll understand shortly.” She rose from his prone form and before he could rise he suddenly found himself bound by chains that burst forth from the bed. He was pinned to one side of the bed as the heart began to crack and eventually snap. He fought against the bindings, but it did little more than amuse his tormentress. He watched as the walls around him began to almost bleed a strange black mist and the lights began to become engulfed in the very same mist. He turned his eyes back to Goth who had her arms outstretched and seemed to be changing, “G-Goth what are you doing?!” Her body began to morph and shift into a being of total darkness. Her lower body seemed to have energy cascading down it giving the appearance of a gown almost, but the air around her was growing cold. The flesh on her face began to distort and the beautiful visage of the woman he had been captivated by for so long seemed to become more gaunt and horrific. Her eyes sank in and her fingers became elongated as her skin became enveloped in a strange blackness that he couldn’t quite describe. Terror filled and surpassed the panic that had been welling up within as she slowly walked forward. He felt a cold hand take hold of his leg and yank him forward. He screamed as he felt himself being pulled into the darkness that was her body and the last thing he heard was the distorted laughter and voice of Goth calling out to him: “ I told you we would be together for eternity, Jake!” |