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#1003649 added February 15, 2021 at 12:17am
Restrictions: None
F. A Mad Tea-Party #3 - "Talking to Time"

A New Day

I like the time as I wake. The previous day is history. The new day about to begin. A new day full of possibilities. Every morning, 7 AM.

Could I please make time stop at 7 AM? Is that even possible? I’ve heard that I can talk to Mr.Time and negotiate a time stoppage. So I walk to his house. It’s at #50 Broadway, downtown.

I waited for an hour. Did I get the time wrong?

A man walks up to me. He’s dressed in a blue jumpsuit with a yellow knit hat. “Who are you?” he asks.

“Hello. I’m here to ask you about time. Can you make sure I have 7 AM remain on my clock every day, all day?”

This man studies me. He looks at a big gold watch. He glances at me again.

“Let me get this straight. You want your time to stop? Everyday, forever, you want it to be 7 AM.”

“That is what I want. Yes.”

“Do you realize what you are asking me?” The man put his watch in my hand.

“Yes, I understand,” I gripped the watch. It seemed heavy. The time was 7:00.

“You are now forever in the 7:00 AM hour. How will you spend your time?”

I hadn’t thought about this. It took me a moment. The man in the blue jumpsuit and the yellow hat stood patiently beside me.

“I think I will read. All the books I’ve wanted to read. I have a list.”

“That’s all? The rest of your life you’ll do nothing but read?”

“Oh no, because after I read, I will write.”

The man nodded and turned away. But before he went inside #50 Broadway, he said, “Give me the best story ever written because I have given you the best gift ever given.” The door to #50 Broadway closed.

W/C 311

Queen Norma Jean *Crown*
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