Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong.... |
I am not in the best mood today for writing, but it is good therapy for me. I thought I needed to do so before I went out again to deal with snow. The shoveling of snow can also be therapy as is weeding. I listed some items for sale yesterday and will again later today. My internet sales have dried up lately. All I can do is list more items hoping they are the right items to list. The little dog was not feeling well yesterday. He seems like he pulls a muscle and does not walk on all fours. We give him a anti inflammatory pain pill and he does better. His legs are short and steps are difficult for him. I carry him when I can down the outside steps, hoping that will help. I am still sorting sheet music. I hope to be done with it this week. I am going to try a new place to ice fish tomorrow if it is not too windy. I used to summer fish it but have not in years. It is a small lake that had winter kill a number of years ago. I have read that they are catching decent fish there now. We shall see. It is about 1.5 hours away, not a trip I like doing. We had Crappies yesterday, Always good eating. Wishing you a Blessed Day PROMPT January 19th Do you like things to be carefully planned or do you prefer to just go with the flow? A good question to write on, I need to be prepared with the T's crossed, the I's dotted and the ducks all in a row. I always have an agenda. I have plan A, Backed up with plan B, with maybe a plan C. I do not try to go with the flow of the herd. I have always walked my own path with God's guidance for me. I have framed and hung on our stairway wall a Abe Lincoln Quote, "I will study and be Ready and maybe my chance will come" I look at life as a Chess Game with my opponent being the so called Power Brokers that set the agenda for the herd. I like our cat will not be herded. I will work to protect my Independence and Privacy. I hope and pray for the best situations, But plan for the possibility of the worst situations. |