Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong.... |
I will now fill you in on yesterdays fish trip. I went close by about 50 minutes away, a smaller shallow like. It was full of people, being a Sunday. There was good ice and the snow was not a problem. It was cloudy and cold but not terrible. What was terrible was the fishing. I didn't get skunked but brought home only two small fish. The rest were mostly potato chips, meaning potato chip size. I will not return there this winter. But tomorrow is another trip to a different lake and hopefully better results. What was the worse is I hurt my eyes. Like a novice I ran off with out a hat with a brim. The brightness on the snow was hard for me too look at. Then straining to see the fish locator light did not help. Then when I left it was fog and freezing fog which made a glare which made driving difficult. So today I am wearing flip over light protection on my glasses. Lesson learned, I hope. But us old dogs do not always learn the fastest. But anyway On To, PROMPT January 3rd If you had a portal that would instantly transport you to one specific place on Earth whenever you wanted, where would you want to go? You can use the portal as often as you want, but it will only transport you to the one location you choose and then back again to where you came from. This is a easy prompt for me. Zurich Switzerland is the answer. I have some family there I can visit. And I will be able to rent a car and drive to Vienna Austria, Innsbruck, Salzburg, and Munich, I would also travel to and in the Prattigau Valley my heritage home where family yet remains. I have hopes of making one more trip there one day. If you are chasing to find happiness, You will never catch it, Happiness needs to be found in the NOW Moment. |