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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/992026
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#992026 added September 1, 2020 at 10:07am
Restrictions: None
I like the mantra "Write On"
I know this is cheesy, but I have to do it... In your entry today, write about what you love about Writing.Com. How have you grown as a writer? How are you (as a writer) different from how you were when you first joined this site? Thank the members who helped you get where you are today.

Red Dragon

I'm reading Christopher Paolini's 4th book in the Inheritance series. After reading the first 3 books I looked for the 4th avidly, then realized it was not going to be released anytime soon. That was several years ago. It was released in 2018, which I wasn't aware of, now I found it in the children's section of our local library.

This morning, I found the newest issue of the Blogging Bliss Newsletter was ready to read. This is a good example of what is great about *WDC* . There is always information out there you really did not think much about. Someone on *WDC* will write about it. This morning the Blogging Bliss Newsletter made me realize how blogging is such a social media. It isn't just the information in a blog. It is also the comments and discussion the information may stir up.

Other things I like about *WDC* are the ability to review other works, which help any writer remember language rules and writing rules. I know I don't review enough, so I'll keep it in mind to do better.

I took three courses from the New Horizon's Academy in writing short stories, proper reviewing, and beginners poetry. All of these courses extended my abilities as a writer. The fact is the teaching in these classes was in depth. I gained by leaps when I took these classes.

I believe the time I get to spend on *WDC* has helped me with sentence formation. It has also given me confidence as a writer, as well. It's one thing to cram writing knowledge into your brain. It's another thing to use it day after day until it begins to mature and come out making you feel like you know how to do the job.

I started in *WDC* soon after I graduated college. Inside of all the media classes offered in college, I only took one class in fiction writing. I published several news articles and at least one story article while I was in school.

I'm fairly isolated where I live. Without a job or car I cannot maintain local socialization. Someone always notices if you are not logging in on *WDC* . They realize people need encouragement and they reach out.

Don't forget the emoticons. *Snowboarder* There are some really nice designs on this site. Good for expressing anything. *Cool*

I always appreciate the staff who reach out, those teachers I met at New Horizons Academy, the 30-day challenge, The Reading Challenge, the news letters, BCoF, all of the things this website means cannot be listed. All of the people who strive to keep it running and relevant won't always be known. It's way to big to ignore. I appreciate you as individuals and as the group effort you put out daily. Happy Anniversary.

Merit Badge in BCOF
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Thank you for joining us on this blogging adventure. I would travel anywhere with you as my cohorts in crime. *^*Heart*^* Lyn My new badge. I enjoy giving these out and getting them.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/992026