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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #388967
Daily notes and timed freewrites but mostly my blog
#985343 added June 9, 2020 at 3:33pm
Restrictions: None
Remember "Tricky Dicky"?
I know I'm showing my age here, but hell, can't be helped. This is a small history lesson.

Does anyone remember the President of the USA who was labeled "Tricky Dicky"? I actually voted for him (not that I'm overly proud of that fact, just that I'm honest enough to admit it). I had just reached voting age and it was my first time, and hey, mistakes happen.

Any way, I still remember Him declaring over network television, "I am not a Liar." The Watergate Hotel break in and attempted cover up eventually brought him down. Mr. Nixon had the good sense and I dare say, enough patriotic responsibility to resign from office before Congress enacted impeachment proceedings.

Today, I found myself realizing that President Nixon was a saint compared to our present President. (Whom I didn't vote for.) At least Nixon never compromised national security by disclosing classified information to Russians (or any other world leader) in the Oval Office. In fact, Nixon made history by going to China. The 1972 Nixon-Mao summit turned out to be a strategic and diplomatic overture that marked the culmination of the Nixon administration's resumption of harmonious relations between the U.S. and China after years of diplomatic isolation. Nixon partially stabilized and reduced world tensions during his Presidency. And, as far as I can remember, when there were peaceful demonstrations, he didn't promote brute force tactics to break and scatter the sit in (or kneeling) mob. I know for a fact, that racial tensions were just as volatile, but I don't believe Nixon actually deliberately fanned the flames of rage to prove he is better than everybody. Nixon had the moral conscience to feel the shame of his position and acted accordingly by resigning from office.

I remember why I voted for the man, now. I believed he could get the United States out of the Vietnam conflict. And before he resigned, though I'm sure it was a rushed job, the U.S. indeed pulled out of the war zone. He kept the promise he made to a generation of anti-war protesters even with all the personal conflict within his presidency.

I have yet to see any promise Mr. Trump has made come to fruition. Two Presidents before Mr. Trump, set the groundwork for all the advancements made in economy and world standing. True, Mr. Trump has claimed credit for every little positive thing that has occurred from the time he took residence within the white house, but these things weren't because he actually tried to achieve their success. If truth were to be revealed, the majority of good U.S-World policy was achieved in spite of Donald's presidential decision making.

Donald, has pulled the U.S. away from the rest of the World. He isn't a World Leader and is treating the U.S.A. like it was his personal island nation which he can rule over unconditionally. Like a common dictatorial totalitarian, anyone who looks like they might disagree with him is either fired or otherwise ostracized, with proven immediate negative career changing consequences.

Since my first mistake with Mr. Nixon, I've only voted for a republican candidate once; and, that was for Gerald Ford. I still believe Mr. Ford deserved to be voted into the office he basically inherited after Nixon resigned. But, that is another story. Instead, over the years, I have voted for the third party candidates or odd democrat whom I've felt I could trust their integrity and , yes, their sense of Patriotism. Did I mention, I didn't vote for Donald. On the same token, I didn't vote for Mrs. Hillary Clinton, either (although, in hind sight, if I had voted for Hillary it wouldn't have done much good; given she won the election through the common vote and the Electoral College gave Donald the presidency).

What is wrong with that Picture?

In conclusion, although I know I could write so much more regarding how Donald has done more to ruin the integrity of our nation than any other man before him, I will close my tirade.

For all those devoted Trump followers out there, I do pray you are truly in the minority, or that you at least follow your chosen leader in personal pandemic disregard so that nature and karma can reduce your voting power enough to get Donald out of office.

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