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#982262 added April 28, 2020 at 1:55pm
Restrictions: None
April 28, 2020
Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsThe Original Logo.Blog City image small

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Title Prompt: _____ Year(s) After the Pandemic of 2020. Chose the number of years in the future this blog entry takes place."

In 2119 or 100 years after the pandemic of 2020 some college student writing a term paper, will analyze every action we took to stop or slow the pandemic. he or she will be critical but trying to remember that we did the best we could do with the knowledge and technology available to us. I know this to be true because I wrote a paper for History 103 concerning the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 that killed 25 million people. They did many of the things we did today except that they did not do the social distancing that we practice today. They quarantined the sick and I believe finally came up with a vaccine.

The pandemic of 1918, like the pandemic of 2020 was a boon for the rich because people bought the shelves clean and the rich gouged the prices, just like they are doing today. Just like back then I predict that it will initially be a boost to the economy of the rich but there will be consequences such as the stock market crash of 1929.

The Original Logo. Prompt: "Have you learned anything or acquired any habits during this quarantine/lockdown that you plan on keeping with you and/or practicing once it is lifted?"

Short answer: Not really. Long answer: I have been going out every day and sterilizing the hand rails and stairwells in my building. I will probably continue to do that, at least on my floor. Then when COVID-19 returns, which I'm pretty sure it will, we will have a jump on it. I think they are lifting the quarantine way too soon. Of course their big concern is the economy. I mean we can't have the rich man losing any money for goodness sakes! It would be horrible for some of these silver spoons to lose a dollar or two. So let's put their slave labor back to work and if we kill a lot of people so what?

Of course I am being sarcastic. It just really singes my feathers when they put the good of the economy ahead of human lives. The only ones helped by a healthy economy are the rich. The only thing they really look at to indicate a good economy is the profit margin of the rich.

Blog City image small "Prompt: Which issues or topics do you find yourself thinking about, defending, or discussing passionately?"

I have been passionately discussing man's permissive, tolerant attitude toward the things that God clearly condemns in His word. For example gay marriage. Man has not only tolerated it but now the government recognizes it as legal. Wake up people! God condemns homosexuality in His word and that is all there is to say on the subject.

Marijuana is being legalized by states all across the United States. Yet what good does marijuana do? Yes some of the chemicals in it help with certain ailments. So let's isolate those chemicals and use them but don't be getting high on the stuff! Getting high is witchcraft. God condemns witchcraft.

Abortion murders thousands of babies every day. Those babies are innocent. Perhaps the baby you just murdered was meant to be the doctor who found the cure for the next major pandemic? Wake up, you foolish person!

Greed and deceptive, misleading advertising and extortive business practices are tolerated because some shyster lawyer finds a loophole to make it legal. Just because man's law says it is legal does not mean God says it is legal. You are misleading people and "stretching" the truth. God says not to lie. He says to treat others exactly as you would have them treat you. Would you want somebody misleading you and stretching the truth? Of course you wouldn't!

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