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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#978542 added March 24, 2020 at 8:13pm
Restrictions: None
PROMPT March 19th

COVID-19. It’s affecting all of us in one way or another. Never in our lifetimes have we seen something of this magnitude and severity. So today, check in with yourself and your fellow competitors - how are you? Where is your head at? What’s worrying you? Let’s gather our WDC community around us and hunker down together.

          Has everyone gone mad? The reactions from people re panic buying are ridiculous, inconceivable and ludicrous! This is beyond hoarding or stock-piling. Too many people are displaying a me-first attitude. We all need to wash our hands to stop the spread of this virus, but that is impossible if soap, hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, and cleaning supplies are not available for purchase because the few thought their needs super ceded anyone else's. And what is with this asinine need to stock up on toilet paper?? When did this commodity become the virus-fighting weapon of choice? Are those without adequate paper supplies expected to die off first? Why are shoppers coming to blows over toilet paper? I have not witnessed this personally. I don't believe I could just let this behaviour slide.
         What about other supplies? I'm well past the need for baby anythings, but how would I cope if I could not buy formula? Those with money to spare are purchasing far more than they need and those waiting for their week-to-week pay cheques cannot always react to a fresh supply of groceries in a store. There is no splurge or immediate advantage. Most people must budget and control their spending. We all have bills to pay. Price-gouging is a despicable practice.
         My niece, Kristen is currently self-isolating in Spain where she opted to live and work for two years. Like us, the store shelves are often bare. Fines are levied on people out and about for no reason. Schools and businesses are shuttered, so the only acceptable excuse to be out is for shopping, medical appointments, or walking your dog. Kristen reports that some people are renting dogs so they have a reason to go out and walk. Some people are resourceful, stupid, but looking for an angle.
         Those will most likely be the dictionary words of the year for 2020; self-isolation and social distancing. Not a great concept for extroverts to be sure.
         This COVID-19 has brought out the fear of the unknown in people. We cannot control illnesses. This virus is virulent and new. The worry and what-ifs cloud their judgment.
         My hubby is a long haul trucker with routes throughout North America. He enjoys the personal aspect of the job, meeting people and chatting. Now he's often greeted by masked personnel. Many restaurants are closed. Where is he to eat? Bathroom facilities are critical. He stopped at several truck stop stores before he found a package of wipes. They were baby wipes, but better than nothing.Many of those restrooms are closed. A few truck stops have closed their shower facilities. Their excuse: they require too much cleaning. Um, were they not cleaned before this outbreak? Truckers pay for these showers! Those still open have posted hand-lettered signs admonishing travellers not to steal the t.p. He reports smashed t.p. holders and missing t.p. His dispatcher warns him not to share pens with anyone. Warehouse staff greet him with a pair of gloves and a face mask which they ask him to wear while remaining in his truck. They ask that he attach the invoices to the rear of the trailer before he approaches a dock, so he exits his truck to do this and then returns to it. When the trailer is emptied or filled, the workers knock to indicate they are finished. He must drive away from the loading dock, exit his semi and retrieve the paperwork/invoices. How many people wore gloves handling that paperwork? Yesterday, he entered a facility and no one working there wore gloves or a mask. There is no consistent approach. In Quebec, the restaurants are still open to the public, but not here in Ontario.
         Anyway... to answer the prompt, I am healthy and so are my family and friends. We are weathering this. I appreciate the humour I see online. All we can do is continue to laugh. We should spread only kindness. I found this uplifting meme on Facebook: viruses are contagious. So is panic, fear, hysteria, calm, love, enthusiasm, kindness, joy. Choose wisely!

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