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Finally! I've got something to write about besides my self-pity! |
3/8/2020 For most of the world, today is “Spring Forward,” when clocks are set an hour ahead. In your entry today, write about time and how you make the most of it. What is worthy of spending your time on? What is not? In your opinion, what do people spend too much time on these days? This month's challenge, in general, has me thinking a lot about time because of the whole leap year/time change whatnot. I'm glad because tbh I'm the world champion in wasting time. These entries have put a spotlight on this unfortunate fact, and I'm feeling motivated (as motivated as I get anyway) to change that. I can think of plenty of things that are worthy of spending my time doing, (aside from writing, that's a given) but for some reason, I procrastinate even those things, which makes no sense because why procrastinate doing something you like to do anyway right? I've had this discussion with my shrink before, and she's got lots of explanations for possibilities as to why this may be. I won't get into that here, because it's boring and I'd be rambling on even more than I am already. Let's just say it's hard to get things done when you assume you're gonna suck at them anyway- I don't think that's a phenomenon exclusive to me. Her point that stood out the most to me, though, is this: what makes you think you want to spend time on the things you say you do? I mean, if it's something you'll end up putting off anyway, maybe that isn't actually how you want to spend your time. It's just what you think you should want to do. Does that make any sense at all? I hope so, but if not, I wouldn't be surprised. So I'm reassessing the stuff I think of when I think about how I should be spending my time. In the meantime, I find it's a lot easier to decide what I should NOT be spending my time on. Playing games on my phone- that's a huge one. I don't even know how many hours I've spent playing Hidden City, but I know it's waaaay too many. One could call it an addiction- I find it really hard to put it down but I know if I did, I'd be a much more productive person. So baby steps- I'll work on that first. Then I'll get real and honest with myself about how I actually want to spend my time. Hint: working out immediately comes to mind because that's what I think I should be spending my time on. The truth is, I hate exercise so that one's off the list. For now. So what do I think people spend too much time on these days? Bitching. Bitching and complaining about stuff that's petty. My dad was in Vietnam, and when people would ask him how he was doing he'd say, "Well, any day you're not being shot at is a good day..." That'll put some s*** in perspective for 'ya. -TPB |