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Rated: 13+ · Book · Philosophy · #2193752
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#961365 added June 22, 2019 at 10:53pm
Restrictions: None
Week1: Monchielle Stanza
A Lament

Pushing against the tide
He sees himself weak,
Didn't he have a strong voice
Once, wasn't he complete.
Frailty was not his choice.

Pushing against the tide
He has his last breathing,
In, then out - white ceiling,
This the last thing he saw.
His soul is sent reeling.

Pushing against the tide
All alone now - he’s gone.
She’s wailing her lament
Desperate deep feelings,
She will never forget.

Pushing against the tide
Time heals all, quieter now.
She barely hears her pain,
Distractions ease the mind
And life goes on again.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.

Written for "Invalid Item
Form: Monchielle Stanza

Number of lines: 20
Form Requirements

Rules: This form is the creation of the popular Norwegian poet Jim T Henriksen, and it consists of four stanzas.

Each stanza consists of five lines, and each line has six syllables (or, if you prefer, each line can be Iambic Trimeter).

The first line of each stanza is a refrain (i.e. the line is repeated, so that each stanza has the same first line) and in the four following lines, lines three (3) and five (5) rhyme, lines two (2) and (4) do not rhyme.

This gives a stanza pattern of:





Choices for the poets to make this week: You can write each line with either six syllables, or you can write in strict Iambic Trimeter.
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