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Poetry Wrote Over Several Years on Spiritual, Religious, and Devotional Subjects. |
1 Door To The Kingdom of God The door is open the gate unlatched faith knocks at the door of your soul. 2 The Guiding Light The Bab, the Gate through which God's Promised One appeared, He came to brighten the Islamic night, Each word He spoke pulsed with Divine light. God's Manifestation is humanity's guiding light, Uniting all religions in God's ancient faith. In each age a new Manifestation appears, Dispelling the daemons of humanity's night, Inaugurating a new dispensation; a wider unity. Never will humanity be lef unguided, God sends His covenant, His commandments through His Manifestations. Let us give praise to Baha'u'llah and the Bab In this age they are God's Manifestations, Give praise to Baha'u'llah, the Glory of God, He is the Promised One who came through God's Gate, The promised on of all religions. 3 Qa'im He who ariseth Announced the coming of the Promised One, Announced the arrival of Him that God would make manifest. 4 His Martyrdom The bullets of hate Struck both lover and the Beloved Severed matter's cord Two regiments fired Their volleys of lead ball at The suspended pair The first cut the ropes Later the second regiment made the bodies one 5 May 22, 1844 A.D. Approximately 2 Hours After Sunset Daybreak of a New Age! Year One of a New Era! Worldwide Holy Day! 6 Holy Ground: To The House of The Bab The spirit remains, though the building is gone; its foundation stones stolen or lost. The event, which occurred here can neither be forgotten nor undone. The words He spoke, and the prayers He chanted left their impression upon the atoms, that compose the planet itself. 7 Gate of God O Gate of God, Beloved of the worlds, Thous hast opened a new age For humanity. 8 The Bab's Orange Tree Uprooted chopped into firewood and burned, its atoms rejoined the subatomic particles from which they came. Seed by seed, its descendants teach the Cause of God. 9 Advice on Guidance It is better to guide an individual soul to the tree of Divine Unity then to possess the world. 10 Invocation O Primal Point, did stellar dust generate New stars at Thy nativity? Radiant Stars shining brightly within their stellar Nurseries. Thine own companions shining. O Gate of God, the darkness of dogma's night Thy rising light did scatter, send scurrying. Thy brightly shining star did waken Out of a dreamless sleep men of wisdom. 11 Who is the Bab He is Christ Returned The Promise of God Fulfilled Forerunner of the Glory of God 12 Unseen Sunrise We couldn't see the sunrise for the clouds turning scarlet against the eastern mountains, like the blood of the Bab in the market square of Shiraz when three rows of twenty-five rifles each fired at the post which held Him fast merging His body with that of His disciple's and leaving only their faces untouched. 13 14 The Trumpet Blast: The Writings of The Bab His words the embodiment of God's covenant, His quill the trumpet blast That announced the judgment day And the return of Christ. Tranquility encompasses the lover immersed In the epistles from the Primal Point: Epistles foreshadowing the Kingdom of God on Earth. Poet's Note: ▼ |