Jamál (Beauty), 17 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness) 174 B.E. - Sunday, March 18, 2018
Seventeenth Day of Fast
“Verily I say, the tongue is for mentioning what is good, defile it not with unseemly talk. God hath forgiven what is past. Henceforward everyone should utter that which is meet and seemly, and should refrain from slander, abuse and whatever causeth sadness in men."
Poem Written on the Seventeenth Day of Fast
Words are dangerous,
they can encourage or discourage,
inspire or deaden,
use the wisely
or remain silent.
Speech is a spiritual attribute,
use it to encourage
and inspire.
Your testimony
must be truthful,
without being discouraging
or deadening.
Themes for Poems Written During the 19-Day Fast
 Virtues, Baha'i month, or days of week names for the theme used in Poems: Splendor " First Day of the 19-Day Fast"  , Glory " Second Day of Fast"  , Will " Third Day of Fast"  , Beauty " Motavational Monday: The Fourth Day of Fast"  , Knowledge " Fifth Day of Fast"  , Justice " Midweek Reflections on Justice"  , Grandeur " Thankful Thursday: Gratitude List"  , Light " Eighth Day of Fast"  , Mercy " Ninth Day of Fast"  , Words " Tenth Day of Fast"  , Power " Motivational Monday: Eleventh Day of Fast"  , Grace " Twelfth Day of Fast"  , Perfection " Midweek Reflections on Thirteenth Day Of Fast"  , forgiveness " Thankful Thursday the Fourthteenth Day of Fast"  , Questions " Fifteenth Day of Fast"  , Loftiness " Sixteenth Day of Fast"  , and Speech " Seventeenth Day of Fast"  .
 Virtues Used: compassion " Silent Compassion"  , unity " Spheres of Influence"  , detachment " Detachment"  , and generosity " Fun Fact Friday: Food and Generosity"  .
 Baha'i month names for the themes to use in Poems: Names, Might, Honor, Sovereignty, and Dominion.
 Week Day names for the themes to use in poems: Beauty, Perfection, , Majesty, Independence, and Glory.
 Virtues to Use: assertiveness, caring, cleanliness, commitment, confidence, consideration, cooperation, courage, courtesy, creativity, determination, diligence, enthusiasm, excellence, flexibility, friendliness, gentleness, helpfulness, honesty, honor, humility, idealism, integrity, joyfulness, justice, kindness, love, loyalty, moderation, modesty, orderliness, patience, peacefulness, perseverance, purposefulness, reliability, respect, responsibility, self-discipline, service, tact, thankfulness, tolerance, trust, trustworthiness, truthfulness, and understanding.
"Blogging Circle of Friends " DAY 1950: March 19, 2018: It's Motivational Monday, write about some good news that motivates or inspires you in your life, your town, your state, your country, or go to Good News Network or some other website and share some good news that interest you.
Footnotes Quoted in a flyer for the Devotional Service held at the Baha'i Center on Sunday, March 18, 2018. |