Istijlál (Majesty), 14 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness) - Thursday, March 15, 2018
The Fourteenth Day of Fast
"Beware lest ye harm any soul or make any heart to sorrow; lest ye wound any man with your words, be he known to you or a stranger, be he friend or foe. Pray ye for all; ask ye that all be blessed, all be forgiven.”
Poem for the Fourteenth Day of Fast
Supplicate the Almighty,
ask absolution
for both friend and foe,
for acquaintance,
for stranger,
for friend,
for family,
and for yourself.
Supplicate the Almighty,
ask forgiveness
morning and evening,
noon and midnight,
every hour of the day,
every hour of the night.
Themes for Poems Written During the 19-Day Fast
 Baha'i month or days of week names for the theme used in Poems: Splendor " First Day of the 19-Day Fast"  , Glory " Second Day of Fast"  , Will " Third Day of Fast"  , Beauty " Motavational Monday: The Fourth Day of Fast"  , Knowledge " Fifth Day of Fast"  , Justice " Midweek Reflections on Justice"  , Grandeur " Thankful Thursday: Gratitude List"  , Light " Eighth Day of Fast"  , Mercy " Ninth Day of Fast"  , Words " Tenth Day of Fast"  , Power " Motivational Monday: Eleventh Day of Fast"  , Grace " Twelfth Day of Fast"  , Perfection " Midweek Reflections on Thirteenth Day Of Fast"  , and forgiveness " Thankful Thursday the Fourthteenth Day of Fast"  .
 Virtues Used: compassion " Silent Compassion"  , unity " Spheres of Influence"  , and detachment " Detachment"  .
 Baha'i month names for the themes to use in Poems: Names, Might, Speech, Questions, Honor, Sovereignty, Dominion, and Loftiness.
 Week Day names for the themes to use in poems: Beauty, Perfection, , Majesty, Independence, and Glory.
 Virtues to Use: assertiveness, caring, cleanliness, commitment, assertiveness, caring, cleanliness, commitment, confidence, consideration, cooperation, courage, courtesy, creativity, determination, diligence, enthusiasm, excellence, flexibility, friendliness, generosity, gentleness, helpfulness, honesty, honor, humility, idealism, integrity, joyfulness, justice, kindness, love, loyalty, moderation, modesty, orderliness, patience, peacefulness, perseverance, purposefulness, reliability, respect, responsibility, self-discipline, service, tact, thankfulness, tolerance, trust, trustworthiness, truthfulness, understanding, and unity.confidence, consideration, cooperation, courage, courtesy, creativity, detachment, determination, diligence, enthusiasm, excellence, flexibility, forgiveness, friendliness, generosity, gentleness, helpfulness, honesty, honor, humility, idealism, integrity, joyfulness, justice, kindness, love, loyalty, moderation, modesty, orderliness, patience, peacefulness, perseverance, purposefulness, reliability, respect, responsibility, self-discipline, service, tact, thankfulness, tolerance, trust, trustworthiness, truthfulness, and understanding.
Footnotes Quoted in a flyer the March 18 Devotional Service at the Baha'i Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. |