Fiḍál (Grace), 12 ‘Alá’ (Loftiness) 174 B.E. - Tuesday, March 13, 2018
"Say: God sufficeth all things above all things, and nothing in the heavens or in the earth or in whatever lieth between them but God, thy Lord, sufficeth. Verily, He is in Himself the Knower, the Sustainer, the Omnipotent."
All-sufficing faith is faith in Baha'u'llah, who is the Manifestation of God for today. The quote is from the writings of The Bab, Baha'u'llah's forerunner, and it emphasizes that one must place one's entire trust in the Manifestation of God, who reflects the divine attributes to humanity. No matter what happens in a person's life, in my life, I know that Baha'u'llah reveals God. The only way to know the Almighty is through is Manifestation. Baha'u'llah is the fulfillment of all the divine prophecies of the past.
Themes for Poems Written During the 19-Day Fast
 Baha'i month or days of week names for the theme used in Poems: Splendor " First Day of the 19-Day Fast"  , Glory " Second Day of Fast"  , Will " Third Day of Fast"  , Beauty " Motavational Monday: The Fourth Day of Fast"  , Knowledge " Fifth Day of Fast"  , Justice " Midweek Reflections on Justice"  , Grandeur " Thankful Thursday: Gratitude List"  , Light " Eighth Day of Fast"  , Mercy " Ninth Day of Fast"  , Words " Tenth Day of Fast"  , Power " Motivational Monday: Eleventh Day of Fast"  , and Grace " Twelfth Day of Fast"  .
 Virtues Used: compassion " Silent Compassion"  and unity " Spheres of Influence"  .
 Baha'i month names for the themes to use in Poems: , Perfection, Names, Might, Speech, Questions, Honor, Sovereignty, Dominion, and Loftiness.
 Week Day names for the themes to use in poems: Beauty, Perfection, , Majesty, Independence, and Glory.
 Virtues to Use: assertiveness, caring, cleanliness, commitment, assertiveness, caring, cleanliness, commitment, confidence, consideration, cooperation, courage, courtesy, creativity, detachment, determination, diligence, enthusiasm, excellence, flexibility, forgiveness, friendliness, generosity, gentleness, helpfulness, honesty, honor, humility, idealism, integrity, joyfulness, justice, kindness, love, loyalty, moderation, modesty, orderliness, patience, peacefulness, perseverance, purposefulness, reliability, respect, responsibility, self-discipline, service, tact, thankfulness, tolerance, trust, trustworthiness, truthfulness, understanding, and unity.confidence, consideration, cooperation, courage, courtesy, creativity, detachment, determination, diligence, enthusiasm, excellence, flexibility, forgiveness, friendliness, generosity, gentleness, helpfulness, honesty, honor, humility, idealism, integrity, joyfulness, justice, kindness, love, loyalty, moderation, modesty, orderliness, patience, peacefulness, perseverance, purposefulness, reliability, respect, responsibility, self-discipline, service, tact, thankfulness, tolerance, trust, trustworthiness, truthfulness, and understanding.
Poem Written on the Twelfth Day of Fast
I ponder God's grace
give thanks for the appearance
of The Bab and Baha'u'llah;
the fulfillment of divine prophecies.
Footnotes Selections from the Writings of the Báb, “Rid thou thyself of all attachments to aught except God, …” |