Each portfolio holds a lot of information that is not obvious at first glance.
It requires some light and maneuvering.
It is recommended that you already be familiar with your Portfolio and Biography Tab.
If not, please go to "Portfolio ~ Setting it Up"
Shall we get started?
Part I -Take a look at another member's portfolio.
1. And the envelope, please. Click here ▼
Notice the envelope behind the name. If it is white, then they are on-line. If it is gray, they are either not on-line or have their account access set on Private. To confirm that they are on or off, hover your cursor over the envelope. It will give you their username and tell you their current status.
2. What secrets are in the suitcase? Click here ▼
In front of the envelope is the suitcase. It is the same thing that is on the corner of a member's portfolio image.
Why are the suitcases different colors?
Pink is for a Senior Moderator - Blue is a Moderator - Yellow is a Preferred Author - Black is a Registered Author - and gray is a Registered User.
When a new member creates an item in their portfolio, their case color will automatically change from Gray to Black.
For information about the prerequisites for a "Yellow Case," click on this link: "Promotion to Preferred Author"
For information about promotions to "Blue and Pink Cases," Click on this link: "Promotion to Moderator"
Occasionally you will see a "White Case." Those are members who have passed away. See "Request a Deceased Member Be Memorialized"  for more information.
What is the image inside the case about?
Click on My Account on the left-side margin of the screen. Then near the top, click on Costumicons. Here you have a bunch of images to choose from to decorate your suitcase.
NOTE: You must have an Upgraded Membership Level to use these.
If you hover over a member's case, you will see the date that he/she joined, the last time they were on, and at the top, the username.
Part II - Take a look at your own portfolio.
It is assumed that you are already familiar with your Portfolio and Biography Tab.
3. What shape are you in? Click here ▼
Above the portfolio image, click on the Stats & Info
Go exploring.
Portfolio size >> Show Item Summary displays the % of what is being stored in your portfolio.
Photo Storage >> Go to Photos will show you all your photos.
Go To Stats and see who has viewed your port and the rating they gave.
4. What's been going on? Click here ▼
The COMMUNITY Tab shows how the member has been involved on WDC.
Listed under Member Activity you will see a numerical record of the types of activities in which they have participated.
The other column is the numerical record of their Community Recognition.
Below that you will see the the images of the merit badges and awardicons.
Click on a badge or ribbon and a window will pop up, showing why it was given and by whom.
To the left is the column called Merit Badge Summary with the number of each badge given.
Scroll to the bottom and click on View Badge Checklist. It shows which ones have been given and which have not.
You will notice that some can not be given. Those are exclusive and are associated with a group, forum or individual.
For more information, click on "Merit Badges"
5. Let's review your reviewing. Click here ▼
Click on the REVIEW Tab.
You will see this grouping of words.
Requests: Incoming | Outgoing · Ratings: Received | Given · Stats
Reviews: Pending Response ( ) | Received | Given · Review Tool
Click on the individual words to get information.
For more information go to "Reviews Tab"
6. What notes have you left?. Click here ▼
The NOTEBOOK Tab has notes that other members can read.
Anything you put in your own Notebook Tab will show up on the Community Newsfeed
If, however, you leave a note in another member's Notebook, only they will see it. This is a quick and easy way to say hello to somebody, congratulate them, or to share something that you have in common.
Here is a link with more information. "Notebook Tab"
7. Do you have Blog?. Click here ▼
The BLOG Tab takes you directly to your blog.
For information about blogs go to "Blog Tab"
8. Last tab is the Arrow Tab.. Click here ▼
When you click on that tab, two additional tabs will drop down.
FANS has to do with the Favorites list. It will show who you have fanned, and who has fanned you.
For more information, go to "Invalid Item"
SLIDERS is an interactive magnetic poetry board that visitors can play with.
For instructions go to "Sliders Tab"
Need assistance.
"Getting Started #3 - Account Settings" 
"Invalid Item" :
"Newbie Help & Support Writer's Hideaway" E: A discussion forum to help Newbies by answering questions about writing, reviewing & more
"Technical Support Forum" 13+: Members help other members with technical questions and problems using Writing.Com!
Collaborator: South West Sophie |