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When I wish not write, I come here. To relieve my thoughts. |
The Manuscript ~ The lessons ~ The steam As I learn more about this “Blog” stuff, I prefer my method. Plain text! I say that because I’ve seen Blogs that look like websites (even though by ‘definition’ a Blog is a regularly updated website or webpage). I have hosted a small variety of websites over the years, mostly community ones, updated every day. Never knew anything about a “Blog”…. That is not why I am here though, unleashing random steam, or thoughts. I haven’t written in a while, I’m not completely sure why. I do have a lot going on in my life, still, I could force smaller pieces of time so I could write. I feel that affects the quality of my work, and my learning as well. I know, not writing for long periods and throwing out randomness is not helpful to my efforts either. Why am I am here, blogging at the moment, I needed to let the words out of course. Many built up now from far and near. New thoughts present with those that still exist. It’s like my mind is doing the tango, or is it the twist? I had a manuscript stolen recently, my first actually. It wasn’t finished, only several chapters in. It was my first novel in creation, one I’m sure will win. Lucky for me though the pages are lost, my memory still recalls the sights, scenes and sounds of that place that is so dear. That in and of itself would be a short story, what happened to draft number one. This is why I’m here blogging, I have a little time to write. This form of relief helps me decide which path is right. I have a confession, I have been thinking about someone. More than I should, our paths crossed yes, in a manner forced by human nature. Not Mother Nature. My best analogy would be thinking about a coworker. We don’t work together, we are working on a project together. I know there’s that “if it’s meant to be it will be” path. Still, I find my mind wandering time and again, of an equal Spirit. Equal meaning alike, the same in most manners. What will be will be, if it is or is not, we shall see. It was and still is refreshing to feel the sense of another’s soul, and it’s feeling is of kind. With that in mind I breath a sigh of relief. I’ve let it out, a thought that can not seem to escape, a welcoming mind. On to the ’ important’ stuff; My email here reminds me to update my blog, almost every day. Takes me a few minutes to delete months’ worth of repeat emails “Update your blog!” I should remember to look for that setting sometime…. With being busy comes many distractions, I would enjoy nothing more than writing to support myself, I’m not there yet. I’m also distracted, There are many things pulling on me all at once. Something positive, I’m going to the west coast in a few weeks. I’ll see the Pacific Ocean for the first time. I’m looking forward to that. I’ll be out there for a month, on business mixed with a little pleasure I am sure. That is one of my newer positive distractions as it is still weeks away, a most welcome event. Maybe next time I’ll write about my first time flying a remote control drone with HD camera onboard. It didn’t go as I thought it would. |