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Daily devotions of Christian scripture and encouragement |
They are rare, those truly holy moments. You know the ones I speak of. They are moments that take you by surprise, they sneak up on you, they crack your heart. It's different for every person, but it's that moment you feel a connection to something beyond yourself—something that you feel has so much bigness behind it that you don't have words to express it. In fact, you don't even dare find the words because they would somehow belittle the moment. I was sitting in Sunday Worship one Father's Day. To my right was my youngest son and his wife. Next to me, on a church seat far to big for him, was my 4-yr-old grandson whose simple desire was just to sit next to his grandfather. On my lap was my 6-year-old grandson, both of whom I hadn't held in a year and a half. The church was praying for a national tragedy. I had one hand resting on the top of my youngest grandson, my older grandson was holding my hand with his head bowed. That's when it ran through me, one of those holy moments. It wasn't because we happened to be sitting in church. It could have been anywhere, at anytime. Suddenly I felt a connection through time, through three generations. It was a connection through space, through a nation that was grieving and praying for lost brothers and sisters. I felt a connection to something larger, much larger. It was so immense that there can be only one name for it and that name is God. My heart fractured and tears filled my eyes. I wanted the moment, that feeling, those emotions to last forever. That is not how this world works, and everything moved on. Mountaintop experiences are rare. We spend most of our time in the valleys of life. I can, however, find solace in the faith that tells me something beyond measure is out there. It's something holy that will come again because God is always with us. He has sent his Spirit to dwell among us and comfort us with those holy moments. Some people call it kairos, the supreme moment, an understated moment that's meant to get our attention or the attention of others who witness it, to let us know that God has put his fingerprint on us. Others call it the manifestation of God. While He is omnipresent and with us always, there are times when He manifests His presence in a more direct and obvious way. Still others call it a God-stop. Something that makes us slam on the brakes and realize we almost missed something of great value. I have that remembered moment stored within me, which has made me more aware of others to follow. It's something of which every Christian should be aware and be willing to testify of it's impact. God's presence is always evident—He is everywhere, and there can be no excuse for anyone to have missed Him. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. – Romans 1:18-20 Keywords: God-Stop, Holy, Manifestation, Mountaintops, Valleys Comment publicly to Writing.com community below, or comment privately to: ehwharton@Writing.com |