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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#838522 added January 12, 2015 at 8:58pm
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20th Century Inventions, Compassion & Million Dollar Dreams
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Wildcard Monday

Besides communication or media devices (computers, televisions, phones, etc.) and advancements in transportation, what invention or inventions of the 20th century are you most grateful for, and why?

Washing machines, vacuums, dishwashers - anything that makes life a little easier and less time consuming. These things have to be done, might as well make them as painless as possible. If only the vacuum could do it on its own - well there is that robot one, but I am not sure how great that is.

I would also add cars because you can get around to farther distances easier...and planes to fly off to warmer climates at this time of year.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 314

Prompt: What do you think β€œcompassion” is? Can one show compassion even for one’s worst enemy?

One definition comes up with - "sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others."

This link was interesting - http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/topic/compassion/definition

'Darwin thought that compassion was our strongest instinct.' according to Dacher Keltner, author of Born To Be Good.
The site also lists many of the benefits of being compassionate - less stress, stronger immune system, less lonely. A connectedness, of sorts.

Many definitions add that their is a need to help or reduce those sufferings by giving assistance.

I would say I have a high level of compassion - I am sensitive to others and desire to help when they are in pain or suffering.
Showing compassion to our enemies... now that is a challenge, but it is one that if we are able to, it brings more light and love into the world. To live and love like Jesus. To be the hands, feet and hearts of God - moving to heal this broken world.

I think what must come first is forgiveness - this frees up the energy space to be sympathetic and compassionate. Without forgiveness towards our enemy we can not more beyond the pain they caused us. We may never forget, but we must let the pain go and surrender giving way to forgiveness. Then we need to see our enemy as human. We need to find a way to make a human connection with them that will allow compassion to enter. We may question why they became this way? What made them behave this way? Separating behaviour from the person may help - trying to see the person not the behavoiurs.

Even with challenging children one must separate behaviour from the child themselves - the behaviour communicates something and we need to discover what that need is and try to help them find a way to ask for that need in a more socially appropriate way.

But with enemies.... I suppose the same aspect is true. Look for the humanity. Try to understand and suspend judgement. When our enemies are terrorists it is challenging. I think it is easier to open ourselves to compassion for the families and friends who experienced tragic loss. To stand by them in solidarity and let the enemy know their behaviour is not going to be tolerated.

I am not sure if I can give a terrorist compassion. All we can do is pray their hearts will turn and find love, not war.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Fifty - Six

5. If you won a million dollars what are the top five things you would do with the money?

I think I would have a house built that incorporated the landscape and allowed me to have a library and an area to read and write where I could commune with nature. A house with a beautiful view and a lake of pure pristine water. Given that this house would be a distance from the city, I would need transportation (helicopter or plane) and a licence to fly to get me back to my car.

I would make sound investments so that I could pour my energies into my creative outlets and give writing a full chance to develop. Income would come from those investments and from the writing I am able to carve out. Not having to work unless I wanted to would be a bonus.

Having a place in the city would also be great for times when I want to be more social. It would also be great if I wanted to just be in the hub of life. Something in the heart of the city - a condo down at Harbourfront in Toronto, would be fabulous.

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