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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2002599
My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so.
#829624 added October 1, 2014 at 10:12pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about October...my kinda love.
30DBC PROMPT: October is an unofficial month.

What's up y'all? It's been a minute since I updated this thing, hasn't it? It becomes easier once you skip a day to skip another, and another...but I still love you, so it's all good. Besides, I've been busy with school, and since Lyn's a Witchy Woman and I are judging September's round of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, I figured it'd be best if I didn't take the shine away from the talented crop of entries.

Speaking of the 30DBC, in case you missed it, here's the lowdown on how September's gonna play out: "Regarding October (and September)..."  . I haven't forgotten about you! I've managed to catch a few entries here and there between classes, if you were so lucky enough to show up in my newsfeed...but I admit I've been lax in my ability to keep things straight and orderly in regards to the scoring aspect. That'll change next week, when school's on "fall break" and I won't need an alarm to tell me it's time to wake up. Them days are the best. *Wink*

That said, I'm not sure how October's gonna work...will chaos ensue? I haven't looked yet at the 30DBC forum to see what's happening, but I've already seen a few people on board for this month, so I guess we've gotta do somethin', right? I was too wrapped up in September to even think about October *Blush*...guess we've got a good thing goin'.

BCF PROMPT: "What is your favorite thing about October? Write a story or poem. Be creative and have fun."

It's a magical time of year...
She's only legit if her iPhone screen is cracked.

I guess I never thought about October that way; what do I like about it? It's a month. What's to like about a month? Sure, there's the whole "changing leaves" thing, but if you're on the other side of the world you're not privy to that this time of year. Football's in full swing, baseball will see the winner of the World Series, and hockey's about to start...but if you don't like sports that means nothing to you.

What we've seen in recent years though is the "holiday-ification" of everything. Products going to market are geared to take advantage of seasons. Look at your local stores...doesn't there seem to be a theme in certain aisles, and even some specific products? It used to be that Christmas was the one time of year where everything was decked out in red, green and gold; money was no object because hey, gift giving and all. All other holidays were relegated to Charlie Brown specials on TV. But now, in the age where everyone gets a trophy for participating, there's a damn near public outcry if your religious observance isn't acknowledged by the grocery store.

Halloween is a good example. When I was a kid, you'd go to a store and select your plastic costume with an ill-fitting mask that you could barely see through that made your face sweat like you never knew sweat could sweat. In fact, all through growing up and playing sports, I've never experienced a similar type of sweat that only a face could sweat under those masks. If I didn't know any better, I'd say those costumes were designed by someone who hated children. But now, instead of costumes, retailers are all about the candy. Wanna buy Reese's peanut butter cups? Sure...but you have to buy the special "treat" bags if you want the best deal (and don't get me started on Reese's seasonal offerings, where there's a significantly higher peanut butter to chocolate ratio). Pumpkins and bats and witches and ghosts on everything. Fuck that...I want my goods to come without an emblem signifying when I purchased it.

And then there's the whole "pumpkin spice" craze. Are you kiddin' me? Now damn near everything comes "pumpkin flavored". I'm calling bullshit on that. You know what a pumpkin looks like. It's a gourd; the same vegetable family as squash. In other words, it's gross. It has no discernible flavor. Why do we have pumpkin pies and not squash pies? Simple. Ain't no good way to doctor up a squash, no matter how much cinnamon, nutmeg, and brown sugar ya got. Yet this is acceptable for pumpkins? I don't get it, even though I love a good pumpkin pie (albeit with a heavy dose of Redi-whip). Who decided this needed to be a universal autumn thing?

Now you can get "pumpkin"-flavored whatevers every time you to turn around in a store, and that's not a good thing...in fact, it's misleading. Nobody bites into a pumpkin like they would an apple. Why am I led to believe that anything pumpkin-esque should be appetizing? It's not the pumpkin I'm tasting; it's the spice(s). A concoction. A sham. Perpetuated, no doubt, by some silly, stupid white girl in yoga pants who loves this time of year because she can identify it with and justify her trips to Starbucks.

And as contradictory as it sounds, it's the girl in yoga pants (the new-age "sweatpants") that I love the most about this time of year. The thought that she's casual and confident enough in herself to not care that a creepy ogler like me would check out her ass in the yoga pants she doesn't do yoga in. Everybody wins; where's my trophy? *Laugh*


** Image ID #2010042 Unavailable **

How skewed would the modern music industry be if Andrew Wood hadn't OD'd on heroin? This is the bridge between the glammy shit-pop "hard rock" of the 80's and the grunge outbreak in the 90's. If Mother Love Bone was the "next great thing", there might not have been a Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, etc. We'd be stuck watching Poison and Motley Crue...oh wait...we kinda still are. But this was next-level game before its time; all the 80's glam with post-rock musicianship. And I freaking love this, so don't judge me because it fits me, or whatever (find another reason to judge me).

"This is my kinda love; it's the kind that moves on.
It's the kind that leaves me alone."
Lyrics and interpretations.  


Blog City image small

*Ghost* "If you could be anyone or anything this Halloween, who or what would you want to be? Why?"

I don't "do" Halloween, because I've got better things to do than play pretend or scrounge for candy. It's just another fucking day to me, and it has nothing to do with me overdosing on candy as a child. And I'll probably be too wrapped up in real life stuff this year to give a shit about another 10/31.

That's not to say that I don't care about Halloween...priorities, my man.

When I'm down for something, I go all-in. It might take me awhile to convince myself to get into a "costume" of sorts, but once that happens, I get all boo-yah   about it. I'm either zero percent, or overboard.

My 2009 Halloween costume.
2009's corporate rock whore, and yes, that's my real hair.

While it'd be cool to be someone else's Halloween date, I have no patience now for other people and I don't wish to learn any. Unless your ass outperforms yoga pants. Then we can maybe talk.

*Pencil* So I did the group-share thing and opened up "Black Monday Moon for perusal...and it basically got slammed. Some points were good and unintentional (conjunctions), and poetry nerds fucking collapsed everything I fucking care about when I decide to write anything. Smart people can kiss my ass.

*Mail* I am now a partaker in Elle - on hiatus 's Snail Mail group, and I can't wait to infect my scribblings concealed as words on someone! And who doesn't like mail that isn't bills, statements, or garbage?

*Frown* Because also I'm done with writing now and I'm bored. Click this if you hate people as much as I do.  

And just like that, I smashed up another blog entry. Shoulda been doin' that all along. Peace, not a pretty sight, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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