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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/829251
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#829251 added September 27, 2014 at 2:23pm
Restrictions: None
Pick Up Lines & Memory Aids
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Creation Saturday
You've heard people talk about WORST PICK UP LINES. On creation Saturday, we are going to create a scene where one character delivers the worst line to another. You create the worst line and deliver it from characters you created. Have fun!

"You sure are a tall glass of water."

The words dribbled out of the man's mouth leaving a distilled feeling to settle in her stomach. She turned back to him and felt squeamish at his swarmy grin. He raised his beer towards her in an attempt at a salute.

She wanted to ask, "What the hell does that mean, anyway." but bit her tongue to keep the disdain in check. She was still hoping a tip would be forthcoming. No sense pissing off the customers even if many of them gave her the heebeejeebees. 'Smile and walk away.' she told herself and did just that.

Back at the bar she placed her order, then settled a moment to take in the scene. Dark and dim hung heavy and the smoke from careless smokers curled and rose like a winsome snake making its way to its next victim. Its grey wisps swirling in the lights directed at the stage like a fog.

Tonight's band was not half bad. Her eyes strayed to the stage and flitted over each member. The guitarist thrust about rocking his tune to the hard beat of the drummer hidden back in the corner. The lead singer played his own guitar with focused intent then looked up to sing. His eyes caught and held her's a moment before she swiveled back to collect her order then make her way through the mass of tables.

Being laden down with the tray of drinks signaled the more slick to reach out and pat her ass. She'd love to dump the tray on them, but that would take a chunk out of her pay and probably leave her out on the street, jobless. She had already received enough warnings from Grenby, her boss, about not being okay with it. She could not bring herself to flirt back and laugh it off like the other waitresses. They had been at it for years and had a way about them that seemed to work for them. She did manage to paste a smile on her face and tried to avoid the biggest culprits.

At a table by the stage, she turned so that she did not block the entertaiment as she distributed her drinks and collected her money. A hand squirreled its way over her hip and jerked her close so that she fell into his lap, alcohol wafted up at her as the man gave her a wicked gleam.

"How bout a kiss there little lady... you look sweet enough to lick."

Just as his tongue came out, Ali felt herself propelled back. Grateful, yet disoriented she watched as the lead singer of the band let her go and plowed the man who still flicked his tongue with snake - like grotesqueness. The man's head whipped back and before he could utter any kind of verbal comeback his buddies were on their feet ready to take the singer apart.

Out of the shadows, Ross and Andy emerged to quash any undue tussle. Their solid wall of muscle barricaded any further assault. With ease, they escorted the three drunken men and their sprawled friend out of the building.

Before climbing up on the stage, the singer turned and fastened his lightening blue gaze onto her, "You, okay?"

She shook her head and he moved closer a look of genuine concern etched into his features as he held her gaze.

"You should not have done that. Grenby will fire you."

His lips twisted up at one corner and a dimple flashed as he relaxed back against the stage's step. "Not a worry. But are you okay?"

She nodded unable to say a thing as his concerned gaze held hers.

Moving off to the side she let him climb the step and grab up his guitar. She flet his gaze follow her into the black depths of the bar. It was only when she reached those shadows that she was able resume her regular breathing and calm her heart rate that had been spurned on more from the look in his eyes than the rough trussle with the drunk.

Back at the bar, Glory siddled up beside her and wrapped a comforting arm around her. "You okay, sweetie?"

Ali managed a weak smile and nodded, "Grenby will be pissed."

"Hell, no doll. He ain't. He had Ross and Andy watching those asses for awhile now. Think he expected something..."

"But the singer..."

"Grady Pike is a big boy, besides Grenby's his uncle."

Ali looked over at her wide eyed.

"He may be a horse's ass but he still has family... he's been bugging Grady to come play here for awhile. I'd say tonight was your lucky night."

Ali laughed though not sure where her 'luck' truly was coming from, but she let her fears slip away and looked back towards the band.
Grady was still looking in her direction as he say. Taking moment to really listen, she felt her heart lighten. They really were quite good and his voice played at her heart strings.

"That boy is going places.... heard he and his band just got signed on for some big recording contract."

Ali pulled her gaze away and shook her senses back into place. This was no time to dream, she needed to get back to work.

The rest of the evening seemed to improve. Ali found the usual reprobates escorted out if they did not behave themselves and she also noted a few newcomers. A younger crowd, mostly women who siddled up by the stage to get a better view of the band. She even noted Grenby looking a might happier as he took in the vast expanse of his club.

As the evening drew to a close, Ali moved through the tables wiping them down and collecting up stray bottles and debris. The usual crowd cleared ou, ,but a few stragglers, the younger woman, stuck around the stage batting their eye lashes and pouring out their sexy, trying to entice the guys in the band. Ali rolled her eyes at the display.

Back at the bar, Grenby was counting up the nights profits and divvying up the tips. "Good haul tonight." he mumbled. "Better crowd... figured that boy'd be worth something."

That boy moved up beside her at the bar. When she shifted to look at him her heart ramped up and her breath held. The smile her gave her flipped her stomach as his dimples winked at her. She managed to smile back.

"Glad you can appreciate me." Grady said shifting his eyes to his uncle.

The older man grunted, then surprisingly turned a small smile on for a brief flicker.

"Oh, my... the man can smile." Glory crowed as she fell into the stool beside Ali.

"Watch it..." Grenby warned, but she waved him off and laughed.

Grady looked back at Ali capturing her eyes with his own. "Can I take you out for coffee?"

Startled she looked at him wide eyed, then began to shake her head, "I have classes..."

"Monday, Ali. You have classes Monday... why not relax a little... Live a little...a bit of coffee with a nice kid like Grady..." Glory began to point out. Looking at Grady, she added, "this girl works too damn hard."

Ali let the laugh that bubbled out of her erupt, smiling over at Grady she agreed to coffee. Yes, she'd live a little....even if was for just one night.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 208

Prompt: The _______________ helps me remember. I don't what helps you but I would like to know....

Lists and notes to myself help me to remember. The process of taking the time to write something down helps solidify it in my mind. It makes it less likely that I will forget, but it also gives me a visual if I do.

I have a day planner that holds my lists and I check off my accomplishments... it helps to see a hard copy of what I have managed to do when I often feel I have done very little.

© Copyright 2014 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/829251